Dec 23, 2006 18:46
I'm not much of a writer on my blog, I like to keep to myself and don't feel the need to promote myself or put myself over. This holiday season I feel like sharing something very few know.
June 12, 2004 I worked a match for PWF in Davie, FL. At the time I had a gut feeling, but didn't want to accept the fact that this was my last match of my career. It turns out it was. I worked against a good friend of mine, Frankie Capone now known as Francisco Ciatso. We had a falls count anywhere match. It wasn't anything special as I wasn't at my best, but we pulled it off.
For the next few weeks I even gave thought to a gimmick change. I was going to do a sort of Abdullah the Butcher mad man gimmick. I was only fooling myself. Shortly there after I announced my retirement from the sport I so loved, but didn't love me back.
At the time I announced my retirement I was deathly ill. I had also gained a lot of weight. From October 2004 through April 2006 I was in and out of the hospital no less than 6 times. I was admitted for weeks at a time. I had a bad infection in my legs. The hospital dropped the ball on my treatment, always releasing me and never curing me 100%. So when the pain became unbearable from the infection, I went to the ER and would be admitted again. Starting January 2005 I began receiving treatments from the rehab center at the hospital on an outpatient basis. I would go 2 times a week for treatment. My legs would be wrapped in a sort of soft cast from the toes to the knees 24 hours a day. Because of this I wasn't allowed to shower. So I had to use a wash cloth to clean myself. During this time I had gained more weight and was over 700 pounds. I put wrestling out of my mind, I would never work again, I couldn't walk and the pain I was in made daily living a hell. I was as close to being bed ridden as you can be.
Finally the worse had happened, the infection spread to my lungs and throughout my body. I was rushed to the hospital on April 19, 2006. I was put on the strongest IV antibiotics they had. There was talk of amputating my left leg. Thankfully they were able to save it and FINALLY cure me 100% of the infection.
I was released 2 weeks later and was on home healthcare for another 2 weeks. For the first time in 2 years, I wasn't in constant pain. I was able to sleep, but best of all shower. I was beginning to see the light. I was able to work out again and the weight started dropping off.
During this time, wrestling again never crossed my mind, but as the weeks passed by and I began to feel better than I had in years, I got the urge to wrestle again. I needed to get in wrestling shape now. I worked hard in the gym. I turned my entire life around.
The end of September 2006 I got the greatest news ever in my life. Zero 1-MAX in Japan wanted to use me on their longest tour of the year. A grueling 17 day, 10 match up and down the country tour. Tour results.
This was the break I was waiting for. I was able to work and be around the likes of Tanaka, Otani, Omori and Bambikiller. Japan is a beautiful place and they welcomed me with open arms.
In a matter of 6 months, I went from my death bed to working main event shows against Tanaka-san, Otani-san, Omori-san in Japan. No one can ever take this away from me. No one can ever say I wasn't good enough or I don't belong in this business.
The main reason for this blog is this. In 2 weeks on January 6, 2007 I make my return to the ring in Florida for the first time in 31 months. My return is at the same exact venue as my last match in Florida. The circle is complete. Anything I do after January 6, 2007 is just the icing on the cake cliche. I returned to the sport I love and have lost so much due to. I beat incredible odds to do this. Like me or hate me, I hope you can appreciate the odds I've beaten.
Thank you to all my family, friends and fans.
Thank you to Bambi Killer for believing in me. Thank you to Steve Corino for being a good friend and treating me with respect. Thank you to all the Japanese fans. Thank you to my friend Micky for treating me like a King when I was in Japan. Thank you to Tanaka-san, Otani-san, Omori-san and all the boys of Zero 1-MAX. Thank you for accepting me and treating me like an equal. Thank you to Dr. Cohen for saving my life.
I'm humbled, yet happy.
Merry Christmas and Hapy New Year.