A very Happy Birthday to you,
jacquesmoineau, may this new year bring you lots of good karma and photography exhibits! *breaks yellow-seal Madeira cask and hugs* (hee, I have a shiny "The Three Musketeers" Russian movie version freshly landed here with gorgeous Alexander Trofimov as the object of our affection, I´ll think of you when I watch it this weekend *g*g*)
And a most Happy Birthday to you,
novin_ha, my favourite fellow Cardinalist and Eastern European: may your dearest wish come true! *hugs, and cracks open huge flask of Sliwowitz*
The pot of paint arrived today,
neddy_s, it´s exactly the right colour and it´s in perfect condition, thank you very, very much!!
Aaaand a very much yearned-for cardinal red DVD arrived today as well... and I´m hugging it and dancing round the office wishing I could go home and watch it straight away... thank you so much,
esteven, I just can´t wait to enjoy it!!! (and I alredy suspect it´s going to become a regular feature of my free time, much like M&C).
So today, an all-around Wheeeeeeeeee!
izmeina, I´m going to try and set up you-know-what right away, and add you as soon as it´s up, OK? EDIT: it´s up, check your email :) )