Oct 31, 2004 18:50
Life sure is silly and wonderfull and always with the surprises. But, yeah playing it day by day, but feeling great. Things are starting to get ironed out and get back to normal, well as normal as my life can get. Certainly been a week of revelations and stuff. Had a good Devil's Night, interesting parties. Things might be a bit shaky on the home front for a bit, cuz of some of the party-goers. But, it was worth seeing alot of friends, even some came down from LA. Who I haven't seen in a loong time. Crazy night, ended weird ("on-the-wagon" roomie freaked out, cuz someone was smoking pot in the back yard) but it's all ok. Just need to watch my guest list next time. the other party in Covina was good too, lotsa costumes, even had some kids dressed up the Furies gang from THE WARRIORS (awesome 80's cult movie). Ok, off on adventure unknown tonight. been cleaning all day and I'm not waitin on anyone else. Anyways, get A PERFECT CIRCLE: eMOTIVE on Tuesday, cuz it's fuckin rocks!!!
"Nunc scio quit sit amor."
[to a portrait of Margaret Thatcher]
The Prime Minister : "Did you ever have this kind of problem? Yeah - of course you did, you saucy minx."
"Life is like a three-legged midget: short, funny to look at and moves in strange ways."