A talk with a long-time friend.

Apr 18, 2019 19:35

The_Chief (3:51:10 AM): Sure.

You may end up liking Clarissa--she's a little nuts, butles over-the-top than my usual characters.
The_Chief (3:51:17 AM): [fucking snow]
AmbassadorD (3:51:24 AM): Have you read Dresden Codak?
The_Chief (3:51:25 AM): (*but less)
The_Chief (3:51:28 AM): No
The_Chief (3:51:29 AM): .
AmbassadorD (3:52:52 AM): http://dresdencodak.com/cartoons/a_hob_07.jpg
AmbassadorD (3:52:53 AM): sample
The_Chief (3:55:02 AM): ...not a fucking thing in the world that I think of hasn't been done before, has it?
AmbassadorD (3:55:10 AM): Nosir.
AmbassadorD (3:55:24 AM): I learned to take this point for granted.
The_Chief (3:55:34 AM): Permission to drive my head through my monitor, sir
AmbassadorD (3:55:49 AM): Denied, I still have a lot of use for what's in that head.
AmbassadorD (3:55:59 AM): However, you can bring it here.
The_Chief (3:56:23 AM): I can smash my head through one of *your* monitors?
AmbassadorD (3:56:32 AM): I have eight.
The_Chief (3:56:32 AM): (why is Kimiko so hot)
AmbassadorD (3:56:41 AM): (Because she's a smart girl)
The_Chief (3:57:57 AM): Sweet! So I can smash my head through *two* monitors!
AmbassadorD (3:58:09 AM): But not until you get here.
The_Chief (3:58:15 AM): This sucks. First I strive for perfection, and fail. Now I can't even think of a single original concept! :)
AmbassadorD (3:58:51 AM): Sarah: "Nothing is impossible!"
The_Chief (3:59:05 AM): June: You're hardly perfect.
AmbassadorD (4:00:15 AM): Sarah: "But I'm getting there bit by bit!"
The_Chief (4:00:38 AM): June: So you like to delude yourself.
The_Chief (4:01:04 AM): June: No offense, it's just that I learned to not bother trying long ago. Shame my author hasn't grasped the concept yet. It's quite liberating when you do
The_Chief (4:01:05 AM): .
AmbassadorD (4:01:59 AM): Sarah: "I tried that once... y'know, giving up. After a few weeks I stopped trying and just went with the usual never backing down thing."
AmbassadorD (4:02:36 AM): Melanie: "You just need a bigger baseball bat. That solves all life's problems."
The_Chief (4:02:56 AM): June: ...(scoffs) Lamers, the both of you. (walks off)
AmbassadorD (4:03:45 AM): Sarah: "..."
AmbassadorD (4:06:14 AM): Melanie: "She's just got the wrong default gear. When the going gets rough she stops."
AmbassadorD (4:06:43 AM): Melanie: "You don't need purpose to do things, you do things because things are what you do."
AmbassadorD (4:06:59 AM): Sarah: "...that doesn't make any sense...'
The_Chief (4:07:03 AM): [Is it just me, or is there a blatant Solid Snake ripoff in this cartoon?]
AmbassadorD (4:07:17 AM): [There're millions of ripoffs in there.
The_Chief (4:07:37 AM): [god this originality concept makes no seeeeeeeeeeeeense]
The_Chief (4:08:00 AM): [at least with fanfiction, there are no pretenses to be had. you're not deluding yourself into thinking you're *not* copying something]
AmbassadorD (4:08:26 AM): Well, lemme tell you my angle.
The_Chief (4:08:36 AM): It's just not mathemattically sound! :)
AmbassadorD (4:08:54 AM): It's based on Jungian theory, it'd better not be mathematical.
The_Chief (4:09:18 AM): There is exactly one character I've ever created who was not a video game character ripoff.
The_Chief (4:09:40 AM): Or a TV show character ripoff. Really, I'm checking my mind right now and coming up blank except for one.
AmbassadorD (4:11:33 AM): Well, the way I see it, originality is a human concept wrongly created to name a theoretical phenomenon that's not only impossible, but doesn't exist anywhere.
AmbassadorD (4:11:54 AM): It's like me coming up with the New and Improved Pocket Frammistor Mark II.
The_Chief (4:12:03 AM): Oh no, not again. This is just like perfection!
AmbassadorD (4:12:14 AM): Well yeah, it is.
The_Chief (4:13:15 AM): Damn it!

Junkie: Damn it!

June: Damn it!

Jessica: Disappointing, but likely.

Rachel: God, you're all easy quitters.
AmbassadorD (4:13:34 AM): Trying to be perfect or trying to be completely original is in no way any different from trying to become God.
AmbassadorD (4:14:23 AM): What's original really? It's something new. Something never before seen or tried or done.
The_Chief (4:14:42 AM): Exactly! Original rocks.
AmbassadorD (4:14:45 AM): There's nothing that's never been seen or tried or done.
AmbassadorD (4:14:49 AM): Take music.
AmbassadorD (4:15:00 AM): There are billions of songs in the world.
AmbassadorD (4:15:04 AM): Billions.
AmbassadorD (4:15:59 AM): But y'know what? They all break down into the same building blocks. The same wavelengths and frequencies and amplitudes of mechanical waves are found in it all. It's just how you arrange what's already there.
AmbassadorD (4:16:24 AM): How about if you write something...?
AmbassadorD (4:17:12 AM): Good crikey there are hundreds of thousands of words in English, and you can for billions of billions of billions of sentences with them, and from those...? Infinite examples of prose.
AmbassadorD (4:17:27 AM): *can form
AmbassadorD (4:19:20 AM): But again - any piece of writing due to basic rules of grammar will contain repetitions of similar things. Sure it might be two books sharing a smattering of article-noun pairings or having a few common prepositional phrases, one author might even concoct a witty euphemism for something nobody had thought of before. But y'know what? It's still all the same arrangements of the same words, right?
AmbassadorD (4:20:02 AM): Creativity isn't creation at all. It's witty arrangement.
AmbassadorD (4:20:50 AM): The closest thing in all the world to originality in the strictest sense in any art form is putting the pieces together in a way unfamiliar to the audience.
AmbassadorD (4:21:04 AM): Am I making any sense at all?
The_Chief (4:21:54 AM): Some. I'm guessing it's because of the type of audience I am that I see similarly geeky writers and hate not knowing that I'm first to a concept.
The_Chief (4:22:09 AM): It's amazing and saddening that we all think so alike.
AmbassadorD (4:22:27 AM): Actually, for us psych-types, it's a relief.
AmbassadorD (4:22:45 AM): If no one in the world thought alike our field wouldn't exist.
The_Chief (4:22:53 AM): Us computer-scientist types *hate* that. :D
The_Chief (4:23:00 AM): Hell, scientist-types in *general*.
AmbassadorD (4:23:20 AM): W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-
AmbassadorD (4:23:39 AM): Dude the very definition and purpose of science is the discovery of patterns!
AmbassadorD (4:23:51 AM): And the adaptation of those patterns into models!
AmbassadorD (4:24:31 AM): [wooooo, combination of caffiene and 4:30 AM]
The_Chief (4:25:23 AM): Okay, maybe mathematics-types. But the point stands! The accumulation of numerous cognitive tools that each serve unique purposes that still somehow unite together to form hard and fast rules that govern our world!
The_Chief (4:26:00 AM): It's like, imagine if there were one quick-and-dirty to answer every question out there. To rationalize every concept.
The_Chief (4:26:21 AM): [mine's wearing off. you have the advantage]
AmbassadorD (4:26:24 AM): Erica: "A perfect universe."
The_Chief (4:26:26 AM): That would *suck*.
AmbassadorD (4:26:37 AM): No it wouldn't!
The_Chief (4:26:38 AM): Junkie: A *boring* universe.
AmbassadorD (4:26:44 AM): It would be boring as hell...
AmbassadorD (4:26:52 AM): ...but it would be perfect!
AmbassadorD (4:27:09 AM): There would be no such things as entropy or CHAOS!
The_Chief (4:27:10 AM): June: ...and I would finally have peace.
AmbassadorD (4:27:24 AM): There would never be spontaneity!
The_Chief (4:27:34 AM): June: Chaos is overrated. Dissention is overrated!
The_Chief (4:27:43 AM): And you *know* how I feel about spontaneity. :D
AmbassadorD (4:27:57 AM): Nononononono I'm not arguing with you.
The_Chief (4:28:26 AM): Rachel: Pfft. It would be glorious. The entire universe marching to a single set of values.
AmbassadorD (4:28:40 AM): Sarah: "Everyone moving to the same beat!"
The_Chief (4:28:54 AM): Rachel: No arguments, no hate, no dissention, no 4chan.
AmbassadorD (4:29:03 AM): heh heh
AmbassadorD (4:29:24 AM): Now watch me tie this back to my point.
The_Chief (4:29:42 AM): Rachel: You're about to disappoint me, aren't you?
The_Chief (4:30:29 AM): Rachel: (sighs) Guess I'll have to rewrite you as well eventually. And you showed so much promise.
AmbassadorD (4:30:47 AM): ....if you can...
The_Chief (4:31:32 AM): Rachel: God, I love it when they think they have a chance.
AmbassadorD (4:31:47 AM): Look, I'm saying this. To exist is to function within the realms of a great many systems. We obey traffic laws, use grammar (some people anyhow), and when I say 'point to a chair' we don't argue over what the word means.
AmbassadorD (4:32:21 AM): All these systems have their elements that, to change or remove, break the system.
The_Chief (4:32:32 AM): Right.
AmbassadorD (4:32:35 AM): It's like getting a new FPS where you can't turn God Mode off.
AmbassadorD (4:32:49 AM): Suddenly it's not a game any more.
AmbassadorD (4:32:58 AM): ...anyhow.
AmbassadorD (4:33:31 AM): The idea is, writing is also inside the realm of various systems. A genre is a system.
The_Chief (4:33:34 AM): (you mean like most FPSes today LOL)
AmbassadorD (4:33:40 AM): English as a language is a system.
AmbassadorD (4:33:45 AM): (YA RLY)
AmbassadorD (4:34:06 AM): The idea of acceptable versus inappropriate content is a system.
The_Chief (4:34:17 AM): (a broken one, if you ask me)
AmbassadorD (4:34:29 AM): I agree in a lot of ways, but still.
AmbassadorD (4:36:19 AM): You can't go outside the box because the box is by nature the definition of the medium. The only way you can write something original is to create a language that shares absolutely no rules with any other language and incorporating a system of writing whose characters bear no resemblance to those of any other, and then use that language to form words for concepts we don't already have words for and....
AmbassadorD (4:36:45 AM): Stephen Hawking's book title says it all - to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.
AmbassadorD (4:37:21 AM): What we think of as originality is just arrangement of pre-existing things in a way that seems new.
AmbassadorD (4:37:47 AM): And if later it turns out to not be so new, then oh well!
AmbassadorD (4:38:25 AM): This is why I have always been against these "ideals" that people blather on and on about.
AmbassadorD (4:39:02 AM): An ideal is a concept, and a concept is a thought.
The_Chief (4:39:07 AM): I think I see your point.
The_Chief (4:39:16 AM): So be it, then.
AmbassadorD (4:39:23 AM): If you're going to do something, do it for the love of the thing.
The_Chief (4:39:26 AM): I will create my own brand new language.
AmbassadorD (4:39:30 AM): ...
AmbassadorD (4:39:48 AM): ...you have to create the universe first.
AmbassadorD (4:40:07 AM): And if you figure out the secret to that, you damn well better share.
The_Chief (4:40:10 AM): I'm perfectly willing to do so!
The_Chief (4:40:17 AM): It might take a while longer, though.
The_Chief (4:40:49 AM): Is there something I have to create first before I have to create a universe?
AmbassadorD (4:41:21 AM): I think you have to make a God too, but don't quote me - the primer on this stuff had a foreword longer than War and Peace.
AmbassadorD (4:41:34 AM): I fell asleep by chapter one.
The_Chief (4:41:53 AM): Fuck.

Rachel: Yeah, even I would have a tough time creating a deity.
The_Chief (4:42:06 AM): Rachel: Especially an omnipotent one.
AmbassadorD (4:42:10 AM): Pishaw, humanity's created millions of em.
The_Chief (4:42:29 AM): Rachel: None were omnipotent, though.
AmbassadorD (4:42:59 AM): ...this is veering dangerously close to religious talk, and my failsafes are cutting me off.
The_Chief (4:43:08 AM): On a serious tip, got any tips for kicking my brain into sensibility whenever the reflex to whine about "originality" kicks in? I'm very, *very* new at this.
AmbassadorD (4:44:17 AM): Well, I use a form of controlled nihilism./
AmbassadorD (4:44:29 AM): In terms of writing, it goes like this.
The_Chief (4:44:49 AM): It's like, i see a chracter similar to mine, and I get PROTECTIVE.
The_Chief (4:44:52 AM): It's the strangest thing.
AmbassadorD (4:44:58 AM): Hmm....
The_Chief (4:45:13 AM): Also quite hypocritical seeing as I'm a fanfic writer and all.
AmbassadorD (4:45:20 AM): Perhaps.
The_Chief (4:45:32 AM): I have no business pointing to Kimiko and going "YOU! STAY AWAY FROM MY CONCEPT!" :D
AmbassadorD (4:45:56 AM): I think you just answered your own question.
The_Chief (4:46:22 AM): How so?
AmbassadorD (4:46:33 AM): You have to look at your own reactions and tell yourself "no no bad don't do that", until it stops.
AmbassadorD (4:46:46 AM): I'm still working on this too.
The_Chief (4:46:57 AM): But that goes against my other, supreme primary underlying concept!
AmbassadorD (4:47:43 AM): There is no spoon.
The_Chief (4:48:32 AM): Not that one. Always hated that one.

Tanya: ..then what is it?


"Everyone else is wrong."
June: "Everyone else is wrong."
Rachel: "Everyone else is wrong."
AmbassadorD (4:48:48 AM): Melanie: "BROTHER!"
AmbassadorD (4:49:51 AM): See, you're amazingly close to enlightenment right there.
AmbassadorD (4:49:59 AM): But you still need the final step.
AmbassadorD (4:50:20 AM): (I wrote a koan about this like five years ago)
The_Chief (4:51:31 AM): "Brother?" Good lord, that's worse than the Friend Zone.
AmbassadorD (4:51:48 AM): "One day Max and Take and Jaz sat in meditation. After a time, Max opened his eyes and said, this world is full of shit. Jaz opened his eyes, turned to Max, and said, you are full of shit. Finally Take opened his eyes and said, I am full of shit.

Max and Jaz were enlightened."
AmbassadorD (4:52:49 AM): Remember Sturgeon's Law that Moviebob mentioned?
AmbassadorD (4:53:02 AM): "Ninety percent of everything is crap"?
The_Chief (4:53:10 AM): Is it one of my greatest missions to be part of that last 10%.
The_Chief (4:53:15 AM): Someday.
AmbassadorD (4:53:19 AM): It's close. Really really close.
AmbassadorD (4:53:33 AM): The truth - the final step to enlightenment...
AmbassadorD (4:53:45 AM): One hundred percent of everything is crap.
AmbassadorD (4:53:52 AM): That's the truth.
AmbassadorD (4:54:33 AM): Everyone on this entire forsaken dirtball is so retarded that if stupid was gunpowder we could blow up reality.
The_Chief (4:54:35 AM): This is almost simultaneously enlightening and liberating. Not to mention disruptive.
AmbassadorD (4:54:51 AM): That's actually the point of koans in Zen.
AmbassadorD (4:55:03 AM): To derail your mind so you can think without boundaries.
The_Chief (4:55:04 AM): But then if this is so, why should any of us bother to sharpen our skills?
AmbassadorD (4:55:19 AM): Because there is no should.
The_Chief (4:55:24 AM): Why don't I just bash on the keyboard like oufahoBHOAQEFO;UADJO;ASDBNADGBNASDVG;;AD
AmbassadorD (4:55:30 AM): There's no should not either.
The_Chief (4:55:51 AM): it;s still perfectly valid because typing like this would be just as crappy as aojihadoihfadojhigfhio;gdjas;as
AmbassadorD (4:56:07 AM): From an outside perspective.
AmbassadorD (4:56:41 AM): Without having internalized the system for English,

This and


Are exactly the same thing.
AmbassadorD (4:56:59 AM): Some shapes in lines.
AmbassadorD (4:57:16 AM): ...but I'm getting Existential now, and that's a dagerous road at 5 AM.
AmbassadorD (4:57:36 AM): Anyhow, it's like this-
AmbassadorD (4:57:40 AM): Everyone is retarded.
AmbassadorD (4:57:42 AM): You.
AmbassadorD (4:57:43 AM): Me.
AmbassadorD (4:57:46 AM): Everyone.
AmbassadorD (4:58:36 AM): If you spend all your time trying to break out of that all you're going to do is waste time you could be using to do something else, like write something without giving a damn if it looks like something else.
AmbassadorD (4:59:19 AM): That's why I try to roleplay with my friends - like you - so damn much. I look at howe you and they arrange the parts of the whole.
AmbassadorD (4:59:22 AM): *how
The_Chief (4:59:49 AM): All right, compromise time.

I will amend my principles. not *that* one, mind you. Everyone else is still wrong.
AmbassadorD (4:59:59 AM): Fair enough.
The_Chief (5:00:14 AM): But you've opened my eyes a bit, and for once, without trying to get me to renounce my God. Good job on that, by the way. :)
AmbassadorD (5:00:32 AM): Well, I try not to touch the God thing.
AmbassadorD (5:00:43 AM): I know it's a hot button and I have lost friends that way.
The_Chief (5:01:13 AM): So, okay! New plan.

I will striver to write something in ways that I *haven't* already seen and considered old and tired a million times before. But only on a personal level.
AmbassadorD (5:01:25 AM): There ya go.
AmbassadorD (5:01:30 AM): Much more realistic.
The_Chief (5:01:37 AM): And also, absolutely nothing like anime. :)
AmbassadorD (5:02:04 AM): You can do whatever you please.
The_Chief (5:02:17 AM): Well, maybe some schoolgirls.
The_Chief (5:02:28 AM): Alberta: Also, I have a couple giant robots to my name.
AmbassadorD (5:02:33 AM): I'm just saying that trying to buck the system completely is like emptying your PC case because you can't stand that someone else wrote your BIOS.
The_Chief (5:02:35 AM): Yeah, and--aww, *fuck*.
The_Chief (5:02:54 AM): Some people do that. I envy them.
AmbassadorD (5:03:25 AM): Well, the thing that kills motivation in the minds of most is this thing we psychies call learned helplessness.
AmbassadorD (5:03:59 AM): If I'm chained to a wall and no matter how I try I can't break the chains, eventually I'm going to stop straining against them.
AmbassadorD (5:04:24 AM): But if I can work within the boundaries and get the key, I can get free.
AmbassadorD (5:05:05 AM): I'm not even going to say you have to change anything.
The_Chief (5:05:07 AM): how can you get the key! you're chained up!
AmbassadorD (5:05:19 AM): Therein is the challenge.
The_Chief (5:05:19 AM): the key is like over there on the guard or something!
AmbassadorD (5:05:25 AM): But getting it is possible.
AmbassadorD (5:05:36 AM): Hulking free of the chains isn't.
The_Chief (5:06:11 AM): but faking sickness or getting the guard to come to you in some way is.
AmbassadorD (5:06:30 AM): Right. Still working within the system of key opens lock equals freedom.
The_Chief (5:06:47 AM): [ http://community.livejournal.com/fanficrants/7737528.html ]
AmbassadorD (5:06:56 AM): uh oh
AmbassadorD (5:08:05 AM): ......yeah
AmbassadorD (5:08:10 AM): SEE? SEE?
AmbassadorD (5:08:22 AM): Go write some Signum/Hayate or something right now!
AmbassadorD (5:08:29 AM): It'll be original!
The_Chief (5:08:40 AM): I'm more of a Subaru/Teana guy.
The_Chief (5:08:52 AM): I'm sure it's been touched already, but--OH WHO AM I KIDDING
The_Chief (5:09:11 AM): nanofatenanofatenanofeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiii
AmbassadorD (5:09:14 AM): EVERYTHING HAS BEEN
AmbassadorD (5:09:20 AM): See, that's it.
The_Chief (5:09:31 AM): God, /u/ was SO depressing when Nanoha was still in active subbing.
The_Chief (5:09:40 AM): nothing but nanofate arguments and posts all the damn TIME
AmbassadorD (5:09:48 AM): yeppers
The_Chief (5:10:05 AM): eventually i was like "I HOPE ONE OF THEM DIES"
AmbassadorD (5:10:12 AM): haha oh wow
The_Chief (5:10:24 AM): I was that sick of it ant that spiteful yeah
AmbassadorD (5:10:41 AM): Well, really...
The_Chief (5:10:45 AM): I require BALANCEin my fandom.
AmbassadorD (5:11:13 AM): See, I like imbalance... it always reminded me of the one guy that does something stupid and distracts all the zombies for me.
AmbassadorD (5:11:31 AM): If nobody's paying any attention to my favorite characters...
AmbassadorD (5:12:10 AM): Really, the parallels between fans and any Romero flick are kinda bothersome.
The_Chief (5:13:02 AM): Oh?
AmbassadorD (5:13:18 AM): Seriously.
AmbassadorD (5:13:31 AM): Just replace BRAIIIIIIINS with OMG
The_Chief (5:13:34 AM): Explain. I have only a passing knowledge of Romero flicks and fandom.
AmbassadorD (5:13:52 AM): Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead...
The_Chief (5:14:19 AM): Oh, i get it.
AmbassadorD (5:14:27 AM): The man is the one who gave birth to the zombie movie genre.
The_Chief (5:14:27 AM): You're not talking about Romero fans.
AmbassadorD (5:14:33 AM): Nonono.
The_Chief (5:14:35 AM): You're talking about fans being zombie hordes.
AmbassadorD (5:14:36 AM): The zombies.
AmbassadorD (5:14:40 AM): Exactly.
AmbassadorD (5:15:00 AM): So when a pairing like that one gets dropped on them, they all run at it moaning and slavering.
The_Chief (5:15:07 AM): .....ahahahahahahaha
The_Chief (5:15:12 AM): best metaphor ever
The_Chief (5:15:21 AM): or analogy, or something
AmbassadorD (5:15:27 AM): It's not a metaphore is it's TRUE!
AmbassadorD (5:15:35 AM): *metaphor
The_Chief (5:15:37 AM): It's like.... Kigo! :D
AmbassadorD (5:15:42 AM): YES! SEE?
The_Chief (5:15:49 AM): I DO!
The_Chief (5:15:57 AM): EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG!
The_Chief (5:16:04 AM): ...wait, I knew that already
AmbassadorD (5:16:38 AM): Did anyone ever try putting Kim with Monique?
The_Chief (5:16:42 AM): Now the question is, *why* are people always so drawn to the obvious stuff?
AmbassadorD (5:16:42 AM): Of course not!
The_Chief (5:17:01 AM): (Jolt and I did. I still have the unfinished file somewhere)
AmbassadorD (5:17:10 AM): (...figures)
The_Chief (5:17:16 AM): (hee)
AmbassadorD (5:17:21 AM): But see what I mean?
AmbassadorD (5:17:35 AM): This might also shed light on why I hate popular things.
The_Chief (5:17:41 AM): Now the question is, *why* are people always so drawn to the obvious stuff?
AmbassadorD (5:17:50 AM): That's a good question.
The_Chief (5:18:13 AM): Or in Kigo's case, the obviously *impossible* stuff
AmbassadorD (5:18:18 AM): I think it might have something to do with how the obvious stuff is al ways the same damn thing.
The_Chief (5:18:27 AM): (I swear Kigo is the new forbidden fruit.)
AmbassadorD (5:18:32 AM): f'reals
AmbassadorD (5:18:53 AM): I think it also has to do with wish fulfillment.
AmbassadorD (5:19:45 AM): I mean, why would we want Kim and Shego together in the first place...? Because canon makes us think it could happen?
AmbassadorD (5:19:55 AM): ...or because it would be so hot Hell would sweat?
The_Chief (5:20:29 AM): The second, of course.
AmbassadorD (5:20:33 AM): Exactly.
AmbassadorD (5:20:52 AM): And we've already established that within systems are trends.
The_Chief (5:20:57 AM): But hundreds have tried to make it plausible and all have failed
The_Chief (5:20:58 AM): !
The_Chief (5:21:09 AM): Still they try! Quite badly, I might add!
AmbassadorD (5:21:10 AM): Well, I never finished my shot at it.
The_Chief (5:21:28 AM): You came closest, but you also had to literally turn the KP universe inside out.
AmbassadorD (5:21:45 AM): Turning reality inside-out is a very important part of my job.
AmbassadorD (5:21:57 AM): Hence all the philosophizing.
The_Chief (5:22:03 AM): (Incidentally, have you ever watched a show called Kappa Mikey?)
AmbassadorD (5:22:13 AM): (Heard of it but no)
The_Chief (5:22:29 AM): (Damn. Same premise as your Kigo fic, actually.)
AmbassadorD (5:22:46 AM): (heh)
The_Chief (5:22:51 AM): (If you'd said yes, all would have been explained.)
AmbassadorD (5:23:04 AM): ...so anyhow, people see certain things and go OMG SO AWESOME I WANT IT!
The_Chief (5:23:25 AM): Yet none wish to work properly for it.
AmbassadorD (5:23:33 AM): Gundam series are great because everyone wants a mecha.
AmbassadorD (5:23:49 AM): ...and have you ever noticed that in everything...
AmbassadorD (5:23:53 AM): EVERYTHING...
AmbassadorD (5:24:06 AM): ...fictional, those who have the AWESOME never have to work for it?
AmbassadorD (5:24:26 AM): Mecha pilots are given the robots or get them by happenstance.
The_Chief (5:24:45 AM): Hmmm. Usually the work is skipped over. At least in Western series, though. In anime, though, you're right save for a few exceptions :O
AmbassadorD (5:25:02 AM): But the exception proves the rule.
The_Chief (5:25:24 AM): (If I see another sentai make a rookie inexperienced red ranger for no fucking reason whatsoever than HE HAS THE GLOW OF POTENTIAL....)
AmbassadorD (5:25:24 AM): As soon as you see a series where AWESOME has to be earned...
The_Chief (5:25:43 AM): I root for the protagonist!
AmbassadorD (5:25:54 AM): ...exactly, you see all the places where it's just there and who the hell knows how or why
The_Chief (5:25:57 AM): GO GO YOU CAN DO IT
The_Chief (5:26:05 AM): ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH
AmbassadorD (5:26:47 AM): You could also say nobody knows how to earn AWESOME.
The_Chief (5:26:51 AM): I suppose most people go "what's with all this traaaaaaaaaaaaining already just go and kick some ass"
AmbassadorD (5:26:57 AM): YES
AmbassadorD (5:27:03 AM): YES YES YES YES YES
AmbassadorD (5:27:10 AM): THAT'S the problem!
AmbassadorD (5:27:22 AM): Personally I blame the creation of the montage.
The_Chief (5:27:30 AM): mon-TAAAAAAAAAAGE
AmbassadorD (5:27:35 AM): EXACTLY
AmbassadorD (5:27:41 AM): I'll lay off capslock now.
The_Chief (5:27:48 AM): no need
The_Chief (5:27:58 AM): not when you're talkin' bout a mon-TAAAAAAAAAAAGE
AmbassadorD (5:28:04 AM): heh
AmbassadorD (5:28:07 AM): So yeah.
The_Chief (5:28:21 AM): Ah, yes. Good old Time Compression.
AmbassadorD (5:28:25 AM): Stuff gets popular because of wish fulfillment and It Looks So Easy©.
AmbassadorD (5:29:45 AM): ...and again I say, a thing getting popular in my eyes is like decking it out with meat for the zombies.
AmbassadorD (5:30:59 AM): In both cases I run the other damn way.
The_Chief (5:32:35 AM): Heh.
The_Chief (5:32:51 AM): Aha! I have realized my other problem with regards to this whole "originality" crap.
AmbassadorD (5:32:59 AM): spill it
The_Chief (5:33:31 AM): Okay, so, be honest. Out of all my characters, how many of them have you realized who they're ripping off?
The_Chief (5:33:42 AM): ...then again, I may have told you quite a few of them already.
AmbassadorD (5:33:54 AM): Well, I didn't get the pirates until I saw SoA.
The_Chief (5:34:08 AM): (You played Skies? When? :O)
AmbassadorD (5:34:24 AM): I found the original DC version at the local shop the other week.
AmbassadorD (5:34:31 AM): $20
The_Chief (5:34:34 AM): (AWESOME)
AmbassadorD (5:34:37 AM): I KNOW
The_Chief (5:35:00 AM): Then it hit you, I suppose? That had to be a comedic riot.
AmbassadorD (5:35:01 AM): Junkie and Digi you told me about...
AmbassadorD (5:35:18 AM): (It was really more of a click like a key turning)
AmbassadorD (5:35:50 AM): Akira couldn't be more obvious if you carved it into a bat and started hitting me with it...
AmbassadorD (5:36:06 AM): (Did I get that right?)
The_Chief (5:36:42 AM): (I'm actually unsure.)
The_Chief (5:37:07 AM): (My ability to grasp references is kinda compromised at the moment :O)
AmbassadorD (5:37:23 AM): The fighting schoolgirl.
The_Chief (5:37:34 AM): Oh. Yeah, pretty much.
The_Chief (5:37:57 AM): Akira's actually the first original character I made before, like, anyone. Decided to bring her back out as a joke. Spiraled out of control. :)
AmbassadorD (5:38:06 AM): heh
The_Chief (5:39:12 AM): (Also, regarding the pirates, go pick up a cheap copy of the original Sonic Riders)
AmbassadorD (5:39:23 AM): The rest... I'm blanking but then it's pushing 6
AmbassadorD (5:39:28 AM): (K)
The_Chief (5:40:14 AM): The DoomDroids are essentially W.i.t.c.h. roboticized. That's all I'll give you for now.
AmbassadorD (5:40:22 AM): Huh.
AmbassadorD (5:40:44 AM): Well, there're so many five-man elemental teams in fiction you can just pick one.
AmbassadorD (5:41:11 AM): It's only a shame if it's uncovered.
The_Chief (5:41:18 AM): But yeah the point is I'm always paranoid that people will see through my paper thin changes. I'm essentially writing a giant crossover fanfiction.
The_Chief (5:41:24 AM): That's just it! I'm bad at the whole covering thing!
AmbassadorD (5:41:36 AM): Then you just have to throw more in.
AmbassadorD (5:41:39 AM): For example...
AmbassadorD (5:42:01 AM): Take Mel for a moment.

Melanie: "Lemme go dammit!"
AmbassadorD (5:42:14 AM): Who might she resemble?
AmbassadorD (5:42:55 AM): Besides Mega Man because that's too obvious for words.
The_Chief (5:42:57 AM): A very bitter Casshern!
AmbassadorD (5:43:06 AM): Who?
The_Chief (5:43:42 AM): The original basis for Mega Man. But yeah, cross between MMX and MMZX is about all I got. You dabble in different media than I do. I'm a one-trick pony.
AmbassadorD (5:43:52 AM): Fair enough.
The_Chief (5:43:55 AM): I don't know you.
The_Chief (5:43:58 AM): :D
AmbassadorD (5:44:13 AM): Good, make sure that's what you tell the NSA too.
The_Chief (5:44:37 AM): (I'd do that regardless)
AmbassadorD (5:44:46 AM): She's also got liberal amounts of K' (mainly in personality)
The_Chief (5:45:06 AM): June: No *wonder* she annoys me!
AmbassadorD (5:46:11 AM): So really she's comparable to two characters heavily - you just have to turn up the anger.
The_Chief (5:46:30 AM): Yeah, I see your point.
AmbassadorD (5:46:33 AM): I also have a lot of characters based on people I've met.
The_Chief (5:47:02 AM): June's essentially a grown-up, dualistic, slightly bitter and awkward Arcade Gamer Fubuki.
The_Chief (5:47:13 AM): Or me. Depends on the phases of the moon.
AmbassadorD (5:47:14 AM): Kinda saw that too.
AmbassadorD (5:47:35 AM): Sarah, too, pretty much is a DDR player I met in Pennsylvania a few years back.
The_Chief (5:47:41 AM): ...oh god
AmbassadorD (5:47:42 AM): Name and all.
The_Chief (5:47:48 AM): you're saying she's REAL?
The_Chief (5:47:52 AM): And you let her LIVE?
AmbassadorD (5:47:54 AM): Not quite.
AmbassadorD (5:48:01 AM): ...and I liked her.
AmbassadorD (5:48:05 AM): A lot.
The_Chief (5:48:19 AM): June: Damn it. It always comes down to emotional weakness with you men.
AmbassadorD (5:48:33 AM): We come preprogrammed with more than a few.
The_Chief (5:48:38 AM): Tanya: I think it's sweet. And you immortalized her forever in fiction.
The_Chief (5:48:49 AM): June: Here's hoping you never get famous, then. :)
AmbassadorD (5:49:07 AM): I made up the name Vilmore though.
The_Chief (5:49:48 AM): (sigh) Jessica shares a last name with the one person I ever had that came close to actually being a girlfriend.
AmbassadorD (5:50:04 AM): Also, Sarah's boss and would-be main squeeze at APS is Andre 'The Accelerator' Valenzuela, master DJ.
AmbassadorD (5:50:30 AM): "Andre the Accelerator" is the name of the DJ on Rise FM, radio station in GTA3.
AmbassadorD (5:51:12 AM): Valenzuela is a real surname, but I found it in Ishmael Valenzuela in a story by SciFi author Mike Resnik.
The_Chief (5:51:49 AM): Huh :O
The_Chief (5:52:03 AM): Not bad.
AmbassadorD (5:52:07 AM): Alice is fairly original, but it's hardly a rare name, and she fits so many stereotypes it's not even funny.
The_Chief (5:52:19 AM): That's a few layers of reference there.
AmbassadorD (5:52:30 AM): Alice's powers are homages to the Splinter Cell games mainly, and somewhat to Ghost in the Shell.
AmbassadorD (5:52:55 AM): There's also a lot of William Gibson in her mindset and vocabulary.
The_Chief (5:53:07 AM): MAN that all makes sense now that I think about it.
AmbassadorD (5:53:32 AM): Erica is the strangest blend...
AmbassadorD (5:54:07 AM): Powers-wise she's a lot like a cross between Cortana and Shodan.
AmbassadorD (5:54:32 AM): ...with some Washu thrown in for the sufficiently-advanced-technology thing.
AmbassadorD (5:54:53 AM): Personality-wise, she's modeled after Perceptor, a Gen-1 Transformer.
AmbassadorD (5:55:34 AM): Not without personality, but terribly predisposed to talk in levelheaded jargon.
The_Chief (5:56:17 AM): bwahahahaha.
AmbassadorD (5:56:24 AM): Mia - the roboticist...
AmbassadorD (5:56:51 AM): Her powers are Appleseed crossed with some Norse mythology, which is where the names for her wolves and birds come from.
The_Chief (5:56:59 AM): June and Clarissa are essentially a personality-swapped Judy Nails and Pandora, and Clarissa's original last name was Nightingale.
AmbassadorD (5:57:40 AM): Nice.
The_Chief (5:57:50 AM): ...not June.
AmbassadorD (5:57:55 AM): oh right-
The_Chief (5:57:56 AM): Jeanette.
The_Chief (5:57:59 AM): God I'm tired. :D
The_Chief (5:58:21 AM): Jessica, of course, is Lucca Ashtear on overdrive.
AmbassadorD (5:58:43 AM): Mia's personality is modeled after Rahne, my real-life PhD physicist friend.
The_Chief (5:59:17 AM): wow, you have one :O
AmbassadorD (5:59:19 AM): Dedicated to her craft to the exclusion of everything else in the universe.
The_Chief (5:59:33 AM): I love her already.
AmbassadorD (5:59:56 AM): I did too, for ten years before her career took her to Canada. =\
AmbassadorD (6:00:05 AM): BUT.
AmbassadorD (6:01:38 AM): Tanasha 'Zak' Butler, my sixth Seeder, had her name stolen lock, stock and smoking barrel from another friend of mine, the raver sista I once mentioned when you remarked there there was no sucht hing.
AmbassadorD (6:01:46 AM): *such thing
The_Chief (6:01:51 AM): There still isn't!
AmbassadorD (6:02:00 AM): You haven't met her.
AmbassadorD (6:02:11 AM): BUT.
The_Chief (6:02:16 AM): And I never will. :)
The_Chief (6:02:28 AM): (very interesting!)
AmbassadorD (6:02:28 AM): That's because you never go to clubs.
The_Chief (6:02:36 AM): See previous statement.
AmbassadorD (6:02:42 AM): I know, I know.
The_Chief (6:02:56 AM): June: Clubs are an outright uncivilized waste of time. And dangerous.
AmbassadorD (6:03:01 AM): Pac Man didn't affect everyone.
AmbassadorD (6:03:12 AM): Melanie: "God bless."
AmbassadorD (6:03:21 AM): Melanie: "...wait."
The_Chief (6:03:50 AM): June: You're trying to think again, aren't you? Take it slow.
AmbassadorD (6:04:37 AM): Joy's name is complicated - Mervine I made up, but Jouisante is the name of an elder fairy in a book called The Iron Dragon's Daughter, which is one of the handful of SciFi Fantasy hybrids I haven't wanted to rape the author with.
The_Chief (6:05:11 AM): Hybrids?
AmbassadorD (6:05:18 AM): Cross.
The_Chief (6:05:20 AM): Does not compute.
The_Chief (6:05:25 AM): At all whatsoever
AmbassadorD (6:05:37 AM): Dragons are dragons, but they have engines and run on diesel.
AmbassadorD (6:05:47 AM): It's really weird.
AmbassadorD (6:06:03 AM): Magitech.
AmbassadorD (6:06:23 AM): ...anyhow.
AmbassadorD (6:06:35 AM): I linked the Equilibrium clip that clued me in to Gun Kata.
The_Chief (6:06:37 AM): Francine: We've had people try that before. It always failed.
The_Chief (6:06:50 AM): You did. It's fun imagining Joy do that.
AmbassadorD (6:06:59 AM): Exactly.
AmbassadorD (6:07:28 AM): Also, for additional gunslinger inspiration see Setsuna and Rushuna from Grenadier.
The_Chief (6:07:39 AM): Righto.
AmbassadorD (6:08:12 AM): That's where the idea for one of Joy's tactics comes from, angling the guns so their recoil spins her.
AmbassadorD (6:08:52 AM): I know clothing control has to be seen elsewhere but I've got no examples to offer.
AmbassadorD (6:09:30 AM): Jeremy Stone is, very simply, a cross between a samurai and a high school football player.
AmbassadorD (6:10:02 AM): And powers-wise, well, he's really really tough.
AmbassadorD (6:10:41 AM): ...and his surname was stolen from Kron Stone, a minor character in the Spider-Man 2099 series.
AmbassadorD (6:11:38 AM): Frenzy is actually amazingly generic. Think cross between butler and Terminator.
The_Chief (6:12:14 AM): :D
AmbassadorD (6:12:20 AM): Exactly.
AmbassadorD (6:14:10 AM): The new Cycloners are Joy's second cousin Quentin Demarke - a fencing master modeled after a Chinese fencer I know in college, and who's a suave fellow with a penchant for poetry...
AmbassadorD (6:14:50 AM): ...and Lance Rigel, a mechanic and motorbike enthusiast from England who heads a police-tolerated biker group called the Copper Hounds.
The_Chief (6:15:03 AM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UDdBFwMdRw&fmt=18

AmbassadorD (6:15:40 AM): meh heh heh
AmbassadorD (6:16:37 AM): ...that's all of my cast that you know/will know, I think.
The_Chief (6:16:57 AM): Likewise. Of all I've introduced, anyway.
The_Chief (6:17:08 AM): Man, you're a lot more cultured than I am.
AmbassadorD (6:17:29 AM): ...and you've played more games than I know exist.
AmbassadorD (6:17:51 AM): Also, you've been in the fanfiction biz since it's heyday.
The_Chief (6:18:16 AM): I miss the heyday. We weren't freaks back then. At least, not in our online world :)
AmbassadorD (6:18:31 AM): I started reading them around that time.
AmbassadorD (6:18:44 AM): But I'm a real latecomer to most things.
AmbassadorD (6:18:57 AM): The first time I played a Street Fighter was in 98.
AmbassadorD (6:19:07 AM): No joke.
The_Chief (6:19:14 AM): (whistles)
AmbassadorD (6:19:20 AM): See?
The_Chief (6:19:28 AM): Well, that's the first time I played a KOF.
The_Chief (6:19:31 AM): Even, I suppose? :)
AmbassadorD (6:19:43 AM): My first KoF was Maximum Impact.
The_Chief (6:19:52 AM): Ouch.
AmbassadorD (6:19:56 AM): Yeah.
AmbassadorD (6:20:01 AM): But I loved it.
AmbassadorD (6:20:15 AM): And now I've collected almost all of them.
AmbassadorD (6:20:41 AM): But I still haven't played so many things-
AmbassadorD (6:20:59 AM): Only SFA I've touched is 3...
AmbassadorD (6:21:25 AM): Quit the Soul series after Calibur 2...
The_Chief (6:21:40 AM): (good move)
AmbassadorD (6:21:57 AM): (yah, except now I want 4 for the clockwork goth loli)
AmbassadorD (6:22:29 AM): ...and Shadow is all I've played since SA2.
The_Chief (6:22:40 AM): oh god
AmbassadorD (6:22:44 AM): SEE?
AmbassadorD (6:23:56 AM): Not to mention most SNK fighters not Fatal Fury or KoF I've maybe heard of.
AmbassadorD (6:23:58 AM): Maybe.
The_Chief (6:26:14 AM): June: It's always so... *jarring* to hear from people who haven't played at least 1,000 games in their lifetime :O
The_Chief (6:26:32 AM): June: I want to just erect, like, a *rehabilitation ranch* for all of them.
AmbassadorD (6:26:40 AM): Also haven't touched MK since 3.
AmbassadorD (6:27:43 AM): But you get the idea.
AmbassadorD (6:28:17 AM): ...and you should be reading that Susan/Orube log now.
The_Chief (6:29:58 AM): Hang on, there's one more video I'm trying to find.
AmbassadorD (6:30:10 AM): As long as you get it read.
AmbassadorD (6:30:13 AM): Because...
AmbassadorD (6:30:17 AM): Dayum.
The_Chief (6:35:49 AM): Hmm. Never mind the video thing.
AmbassadorD (6:35:56 AM): oaky
AmbassadorD (6:35:59 AM): ...okay
The_Chief (6:36:00 AM): Hmmm. So what I'm getting out of this is:
The_Chief (6:36:22 AM): Only massive gaming nerds will realize what a total unoriginal hack I am.
AmbassadorD (6:36:30 AM): In theory.
The_Chief (6:36:46 AM): Since that's pretty much a small sect of the populace, I should be fine so long as Capcom and Sega don't decide to sue.
AmbassadorD (6:36:53 AM): Right.
AmbassadorD (6:36:58 AM): Lemme put it this way.
AmbassadorD (6:37:05 AM): You've heard the buzz over Twilight...?
The_Chief (6:37:10 AM): Yes.
AmbassadorD (6:37:14 AM): It's nothing.
The_Chief (6:37:16 AM): To an extent.
AmbassadorD (6:37:18 AM): NOTHING
AmbassadorD (6:37:27 AM): But Anne Rice books with teenage characters.
AmbassadorD (6:37:34 AM): THAT'S IT.
The_Chief (6:37:55 AM): Wow, you read them?
AmbassadorD (6:38:01 AM): Hell no.
AmbassadorD (6:38:07 AM): But I checked synopses.
AmbassadorD (6:38:20 AM): And holy shit zombie bait.
AmbassadorD (6:38:48 AM): This isn't like the Potter fandom where I avoid the fans but secretly enjoy the books.
AmbassadorD (6:39:24 AM): The 'vampires' in Twilight don't vaporize in the sun.
AmbassadorD (6:39:28 AM): Know what they do?
AmbassadorD (6:39:36 AM): They sparkle.
The_Chief (6:39:37 AM): June: Dissolve in salt water!
AmbassadorD (6:39:46 AM): They fucking sparkle.
The_Chief (6:39:49 AM): June: Man, I like my idea better.
The_Chief (6:39:55 AM): OH GOD TOTAL BISHIE BAIT
AmbassadorD (6:39:55 AM): Like they're covered in glitter.
AmbassadorD (6:39:59 AM): YES
AmbassadorD (6:40:02 AM): NOW YOU GET IT
The_Chief (6:40:10 AM): HHKIEFIfHefHSgrHIsgrHISHIGASHaNIgKgfa
AmbassadorD (6:40:15 AM): ZOMBIE BAIT
The_Chief (6:40:26 AM): DEAD RISING
The_Chief (6:40:36 AM): I'VE COVERED (FANDOM) WARS
AmbassadorD (6:40:57 AM): Now you get it.
AmbassadorD (6:41:11 AM): Fandom is a disease.
AmbassadorD (6:41:30 AM): The F-Virus.
The_Chief (6:41:32 AM): With no cure, it seems.
AmbassadorD (6:41:46 AM): Melanie: "Hey! What about me?"
The_Chief (6:42:04 AM): June: Yes, yes, you're just as much a disease. Don't worry. :)
AmbassadorD (6:42:33 AM): Melanie: "An infected!"
The_Chief (6:43:02 AM): June: Well, which is it? Patient Zero or Carrier? You can't be both.
The_Chief (6:43:12 AM): June: ..or CAN YOU?
AmbassadorD (6:43:20 AM): Melanie: "I imagine you're just a carrier."
AmbassadorD (6:43:47 AM): Melanie: "...and keep your tentacles off me thanks."
The_Chief (6:44:42 AM): June: (slides forward on the ground, and pecks Mel on the lips.) For the record, I did that because I know you'd hate it, and because my author's delirious right now.
AmbassadorD (6:44:51 AM): Melanie: "...oh no wait, not even an-"
AmbassadorD (6:44:59 AM): Melanie: "AUUUUUUGH!"
The_Chief (6:45:13 AM): June: "Predictabo."
AmbassadorD (6:45:42 AM): Melanie: *guns out* "REPPUKEN!"
The_Chief (6:46:06 AM): June: Now you'll make a joke about how much I smell and carry cooties.
AmbassadorD (6:46:29 AM): Melanie: "Are you kidding? Even diseases wouldn't touch you."
AmbassadorD (6:46:42 AM): (She ferociously rubs her mouth with her sleeve.)
The_Chief (6:47:05 AM): June: I'm trying to come up with a downside to that. You may have to try again here.
AmbassadorD (6:47:26 AM): Melanie: "BLECH!!!'
The_Chief (6:47:49 AM): June: Well, that's prettty deep. For you, anyway.
AmbassadorD (6:48:20 AM): Melanie: "Ugh... wait those're some soft lips."
The_Chief (6:49:03 AM): June: Sorry. Only the first one's free. The rest you have to grovel for.
AmbassadorD (6:49:18 AM): Melanie: "By my count that was liek the third."
AmbassadorD (6:49:26 AM): *like
AmbassadorD (6:49:30 AM): [oh god]
The_Chief (6:49:42 AM): June: Well, it doesn't count if they hurt you in the process.
The_Chief (6:49:52 AM): June: Unless... wait a minute...
AmbassadorD (6:49:56 AM): Melanie: "Then that wasn't the third or the first."
The_Chief (6:50:42 AM): June: (snaps fingers) Damn. Oh, well. I've got better things to do. (walks off)
AmbassadorD (6:51:33 AM): (It'd be so easy...

I don't do easy.

She collapses the guns again.)
AmbassadorD (6:52:20 AM): dayum it's 7
The_Chief (6:53:15 AM): 4 here
AmbassadorD (6:53:20 AM): yah
AmbassadorD (6:53:25 AM): Read the log.
The_Chief (6:53:36 AM): wow, look at all that time we wasted talking and introspecting and finding out about the meaning of fiction instead of rp'ing :)
AmbassadorD (6:55:19 AM): Yeah I noticed...
The_Chief (6:55:36 AM): we probably needed this, though
AmbassadorD (6:55:46 AM): But I'm glad we aired all that out, because early-morning quasi-intellectualism is hawt.
The_Chief (6:55:57 AM): mind you it kind of sucks that we laid so many of our characters' secrets out on the table
The_Chief (6:56:04 AM): seconded on what you just said tho
AmbassadorD (6:56:07 AM): Eh.
AmbassadorD (6:57:04 AM): ...things get really really funny after this long.
The_Chief (6:58:05 AM): i'm straight, sorry
AmbassadorD (6:58:15 AM): .............wait
The_Chief (6:58:19 AM): :D
AmbassadorD (6:58:35 AM): ...that was funny too.
AmbassadorD (7:00:11 AM): Joy: "...in this much time I could have..."
The_Chief (7:00:50 AM): Francine: (hugs Joy) Don't worry. We'll have other sessions.
AmbassadorD (7:01:05 AM): Gotten to first base?

Joy: "That was not what I was going to say and you know it."
The_Chief (7:01:31 AM): Francine: (blushes)
The_Chief (7:01:49 AM): (play moar SoA)
AmbassadorD (7:01:56 AM): (K)
AmbassadorD (7:02:02 AM): ...I really should sleep.
AmbassadorD (7:02:05 AM): But I don' wanna.
The_Chief (7:02:17 AM): i sort of have to or i won't be awake for work.
AmbassadorD (7:02:20 AM): ...I'll re-read the log.
AmbassadorD (7:02:30 AM): For the sake of good dreams.
AmbassadorD (7:02:56 AM): Because hot legal girls kissing is fine too.
The_Chief (7:03:20 AM): !
The_Chief (7:03:36 AM): You're learning! You're improving!

...and I'm getting worse.
AmbassadorD (7:03:45 AM): We're balancing out.
The_Chief (7:03:53 AM): Can we switch back?
AmbassadorD (7:04:06 AM): I make a policy of never going back.
The_Chief (7:04:12 AM): Oh, well. I only consider myself really dead when I start watching Digimon.
AmbassadorD (7:04:24 AM): ffffffffff...
AmbassadorD (7:04:33 AM): Digimon is awesome.
AmbassadorD (7:04:41 AM): A lot is anyhow.
AmbassadorD (7:05:06 AM): And a few of the kids from S1-2 are adults in S3.
The_Chief (7:05:07 AM): :D
The_Chief (7:05:26 AM): but you and the rest of the fans all fawn over rika, yes?
AmbassadorD (7:05:41 AM): The fans do.
AmbassadorD (7:05:47 AM): And the furries over Renamon.
AmbassadorD (7:05:59 AM): But there're so many others.
The_Chief (7:07:39 AM): man, i really don't know who any of the latter-season digimon characters are.
The_Chief (7:07:48 AM): i am not joking when i say that FANDOM TALKS ABOUT NO ONE ELSE.
AmbassadorD (7:07:52 AM): Few worth mentioning.
The_Chief (7:07:53 AM): other than those two :)
AmbassadorD (7:08:09 AM): Zoe in S4 is the only girl.
AmbassadorD (7:08:28 AM): And in S3 Juri is like seven.
AmbassadorD (7:09:28 AM): But Kari and Sora and Mimi and Yolei in S2...
The_Chief (7:09:41 AM): ....Mimi and Yolei
The_Chief (7:09:50 AM): I remember those names
The_Chief (7:10:03 AM): I remember a hot one who wore a giant pink hat.
AmbassadorD (7:10:11 AM): That's Mimi.
The_Chief (7:10:22 AM): Which one was Yolei again
AmbassadorD (7:10:33 AM): Glasses and a bandana.
The_Chief (7:10:46 AM): that MAY HAVE been the hotter one
AmbassadorD (7:10:52 AM): Sora was (in looks) like a hat-wearing Tomo.
The_Chief (7:11:05 AM): oh forget it i've lost track again :)
AmbassadorD (7:11:12 AM): heh
The_Chief (7:11:14 AM): all right, guy, i really gotta go to sleeeeeeeeep
AmbassadorD (7:11:18 AM): k
AmbassadorD (7:11:29 AM): Look for me like one-thirty Tuesday.
AmbassadorD (7:11:38 AM): your one-thirty.
The_Chief (7:11:41 AM): okay!
AmbassadorD (7:11:52 AM): *THUD*
The_Chief (7:12:00 AM): bai
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