What ho all.

Feb 13, 2014 03:41

So I haven't told a story here in a while. In fact, I haven't posted ~anything~ in a while. Not going to lie, it really seems like after almost a decade the journal's dying. There're ~upwards~ of two people who ever look in here, and that doesn't give me much reason to keep on going with it. But forget all that, because it's time I told you a story.

So for posterity today is Thursday. But this story is about Wednesday, and kinda about Tuesday night.

See, like anyone looking here knows, I am all about the Transformers. I visit all kinds of places online and IRL to get more of the things, and the latter category includes major retail places, conventions, and of course the occasional hole-in-the-wall toy shop that specializes in niche stuff.

Well, Tuesday night I had a dream that I was in such a small shop (this is not an infrequent occurrence), browsing among the items and finding some really cool stuff. Now of course, in dreams, the things we see tend not to so much be the exact concrete things in the real world, but more like mental analogues - so the toys I saw in this dream were known to my mind to be Transformers, and like dreams tend to do this one took liberties. Like, I would run across a combiner team of some sort (mind wanted to say Combaticons) that for some reason included Shockwave, just because dreams (like they do) skew things a bit. Kind of odd.

Ever have that one wish that you could grab something really awesome that you had in a dream and pull it into reality? Me too. This dream was such an occasion.

Well, as tends to happen, Wednesday morning followed Tuesday night. After work on said day, I decided to go get some more metal rings for my newly-acquired hobby of making chainmail (which is a skill that's slowly coming along). Since I was headed in the general direction and I still remembered the dream with some measure of clarity, I decided to head to such a hole-in-the-wall shop, JC's Comics.

Now I've been going to that spot off and on for quite a while, the guy who runs it does keep a ~small~ stock of TF toys about, and I'll happily admit that I've stumbled across some proper gems in some of my visits. But lately there's just been nothing new, so this was easily the first time in a month or more. But I did in fact find something new - Sixturbo, a Japanese-exclusive ~combiner~.

So yeah. The day after a dream about going to a small shop and seeing a combiner TF toy, I decide to go to a small shop and I end up finding (and naturally bringing home) a new combiner toy. Now I'm what you might politely call a skeptic when it comes to the ideas of prophetic dreams, premonitions, and other such utter moronic bullshit, but this was a pretty interesting coincidence. Just thought I'd share.

Catch you on the download.
-Max out
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