Sep 20, 2005 02:36
mutha fucka.. i got a job.. kinda.. i'm still real paranoid that i won't pass the drug test.. but for now.. i'm in.. the airport i think will be my thing for the time being.. till i'm out... of sj.. yikes. i am out;; should be out today. but i've got a game plan.. money plays a major role.. i hate it, but it does.. i need money.. i'm poor......
how many times have you gone grocery shopping with two, one dollar bills and some change.. it's rough.. i hate it.. top ramen and the occasional treat of a 99cent pasta roni box just isn't cool. .. but i should have money soon.. jobs help out a lot............ i want lots of money.. i wish something i did could be more lucrative.. art is how i want my money.. any other job i have is so i can finance such art.. it's mostly music.. but the graphic art behind the music is also something that inspires me....... i guess the concept and image mark has develops is a new idea of art for me.. and one i would like to get deeper involved with and make something awesome.......
art school i suspect is for losers.. i think it's similar to the concept of musical theory.. .......... there's skills i want and skills i don't want.. i don't want to learn both......................................
so i'm gonna live in auburn........ for a month or two.. just give me some time to figure shit out.. fuck.......
i'm gonna move back to sf.. find a shitty part time job.. and go to school for broadcast media broduction . . 'ojpoj[pojk['poj['oj[poj....................
i'd like to punlish a book.............................
but i forgot how it goes....................
get outta town