Color me brown shocked, but was the border open like Gen. Levine's's bunghole the whole time under this sassy Mayorkas character?
Exclusive | Homeland Security boss Alejandro Mayorkas ‘intentionally’ opened southern border: ex-Biden Border Patrol chief
Rodney Scott, who led the agency until August 2021, testified earlier this year that Mayorkas’ tenure - contrary to his public statements - has not been about “a policy debate,” a…
If democratic values are about inclusivity, shouldn't all these mystery meats people just be allowed in?
Rodney Scott, who led the agency until August 2021, testified earlier this year that Mayorkas’ tenure - contrary to his public statements - has not been about “a policy debate,” according to previously unreported congressional interview transcripts reviewed by The Post.
With the mission creep talk of Israel needing Uncle Sam to knock off Iran, is a 9-11 style self-inflicted attack on the homeland in the works? How many terror cells have already infiltrated on Mayorkas' watch, ready to be guided to some objective by the Mossad-CIA spook coagulate?
“Policy is simply how law is enforced,” Scott told members and staff of the House Homeland Security Committee on Jan. 22. “The decisions made by Secretary Mayorkas have been informed and intentional decisions with the stated objective of finding ways to allow more aliens into the US.”
When demented Biden kicks the bucket they can hang this looney tunes initiative on his "straight white" ass. The talking heads will spin this as the heretical Papist's President's good intentions to take in all the wretched, huddled masses yearning to steal, sell drugs, eat pets, and try to fuck anything that moves breathe free.
“I assert that Secretary Mayorkas and his subordinate political appointees have and continue to intentionally conspire to undermine the security of the American people, as well as the letter and the intent of congressionally enacted US law,” the ex-Border Patrol leader said in his opening statement.
A more than three-decade Border Patrol veteran, Scott added that Mayorkas’ moves as head of DHS have broken with all of his predecessors - and even with his actions while serving as deputy secretary under President Barack Obama.
Once this buffoon took over the DHS he deprived our heroic Border Patrol of their cut of contraband action? Oy vey, what a mensch! Looks like that wily feigele really streamlined the mud flood welcome process cutting out the middle man.
“We very quickly learned that there were two Secretary Mayorkases,” he explained. “There was the one that would tell you basically what he knew you wanted to hear on the conference call, or even when he went out to musters and he would talk to agents about knowing there had to be consequences, knowing this is not sustainable.”
What natural mastery in the dark arts of plausible deniability!
That's how Freudian closet cases are, leading to motley bouquets of mental illnesses - mania, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, split personalities, etc.
If you think this is a rational human being, you must be on that spectrum. Mayorkas works for team satan, Gay as AIDS.
A barely closeted gentleman could shit himself standing, then look you right in the eyes and swear a chocolate bar melted in his back pocket. Clinical lack of integrity.
Unfortunately other ethically challenged kinseyans and hags operate on those same neurological frequencies as perpetually triggered bionegatives. Especially those who have status within the community, work for the state, or are considered genetically underprivileged "at risk" and hence untouchable.
I suggest studying passive-aggressive criminal types to get ready for the next phase of the Z war. If you fail to notice patterns, learn to hold up a pack of cigarettes I've got some bad news.
Some greaseball power bottom who made deals with the pigs. Set up for failure by another imbecile, this arrogant wop opened his cock holster and looked into the abyss, but his knees and nervous system buckled and he was on his way.
“And then there would be the policy decisions that come out where it would be totally different,” he went on. “I even had an email from him, by the way, telling me what a great job I was doing just before they told me that I was no longer to be in that position.”
Welcome to clown world, badge boy! America's born and bred service tops autistic praetorian classes made their beds by trusting them to run the big banks and think tanks, now they're barking contradictory orders while making shit up on the go to justify their money grubbing, control freak existence in federal cop shops too.
[America is a nation of laws!]Paraphrasing Andrew Anglin - "this is so tiresome." There are neurological keys to unholy unions deals with the devil between hereditary saboteurs. Our Holy Fathers referred to it as masonry, in this case - judeomasonry. The US is a "nation" of fags spreading their values.
“Over my career, through different presidential administrations, to include the Obama administration, we had secretaries that had different priorities and focuses,” added Scott, who served as Border Patrol chief under former President Donald Trump as well, “but we were never told, to my knowledge, ‘Just don’t do your job.'”
Bet that nipped corruption in the bud among the rank and file CBP agents. Many of them are fellow Hispanics who either favor or exploit their la Raza kin anyway, it's the essence of the American pyramid scheme dream. Cartels and wily coyotes have deep pockets, many pigs are happy to pocket some under the table acorns.
“In some of these cases, it’s just dumbfounding,” he recounted. “Like, why would you even try to say the border’s secure when every single piece of evidence, by any definition you could ever come up with, it doesn’t meet it?”
Wow! Costumed heroes sat on ass collecting pay and bennies with minimal exertion counting down to their cushy retirements, as long as they looked the other way and kept their coffee holes shut? Hell of a deal!
The big boss man will take it from here. Mayorkas has very good connections in the hallowed halls of democracy. He knows what he's doing, it's in his genes steadfast commitment to democratic values.
Since Mayorkas began his tenure as Homeland Security secretary in February 2021, illegal immigration reached record levels with more than 7 million illegal crossings, most of which occurred at the southern border, according to federal data.
Over 7 MILLION in three and a half years? That's more than Frankenberger's tribe collectors the Nazis supposedly killed in clothing and linen delousing "homicidal gas chambers" over the same time period!
Mayorkas deserves a medal for promoting multiculturalism, diversity, and adding more vibrancy to the fabric of our "nation."
The Border Patrol recorded its highest known number of illegal crossings at the southern border following Mayorkas’ first few months in office, rounding out fiscal year 2021 with 1.7 million encounters, according to a Congressional Research Service report.
I'm telling you folks, this time Zion Don will make a deal with the devil and build it.
That record was surpassed the next year, with more than 2.2 million illegal crossings, per the report.
Lock her him up!
Mayorkas set up new programs to parole migrants into the country - both via commercial flights, which have brought in roughly 530,000 new arrivals, and the CBP One phone app, which has allowed an additional 813,000 migrants to schedule entry appointments.
This is sabotage a problem only the orange man can solve!
“I can’t answer the ‘why.’ There’s got to be a political or some other agenda,” former Customs and Border Protection acting commissioner Mark Morgan said of Mayorkas’ changes to the parole programs. “I think that’s what he was told to say by his boss, and it’s more important for him to be the secretary than it is to have integrity.”
Careful! The Scranton Strangler can sill get spry after his meth and amphetamine injections. Don't underestimate the walking dead, the Z war is only beginning.
Morgan served in the DHS subagency during the Obama and Trump administrations - but said that unlike Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, Mayorkas “knows” immigration law thoroughly yet proceeds “unlawfully” with many policies.
For the love of all that is Holy! Mayorkas is a gratuitously unsatisfied semitic power bottom type with less agency than a prostitute. Less honor too, but a bigger ego.
Yong isn't wrong. The blue party's electorate consists of flaming homosexuals, nogs on the democrat plantation, twerking spics, but mostly white women with the wrong outlet for their rage and perverse maternal instincts. The types of crazed bitches who buy strollers for their dogs and support ukraine.
Should find those niggers and give them a good horse whipping, may as well if their false accusations stuck.
“He not only used his influence as the secretary of DHS but also the White House bully pulpit to perpetrate a lie to the very men and women that he oversees,” Morgan testified. “So to say that it had a devastating impact to the morale across the United States Border Patrol would be an understatement.
Chance of spook shenanigans terror before or after Zion Don is elected - 99.9%.
“It’s why [for] the first time in history - no other secretary, however many secretaries we’ve had - during a muster when he was down on the border, there was a Border Patrol agent that actually turned his back on the secretary,” he claimed. “That’s never happened in the history of the United States Border Patrol.”
Used to do that as well, even learned how to take seven pace detours around Army officers.
As the DHS leader’s boss, Biden also made his intentions clear even as a presidential candidate, Morgan said.
Biden's intentions?! That kneeling maniac only wanted to grab children and eat ice cream. Never right in the head to begin with, as Commander in Chief crazy Joe was a Ronnie Reagan nothing but a grinning, senile financier and spook marionette.
"My son Hunter is not a degenerate subhuman junkie, as a matter of fact he gave his life fighting the Taliban to protect democracy in Iraq after Assad did 9-11."
Based on that pledge and a willingness to throw successful immigration policies such as “Remain in Mexico” to the side, Morgan said he predicted that there would be “catastrophic chaos and lawlessness on our border” if the Biden-Harris ticket won office and enacted such measures.
The scamdemic mail-in ballot election will live on in infamy, as will the glownigger and snitch managed patriotard insurrection.
“In fact, the reason why I remember distinctly, I actually used the word ‘invasion,'” he said of his remarks during an October 2020 press gaggle at the southern border. “And I think that’s exactly what’s happened.”
It's a domestic enemy sponsored invasion. Surely once a Republicant is in the Oral Office he'll fix all the problems created by the Demonrats!
The kind of tolerast democracy spread by Pax Americana. It's nothing but political theater covering for schaudenfreude on a massive scale from the most miserable and grubby "elites" represented by literal bipedal trash. Anti-aristocratic as fuck.
In particular, Morgan faulted Mayorkas for his “blatant lie” to Congress about the border being “secure” and unlawfully implementing the humanitarian parole program that allows up to 30,000 migrants per month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to fly into the US.
America truly is where the dead go to die the Shining City upon a Hill.
The approach has reduced the hard work of border enforcement “to really becoming a federal travel agency,” he jabbed.
“I think there are five elements that anyone wanting to come to the United States want: They want to be able to illegally enter the border and be released. They want to be free from deportation. They want to be able to work in the United States illegally, send money home, and bring family members here,” Morgan added.
Honestly, what are the benefits of citizenship?
Who wants to pay taxes into some system of nog and spic coddling welfare centers, kangaroo courts and a variety of cop shops filled with posturing pigs? For what, the freedumbs to vote for one of two shitty parties or get called for jury duty when some dramatic queer quarrel gets messy?
“Under this administration, all five of those things are happening,” he told panel members and staff. “And you notice one thing that’s not in there? Citizenship. Right now, those coming to our country today, if you say, ‘We’re going to give you these five things but you’ll never have citizenship,’ they will say, ‘No problem.'
Reminds me of being sworn in a US citizen. The shame will linger forever.
“The Biden administration has unleashed what - I call them incentives or pull factors,” Morgan went on. “When illegal aliens who are detained, 97% of them are removed when they’re detained. And when they’re not detained, 82% end up remaining in the United States.”
They're the gift that keeps giving for insatiable capital hoarding gays who are always in need of more cheap labor market competition. "Right wing" conservitard fags can keep worshiping their Golden Calf as the country turns into a shit pit unsuitable for hetero habitation.
“So this secretary knows - right? - that he’s misleading the American people, he’s releasing them in the United States knowing that 82% of them will never be released. And he also knows that they’re economic migrants,” he said.
Something something land of opportunities, judeochristian values, open doors, love thy neighbor, and welcome mats for all these thieves, drug pushers, psychos "men who were created equal."
“Untold numbers of murderers, rapists, pedophiles, aggravated felons, and gang members are entering our country every single day. Untold numbers of national security threats. It’s not a matter if and when a national security threat enters our country, they’re already here,” Morgan warned.
Don't these walking national security threats have "god given rights" or some lame tolerast bullshit.
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-Tenn.) told The Post that the testimonies prove the Biden-Harris administration under the leadership of Mayorkas “took what was a secure border and completely and intentionally dismantled it.”
Mayorkas is a turd, this miniature goon couldn't pass an ethics check with a cheat sheet and multiple choices.
Everything he says has manipulative gay undertones. Mayorkas was born to lie.
Plus there's that "rich" Jewish tradition of bullshitting deliberating. Endlessly, while dragging demagogues on the empath-narcissist spectrum into the sophistic swamp.
[But muh Bible says...]Remember how Abraham was supposed to lop off his junk transition, but he tricked his god and half-assed it? Then the three ragheads from Sodom strangers visited his tent to play hide the Black Stone of Mecca goop egg tricks, Sarah got pregnant, had Isaac, and they booted Hagar and Ishmael? It lead us to this shitty state of affairs.
Then there's corruption nepotism, gay mobsterism tribalism, and weird homoerotic fuhrerprinzips political theories for other kinseyan strains bionegatives to sign that social contract and obey their soapbox leadership. Those are pillars of overbearing globalism the antichrist, and most criminal enterprises for that matter.
Even the dumbest yank patriotard has to face facts. The US is a homosexual owned imbecile farm and the rulers hate competition and criticism. The ferkakte hoi polloi can compete with hordes of illegals in the service industry to keep themselves busy, it's that "libertarian" borderless free market rootless cosmopolitans idealize.
“These accounts from former Commissioner Morgan and Chief Scott make abundantly clear that the Biden-Harris administration had its sights set on opening our borders even before taking office, despite being warned of the chaos and devastation that would result,” Green said.
Will Zion Don pretend to tighten the screws after the Izzies get their terrorism on US soil next casus belli? Maybe promise to build a wall and deport a few thousand for the news cameras to a chorus of theatrical wails and feigned outrage from the flaming leftists?
They have to give the people something, otherwise proles won't sign up to go fight the Islamofascist Mullahs in Tehran "defend freedom." Even in this economy.
Nazi Federal Reserve Chair Spreads Racist Propaganda, Claiming Migrants Increase Unemployment - Daily Stormer
Jerome Powell mentions that the massive influx of people coming in across our border is a factor in
“I thank them for their leadership and their courage in speaking the truth about this administration, and encourage other current and former DHS law enforcement officials to reach out to my Committee to tell their stories, as well."
Hope more speak out without fear of repercussions from vindictive ethnic liberals in control of their bank accounts and retirement funds. Good luck.
DHS didn’t immediately respond to The Post when reached for comment.
No shit, it's a thoroughly masonified organization masquerading as a force for good.
The Vanishing Vato
Ayo, y'all muhfuggas remember dat screeching spic Leonel? He gone!
Government Deports Venezuelan Who Went on TikTok to Document How Venezuelans Were Exploiting US System - Daily Stormer
JUST IN: Migrant influencer’ Leonel Moreno who encouraged migrants to be squatters is ordered deport
Everyone's favorite babyface goblino TikTok celebrity has finally been deported!
[They are evil communists!]That's cool, there's surely no shortage of volunteers for firing squad duty and plenty of ditches to fill. Maduro is no Fidel or Hugo, but he's doing his best to toss out the trash keep his country orderly and decolonized.
The maniacal mongrel became famous for his motivational financial advise so other wetbacks could find squatter's rights loopholes in Amerikwa's jewrispudence code.
Court backlogs and pay bench and bar geeks to play structural defects opened up all kinds of opportunities in this retarded system of fag favoritism misplaced empathy and bribery lobbying.
OMG luk he holdin' de baby, Leonel is a gud boy he jus tryna feed de fambly! Definition of pollution - the goblino, it's sow, and their cunt dropped anchor.
This lisping latrino loudmouth was on the list for a while, but the authorities don't have the will resources to solve all these problems.
More bioreactor fuel. As if the white trash and nigger problems weren't enough.
How about a different catch and release approach, or more effective policies to halt unauthorized crossings since the DHS is working for the gay mafia clueless?
Perhaps special paramilitary units of hetero, non-Hispanic origin a network of labor and filtration camps for those who just want to trabajo? Why not test Zyklon B on surplus Leonels under the exact same conditions we've been lied told about in those contradictory hoax reparation scam testimonies? Most would come out a little blue in the face, but Mr. Leuchter would be exonerated and the establishment's hokey stories could finally be put to rest.
With proper cadre selection and protocol implementation, biowaste will no longer be weaponized by malicious domestic or foreign actors. Rather than sending quality troops to fight Israel's cousins enemies in the Middle East, the piggies who failed to secure the border can dick around the sandbox along with brigades full of vibrants they already let in.
If Mayorkas leads them into battle I'll support the Axis of Resistance initiative.
My favorite photo of members of my favorite organization on the border in 2007. Check out the velcro flag on the white dude's shoulder! America is definitely in distress, but I could've told you that in 2001. It's only getting gayer and browner.
Gay leadershit failed the remaining good people in this poor excuse for a first world country.
The only democratic choice here should be between 5.56 and 7.62.
Passionate uppities and their sponsors need to be put down in their place so swaths of the United States still free of the Z plague don't turn into overcrowded criminal shit holes too. Freedom mongers could learn a thing or two from history, Il Duce would just ship American elites off to their own paradise island and restore order.
The working women, to be concise. Shit is hard enough for blue collar proles in this economy, but independent women are feeling it too.
As if the hetero crisis in the Kwa wasn't brutal, migrant hoes are competing for that deficit hit supply of chorizo adding insult to injury.
Exclusive | Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse - with prostitutes doubling in 2 months
Migrant crime has taken over a stretch of Jackson Heights, Queens. “They got it, better get used to it,” one fed-up neighbor said.
Why do they come here and drive the prices down? American call girls have worked hard for generations to attain decent wages and living standards.
Will prostitutes in the land of the free officially unionize already? Can they start by picketing this barnyard bordello and demanding mass deportation action to rid the trade of scabbing skanks? With AI pushing OnlyFans and other content makers out of their abominable niche, shouldn't American trollops consolidate into a sort of International National Sisterhood of Sex Workers before the well runs dry?
They'll need to push for decriminalization, industry standard oversight, and elect a leader to keep the government out their cashapps pockets. A batshit strong woman who wields the dildo of authority with an iron fist and is not afraid to use it on the invisible pimp hand of the free market - shystiest capitalist misers, stubbornest bureaucrat cuckroaches, dirtiest blue line goons and spook untermenschen.
This strong woman probably pegged every semite, hamite, and aryan on set.
That's the only way native born surplus females can negotiate collective bargaining agreements with the kinseyan oligarchy patriarchal establishment elites.
Fifth wave feminism vibes? Sixth? No idea, they may as well call it the Tsunami cuz err'body be gettin' wet!
As for all you patriotic men males - buy hire American! And female only, in case it isn't clear.
Don't forget to train, eat your dick pills vitamins, and say your prayers, brother!
American wrestling may be gayer than a banana boat oil soaked bushel of dildos in a pink fanny pack, but for some reason this gets pindostani proles excited.
But I'm going to put on Ben Shapiro's critical thinking hat play devil's advocate and declare this development a boon for the poon holy free market. Isn't capitalism all about competition, product variety, and quality of service?
Never know if there's demand until you bring the supply? Uh, but isn't the slit market oversaturated?
If you can't stand the heat, vámonos out of the kitchen!
Modern American women are notoriously spoiled and obnoxious. Too materialistic and utterly brainwashed by the darn liberals.
Fag hagdom can be terminal after generations of that brutal nature-nurture spiral.
Mark Robinson isn't quite Adolf Hitler, but he is sure as shit trying. If we the people are left with no choice by the globalist shekel squeezers in charge between war and a new pandemic, they'll need to dig deep into the cadre reservoir.
Why a “Black Nazi” Fit Right in With the Modern GOP
Republicans might disavow Mark Robinson now, but they elevated him knowing his extremism.
So what if the guy is black? He's funny and seems sincere.
In 2011, when President Barack Obama participated in the dedication of a memorial to King, Robinson posted, “Get that f*cking commie bastard off the National Mall!” Robinson also wrote, “I’m not in the KKK. They don’t let blacks join. If I was in the KKK I would have called him Martin Lucifer Koon!”
These comments were made under a pseudonym and Robinson denies making them, claiming that the CNN report is a fabrication. But the digital fingerprints that CNN presented as evidence for Robinson’s authorship are compelling.
We all know why King's FBI files are sealed, but the CNN gays won't ever talk about that.
The King remarks are only a small fraction of what CNN uncovered. In 2010, Robinson also described himself as a “black Nazi” and claimed, “Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it [slavery] back. I would certainly buy a few.” Two years later, he wrote, “I’d take Hitler over any of the sh*t that’s in Washington right now!”
Slavery is part of America's rich and diverse history. The institution is still alive and kicking in places with backward populations developing economies. But misguided do-gooders believe that savages are simply swarthy versions of themselves, going all over the world interfering in their ecosystems natural order to mess things up more. The worst even lobby to import wild dune coons and jungle bunnies.
In the lesser realm of hypocrisy, Robinson expressed enjoyment of pornography starring trans women-a preference newsworthy only because, in his current capacity as lieutenant governor of North Carolina, he has been virulently anti-trans. Robinson also recalled being a teenage Peeping Tom who spied on teenage girls taking showers at a public gym.
In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Robinson repeatedly denied that he made the comments on Nude Africa.
“This is not us. These are not our words. And this is not anything that is characteristic of me,” Robinson said.
Us? "Our" words? Are "we" they/them? How many of "us" in the room? Is someone knocking on Tate's back door?
Presented with the litany of evidence connecting him with the minisoldr user name on Nude Africa, Robinson said, “I’m not going to get into the minutia of how somebody manufactured this, these salacious tabloid lies.”
Was about to throw up a Roman salute, but that old Curse of Ham reared its nappy head. May have to throw up postpone my Queens wife market trip due to a sudden psychosomatic reaction to CNN's salacious tabloid lies.
Can "minisoldr from Nude Africa" still be endorsed after the libelous Jewish media blew up his spot flouting our values?
Frankenberger's lost patrilineal grandson had some issues below the belt line too.
As long as he's not making strategic decisions, he'll do just fine. The political talent pool is shallower than Kamala, beggars can't be choosers.
Consider what was already known about Robinson long before the CNN report. In a 2014 Facebook post, Robinson approvingly quoted Adolf Hitler. In 2017, Robinson wrote: “There is a REASON the liberal media fills the airwaves with programs about the NAZI and the ‘6 million Jews’ they murdered.”
I have been biting my tongue about this silly Black Panther comic book movie, but I can’t any longer. It is absolutely AMAZING to me that people who know so little about their true history and REFUSE to acknowledge the pure sorry state of their current condition can get so excited about a fictional “hero” created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic marxist. How can this trash, that was only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets, invoke any pride?
Seems to have the JQ down, pretty good for some schvartze!
His rules will be simple enough for even the most uppity knuckleheaded niggers - whoever gets out of line will be whipped or lynched punished to the fullest extent. Lt. Govornor Robinson knows better than most that some "people's" passions and initiatives need to be nipped in the bud early, before petty beef snowballs into full blown nog faggotry and cannibalism Liberia style behavioral sink.
Whatever the hell this is, it's funnier than a maniacal dyke waving a BLM sign.
He definitely understands nigger fatigue, and unlike you or me can't be called racist for finding final solutions to their problems no matter how heavy handed. Fuck it, if we must play this democracy game I can officially endorse Robinson, though the elites will surely pull some dirty tricks to screw him over in favor of their guy.
If he brings North Carolina's native son Pastor Manning on board his campaign as a spiritual advisor, in lieu of my planned wife market trip I'm tempted to go down to NC and zig-zag through some of the voting stations. Then take the same route back in blackface after lunch and vote for Robinson again on my way to Queens home.