Юлечька «
погромы к тысячелетию крещения Руси» Иоффе переживает за будущее Белоруссии и одновременно льёт грязь на оранжевого человека.
What's Happening in Belarus Should Be Appalling Americans
Americans like to think we believe in democracy and in challenging authoritarianism. But, based on what's happening here and in Eastern Europe, do we still care?
Бывший посол пиндостана в РФ Майкл МкФол также волнуется за свабода, дэмократыя, и права чэлавэка в маленькой советской республике.
Opinion | Belarus is on the edge of a democratic breakthrough - or a human rights disaster
When the people of Belarus need us most, we - Democrats and Republicans at home together, democracies around the world united - should not give up on them.
Но у диктаторов свои
Lukashenko Hints at Russian Military Support
Moscow denied his claims, but Belarus's president is considering all options as he clings to power.