The Spirit Of John McCain

May 14, 2019 02:09

...possessed his flaccid orange body. As he slowly crawled out of the shallow water covered in green algae, his lips began to move. The faint whisper grew louder, and everyone could now clearly hear the swamp creature - "Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb, bomb Iran."

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Not that any of this should come as a surprise, President Trump was allowed to run elected for specific reasons.

No, not for his brilliant negotiating skills. Nor to drain the swamp and kick illegals out.

That's not how things work in the Kwa. In our democratic republic we have checks and balances.

Don't mess with our Donald yo, he's loco en la cabeza!

Yeah, we get it, negotiating from a position of strength is preferable. Those mannerisms and boisterous posturing matched with a retarded trademark blank stare are supposed to strike fear into adversaries. Bring them to the table on their hands and knees.

Hey, it worked really well on Kim Jong-Un!

He's still thinking of giving up his nukes, right?

In reality the President is barely sentient and the Iranians know it. The old man most likely can't find Iran on a map, yet his handlers keep threatening Iran with their goofy marionette.

Since Tehran isn't falling for this amateur hour chicanery, maybe his team can train the POTUS to do that crazy eyes look like the demented great actor Ronald Reagan.

The talent pool in DC is really shallow when it comes to foreign policy advisors. The circle jerk of various think tanks are stuck on stupid, peddling the same tropes paid for by the same interest groups.

Worn whores like John Bolton keep resurfacing to spout filth with a straight face.

The deep state isn't going anywhere.

Like it or not, Donald Trump will be their fall guy, perhaps surpassing the legendary Dubya Bush for the title of most gullible buffoon to occupy the White House. That is if when their harebrained semitic schemes backfire as they tend to.

First assessment blames Iran for Middle East ship explosions, official says | Fox News

Who knows, maybe Mexico will foot the bill for the hundreds of thousands of new VA claims after all is said and done. Not sure if millennials will make good cannon fodder, or how much time passes before the next war is officially dubbed a failure by the liberal media.

We'll see how this farce unfolds.

Oil prices jump as Saudi energy minister reports drone 'terrorism' against pipeline infrastructure

Crude prices rose sharply Tuesday morning on reports of a drone attack at oil pumping stations in Saudi Arabia

Let us wish the good guys all the best.

"Hang in there Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani. May your faith and courage guide you to victory over the unholy alliance of wahhabis, zionists, and their cretinous queer minions. Smite the demons as the Mahdi smiles upon you."

As that polack said in '79 - "Your cause is right, God is on your side."

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conspiracy, zog, оранжевый человек, провокация

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