
Mar 15, 2012 19:15

Working third shift as I do, I do not get to sleep at night often. I like sleeping at night, too, especially the part where you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.

Despite that, I feel I get enough sleep. It is not much, mind you. I get home after 6 in the morning, I likely decide to crawl into bed within the hour. I usually wake up when Matt gets up around 10 and prepares for work, staying up for several more hours, then taking a nap if I should be working that night.

Yesterday, my body informed me that it felt different, as though I could use a lot more sleep. I passed the fuck out shortly after getting home, showering, and brushing my teeth. I did wake up as Matt got ready for work, but I was out again once he left. I set alarms, but I snoozed and dismissed them almost entirely consciously. I mean, I was awake, but just not entirely of my usual mindset. I hate that. I don't want my free time going mostly towards sleep.

This is the fourth night out of six in a row that I'll be working. Pray to Bob for me.
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