Title: Wake up, Changmin
Pairings: Jaejoong and Yunho in an existing relationship, Yunho having a crush on Changmin, Jaejoong teasing Changmin
Rating: Rish
Warnings: Language, Semi-Violence, Some Molesting, Alternate Universe
Summary: The members of DBSK are a group of vampire hunters. But one by one, Jaejoong - Yunho - Yoochun - and Junsu have
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Comments 13
hi thar, just popping in to applaud the ending!
it was so great!
i was expecting more angst, but then this came.
and i've just read the series yesterday,
so kinda new, hehehe...
I was a bit worried it would be like 'look angst is starting.. uh it's gone alreadY?', so I hope it wasn't too unpleasant. I hope that when I write again, the mood will be a little more consistent. ^^
.. so look out for me in the future please!!! ♥
will definitely look out for your fics!
it's super awesome!
watch out for mine too? XDDDDD
Anyways! I thought it was going to end up being a homin, and i was going to hate yunho for being so mean to jaejoong....but NO. That didn't happen at all....so thank you lol
I love this story!!!
For as long as I write DBSK fanfiction, Yunho and Jaejoong will likely always be together. XD Changmin is destined to be a third wheel~.
:runs off to read:
That was soo cute with yoochun and Junsu... though there wasn't much of them in the actual story it was the funniest part... rofl.. ^_^
now about those "other things".... to be specific NC-17 other stuff.... :hinthintnudgenudgetwinkletwinkle: write one!!! :bounces: im sure by the way you write it will be good!!!!!! ^_^
(my overexerted mind is running on overdrive and my innerdemon has taken over... and it thanks you for your attention.. and also wishes to say that asianchik92 is extremely bossy when she is tired so take no offence.. ^_^)
I like bossy! I was thinking of writing some JaeHoMin smut based on my first one next. BUT.. is there another pairing you'd like to see? I'm pretty awful with requests, but you've been so good to me that I can try. ^^
Jaejoong steps in, looking at the pair on the couch, his torso bare and his skin sweaty. "Why isn't the first aid kit in the bathroom.. ?" unf..what's up Jae? :D
There really should be more vampire DBSK fics. ^^ I'm definitely going to write more~.
"Can I say I really like your Min? :D"
I'd only be like really amazingly happy!!!!! I lack confidence in Changmin. I feel much more comfortable with Junsu-muse~....
XD Your ending is so much better then the actual RP. I can't stand it. BADASS, my friend. XO Now let's get started on an epic multi-chapter vampirepalooza? Yes?
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