Техасская резня электропилой

Mar 15, 2021 20:02

За окном шел снег и рота красноармейцев ( Read more... )

Энергетика, Экономика

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bad_cmpany March 15 2021, 13:48:27 UTC
Так эта, где статью можно почитать? А то Волл Стрит как обычно денг хочет, а жаба. Мне вот тоже непонятно- куда двигаться дальше. Приказать всем быть готовыми к морозам всегда- вариант, но не по-Техасски.

Все установщики стационарных генераторов для домов и солнечных панелей загружены заказами до июля как минимум, а дальше- наверняка еще на год.


vakhnenko March 15 2021, 14:33:41 UTC
A fundamental flaw in the freewheeling Texas electricity market left millions powerless and freezing in the dark this week during a historic cold snap ( ... )


vakhnenko March 15 2021, 14:34:19 UTC
Energy markets have moved away from the monopoly-style power-delivery systems that once were common. The current system has roots in the 1990s and early 2000s, when fossil fuels supplied the majority of the nation’s electricity and extreme weather risks were more predictable ( ... )


vakhnenko March 15 2021, 14:34:54 UTC
Mr. Magness, Ercot’s chief executive, said that regulatory authority falls in part to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, a nonprofit overseen by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that develops standards for utilities and power producers. The organization last year began drafting requirements for power-plant owners to prepare for polar vortexes, but hasn’t completed them ( ... )


vakhnenko March 15 2021, 14:35:00 UTC
Critics of that model say it is more expensive than others because it pays for power that might never be needed. And PJM has fewer wind and solar farms in its territory than some other markets, making it easier to contract for resources that can fire up on demand. Gas plants can start up on demand, but wind and solar production depends on weather, time of day and storage ( ... )


shadowfoto March 17 2021, 00:47:14 UTC
для лисы( а может и хромых - не пользуюсь) есть bypass paywalls расширение, WSJ оно точно обходит.


bad_cmpany March 17 2021, 02:52:30 UTC
Спасибо, попробую


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