Jun 08, 2011 22:53
The first graduation rehearsal for me is already finished and now I have several things I need to take care of before the rest of the week is over. As a reminder to my self, I need to remember to get myself a haircut tomorrow or else I'm going to be dying from the heat for the next few days including the day of my graduation because of the fact that having thick, black hair is not good for the heat since black colors absorb sunlight. Also, I want my hair to not go all insane and sticking out all over the place when I take off the graduation hat after the graduation is finished.
Also, I have to fill out this social security thing so I can take it to school on Friday to turn it into the guidance counselor I believe. I'll get to that as soon as possible.
Also, the final graduation rehearsal is on Friday so I hope that will go well. I'm getting really excited for graduation day so I'll be psyched about that! Anyways, that's all I want to say other than the fact that it feels like death outside due to the fact that I think there is a freaking heat wave passing over us right now. It is currently 85 degrees in the middle of the night and the high for tomorrow is going to be like around 97 or 98 degrees. Yeah, the heat is insane! x.x
happy moment