I think I already hate ranted about this multiple times

Apr 22, 2011 11:30

Day 22 - A game sequel that disappointed you
Well I suppose that everyone has heard my Mega Man Zero rant and how it didn't do the Mega Man X series any justice as there is no significant storyline that connects the two together.  Other than that game, there are SEVERAL games that can also fit into this category.

One particular game is this.

Why do I say this sequel ended up disappointing me?  Well, here's one question...


I mean seriously though, Wright lost his attorney's badge before the game began.  However, what happened to the other characters that were close to him?  Did they die?  Did they abandon him?  What the heck happened?  They really didn't explain what happened to them, they just adapted another storyline and just went along with it.  I don't mind the game that much gameplay wise and storyline wise.  However, I just don't like the fact that they never really did explain what happened to the other characters.

Another game that disappointed me would have to be Last Window: The Secret Of Cape West.  Why?  I'm not going to post a picture of it because I already ranted about it already, but it disappointed me because the freaking game was never released in America!  It still isn't released in America, which means that we have to import the game from Europe.  Now I have nothing against this, but still.  It wasn't released in America.  America is missing out on a really good sequel to a game.

Anyways, that's all I want to say for now.  Later everyone.

hate rant, video games, meme

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