If anybody remembers, I have made a YouTube Update Post a few months back. I will be making another one again since the other one got lost in translation. I will be updating this list whenever I get the chance to or whenever I upload a new walkthrough video.
Down below are each of the walkthroughs that I have either completed or I am currently working on. Each link that is posted will take you to the first video in each playlist. On the video page, the playlist should be listed on the right side of the screen so if anyone is interested in watching the rest, they can easily click on the next video.
The playlist is now listed at the bottom of the screen since youtube had a pointless update that I forgot about a few weeks ago.
My Methods Of Recording
For those who were wondering, my methods for recording are as follows: For walkthroughs done on the computer through emulators (with the exception of games played on ZSNES), I will be recording them using CamStudio and an EyeToy USB camera microphone in order to record the sound. So it turns out that CamStudio is being dumb and retarded again and I can't use it anymore without the computer either freezing or the program crashing. As of now, the CamStudio method has gone down the drain once again. This will be updated once I find another screen recording program that works.
For walkthroughs that are done on the GameCube, Wii, Playstation, or any other console played on a television, I will be using a video camera with the brightness settings turned on the correct settings in order that the viewers can see the screen correctly. I currently don't have any screen recording hardware for those consoles at the moment. However, once I get one, I will be using those to record games rather than the video camera.
Completed Walkthroughs
Star Fox Adventures (GameCube)-
Knytt Stories: The Machine (PC/Freeware)-
Yoshi's Island (GBA/SNES) Walkthroughs In Progress
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (SNES)-
Mega Man X6 (GameCube)-
Chrono Trigger (PSX) (Requested by Michael from NIMHmuck)
- Knytt Stories: Dark Sky Of Wish Mountain (PC/Freeware) (Requested by TheAlmightyZenTaco)
- Donkey Kong Country (SNES) (Playlist currently being redone)
Planned Walkthroughs (In no particular order)
- Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (GameCube) (Requested by MrSuperSonic9000)
- Mega Man X: Command MIssion (GameCube)
- Illusion Of Gaia (SNES)
- Star Fox (SNES)
- Final Fantasy IV: Advance (GBA)
- Sonic And The Black Knight (Wii)
- Star Fox Assault (GameCube)
Walkthrough Progress As Of Now
The World of Goo walkthrough isn't happening anymore since problems with running the game have come up. I will be continuing the walkthroughs again really soon. Lots of things have been happening since school has began and a whole lot more things have been piling up after winter break has started. Hopefully I will be able to finish the walkthroughs soon.