of flaws and lies [5.2/?]

Sep 26, 2013 17:34

onkey; pg; romance, angst

Kibum was not seeing Jinki around for some days. Either it was because the other was really busy or he was simply avoiding him.

Well, whatever. It's not like he was supposed to care. Right ?

Yeah, he wasn't.

But he couldn't help but to wonder Jinki's whereabout or what he's doing at the moment, sometimes.

Oh. Fuck it ! What Jonghyun said when he was confronting him that night was not true, right ?

He couldn't be falling for a guy like that. That would be the worst turnabout of event of the century.

Kibum sighed as he put his forrhead on Jiyong's study desk. He had nothing to do, so he was borrowing the computer in Jiyong's room to browse the internet.

Sometimes he was upset at his leader for not letting him work outside like the others, 'It was too dangerous for you, dear' was what Jiyong always said, Kibum only rolled his eyes, too lazy to argue with him.

His only job was to be a brain. A planner, a dealer and sometimes, a trainer. Tho, honestly, he never used his brilliant martial arts ability to attack a real enemy.

He was already lifting his head up to stare at the screen, when the door cracked opened and someone appeared from behind it, making him turn his face again.

It was Jinki, who came in soundlessly and closed the door behind him rightafter, he didn't seem to aware of Kibum's presence in the room.

Kibum gulped down as he found himself didn't know what to do. Should he say something like, 'Hey, I'm here first. What do you want ?' or 'Can you please knock the door before come in?' but then he remembered it was Jiyong's room, not his. So it might be not appropriate.

And then it was when he was still thinking about what to say, that Jinki finally looked up and found him sitting comfortably with both legs in front of his chest, up in the chair, while he was wearing only a loose tshirt and short pants.

Jinki seemed startled when he saw Kibum there but instead of saying something, both of them were just staring at each other for a while.

Kibum was too afraid  if he broke the eye-contact and looked away, his cheeks would redden themselves out of this fucking embarassing butterfly-flapping thing that had already pooled in his stomach.

"I'm sorry." Jinki looked away from the display of those dangerous white thighs in front of him. Damn. Were they even a guy's legs ? He gulped " I thought there's no one, so I don't knock."

His voice sounded somehow nervous. And just if it's not Jinki, Kibum would says it's cute. But because it's Jinki, no, he wouldn't admit it. Ever.

But deep down inside he couldn't deny the all sweaty Jinki that was just back from work was unbelivably handsome. And no. Kibum really didn't have the thought to lick his protruding collarbones dry.

Oh. Shit.

Kibum glanced to the clock on the bottom of the computer screen and it's showing 11:56am. He had been  surfing online for almost four straight hours. No wonder he was dead tired and having weird thoughts.

Blame the internet.

"No, it's fine, I'm just about to leave." Kibum abruptly stood up and pulled down his shorts that had been riding up because of his sitting position.

Jinki was looking at the wall again when he was ready to walk to the door.

Kibum could smell a hint of Jinki's scent -driftwood, mint and masculine sweat- as he was about to pass by him. Then he remembered how it smelled stronger when they were hugging and all that he wanted now was to hug him again but he couldn't because he didn't like Onew and of course it...

"Key..." Jinki said to the blank-faced Kibum, touching his hand lightly and Kibum was pausing like someone had just turned his switch off "Are you okay?"

Kibum was snapped back to life when Jinki's digits electrified him. It just took him a second to jump back to sanity.

What did he say ? Kibum thought to himself. Am I okay ?

Then he realized the question was the same with what Jonghyun had asked to him before that he couldn't help but to be pissed of. Did he really look weird or what? Why did people ask him such question ?

Kibum wanted to say 'No, I'm not, so quit the questions and leave me alone' but he didn't really want to be an ass, so that he answered, "Yes, I'm okay" instead.

"You just look so pale," Jinki frowned "But if you say you're fine then that's good."

Kibum felt another butterfly flapped in his belly as he realized Jinki was somehow cared about him. Damn. Could someone just shoot the fucking butterfly right in it's fucking wings or something.

"Just go to sleep it's late. Tomorrow is Saturday." Jinki said.

Kibum nodded to no one in particular -it's rather to the floor-, mostly because he didn't dare to look at Jinki's eyes. And he was too busy contemplating the other's concern about him.

So he hurriedly aprroached and opened the door without sparing another glance to Jinki while reassuring himself that he didn't hear the older was saying a soft 'Goodnight, Key' as he closed the door.


The following morning Kibum was sipping his coffee on the kitchen, while glancing to Jiyong who was busy talking with Jinki in the living room -most probably a briefing for tonight's event- with puffy eyes.

Honestly, he couldn't really sleep the night before. He was too worried about his first real fieldwork and too anxious to be around Jinki.

And it would just be both of them for the night. Well, he could recall how awkward it was for them at last night's small talk.

"Excited for tonight?"

"Jjong you scared me!" Kibum scolded as he found Jonghyun was just coming and wrapping his muscular arm around his shoulder, muttering 'sorry' with his puppy eyes.

Kibum chuckled as Jonghyun released him and took a seat beside him.

Kibum suspiciously narrowing his eyes as Jonghyun snatched his mug "You're not mad at me anymore ?"

Jonghyun shook his head as he gulped down the black liquid "I realize I was over-reacting."

Kibum smiled amusedly.

"And if I wanted to be mad. It was at Jiyong, not you."

"Damn right." Kibum nodded "Ya. Make your own coffee ! Stop drinking mine !"

Kibum slapped Jonghyun's hand and Jonghyun was yelping in pain saying Kibum was using a girly tactic. They talked a lot. Laughing, joking, bickering and Kibum just realized he missed the old times so, so much.

Jonghyun made him more like himself and this was what he needed. He didn't need any change-yet- nor anyone to change him.

Because the only thing he needed now was only him and Jonghyun, bickering over one and an half cups of coffee, and whose eyebags were uglier than whose.

And they were too busy enjoying each other's company to notice there's a pair of cresent eyes watching them in silent from the distance.


The night had almost fallen, and it meant that the time for them to depart to the Gala had finally came.

Jiyong lent him a new set of black suit since he didn't have a formal dress. He was patting Jinki's shoulder like a real father as he repeated some reminder.

"Remember, be aware anytime and take home only what the boss wants. No need to stay around when you have won all of it."

Jinki nodded to everything Jiyong said. The leader had warned him to work extra careful this time, not to slip out anything since almost all the guests were criminals, if not rivals.

"Oh." Jiyong said when another footsteps filled the room "Here's your date for tonight."

Kibum was as stunning as usual, walking toward him with grey suits and kohl-rimmed daring feline eyes.

But Jinki kept his straight face because he couldn't erase the picture of the earlier morning from his thought. What date ? He scoffed inside his head. He already had a boyfriend.

"And here," Jiyong handed a gun to Jinki, who looked dumbfounded.

"Just in case." the leader smiled reassuringly, so Jinki took the gun and put it in the pocket inside his suit.

They rode Jiyong's black Rolls Royce. Because he told them, he wanted both of them to look glamorous. Even it's just for an auction event of stolen goods that was hiding under the guise of a sumptuous feast.

The first fifteen minutes of the journey was only filled with silence. No one took the initiative to start the conversation. Jinki was focusing himself on driving, following the gps while Kibum was staring blankly to the window. The atmosphere was unbearably awkward.

Jinki pulled the hand brake when the car was caught in the red  traffic light and somehow, he couldn't help but to finally glance at Kibum, tho he looked back to the front of the car not long after.

"How long are you planning to stare at the window?" Jinki asked out of curiosity.

Kibum glanced at him. "Does it matter?"

"Are you nervous? I heard this is the first time Jiyong send you out." Jinki said "How can that be? I mean, you're not new."

Kibum frowned "None of your business."

Jinki laughed heartily, it's almost sarcastic. "Or are you too embarrassed to admit it?"

Kibum rolled his beautiful eyes but he remained silent because actually he didn't know what to say and what actually Jinki meant with the question.

It was true that Jiyong always wanted him to stay at the headquarter to monitor the member works but that didn't mean he knew his reason to do that. He never asked him anyway.

"Silent means yes." Jinki continued, stepping on the gas when the light turned green.

"Whatever." Kibum said almost soundlessly.

But Jinki wasn't going to get away with it "I'm just curious why Jiyong  spoils you so much. When you know, your real work is still at question."

Jinki realized he sounded a little too harsh, but he could care less at the point "Do you let him and the others to touch you? To get the attention and position?"

Kibum frowned deeply as he stared at Jinki in disbelief. "What ? What do you mean by that ?"

And seeing Jinki didn't budge, Kibum looked away from him. He couldn't believe that new guy had the gut to said something like that to him.

Was that what Jinki thought about him? That his job was to satisfy the member to get the attention? He was not that low...

Kibum could feel something hot was prickling his eyes and that his vision had started to blurry. He wanted to be angry, he wanted to punch Jinki, to yell at him to stop the car and get out of here but he's afraid his voice would betray him.

Shit. Since when The Almighty Key could become so weak just because of what people thought about him ?

"What exactly is your problem with me ?" Kibum finally asked, hoping Jinki didn't notice his cracking voice.

But Jinki noticed it. He glanced over to see Kibum was looking down, playing with his own fingers. And suddenly, he felt guilty.

"I'm just talking nonsense. I'm sorry." Jinki said in a whisper, wasn't even sure Kibum could hear him.


They walked side by side on the carpeted floor to enter the hall. And Jinki had to admit that he was rather impressed at the decoration.

The theme were all an elegant purple and white. With a huge crystal chandelier hanging beautifully in the middle of the high ceiling and Jinki could smell the nice scent of lilacs and lilies when they reached the middle of the hall.

There were small tables along the side of the room, offering refreshments of various cakes and drink. There was also an orchestra playing in the corner of the room, welcoming the guests with composition of classic songs.

It amazed him to realize about how big Mr. Chi's effort was to camouflage the illegal auction with a luxurious look. Jinki could even pretend like he was attending a royal party at the moment, but with Kibum stood beside him, it was rather impossible.

And seeing the attendants around him was making it more weird. Sure, they were all wearing nice suits and dresses. But the ordinary guest of a royal party usually didn't have only one eye, or a stick of wood for the replacement of a right feet or a tattoo of a devil eye peeking from the nape in behind the collar.

Jinki cringed. He just realized how dangerous this place was now.

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentleman." A man with a black suit and white button-down shirt that seemed too small for his huge belly greeted the guests from the small stage in the middle of the room.

"Thank you for your presence this evening. As we all know that soon, there'll be held a huge auction for Mr. Chi's collections. I hope all of you are well prepared. We will begin it soon. But while waiting, you are all allowed to enjoy the dishes around. Thank you. And good luck."

Murmurs of excitement could be slowly heard from the guests and it strangely mixed with hisses and sinister laugh, that made Kibum shudder a little.

"Chill out.." Jinki whispered, honestly more to himself than to the other.

"Are you sure we can win this auction?" Kibum asked to Jinki while sipping his cocktail, it seemed that nervousness had made him forgot about the earlier word-fight in the car.

Jinki shrugged, "I'll just try my best." he said "Are you?"

Kibum paused for a while like he was thinking about something. "Jiyong said I'm very picky and have a very good feeling. I could differentiate the most valuable goods out of the others. Sometimes, I could also know other people's thoughts. Like what someone thought about something in particular. Like is the pearl she's bragging about really a rare one ? I could read it from her facial expression. I don't know what it has to do with this but-"

"So can you also read mine?" Jinki cut him.

Well... except you.

"I'm not going to tell." Kibum simply said.

Jinki only chuckled but it's enough to made Kibum more irritated.

Then suddenly the murmurs intensified and the guests applauded when a 50s man entering the hall. With a wide smile he's waving to the attendants, followed by his muscular bodyguards.

"He's Mr. Chi." Kibum whispered to Jinki, who just nodded in return.

Jiyong had talked a lot about the man but this was the first time he saw him. Jinki was well aware that Mr. Chi was very influential in this kind of world.

"Good evening. It's nice to see you again-"

"I have to win. I will. You just have to watch and I'll do everything. Jiyong must be proud of us." Kibum said, didn't bother to hear Mr. Chi's greeting.

Jinki smiled a little, liking the fact that Kibum just said 'us'.


The auction went well and peaceful as far, but out of the list Jiyong made, they just had gotten a ghost pearl for the boss. Needless to say, it was one of the least desired item of the auction. They just had to raise two bids to win the dull green-ish colored pearl. Jinki couldn't even think why the boss wanted it. It didn't even sparkle.

But Jinki could see Mr. Chi winked at Kibum when the gorgeous boy came to the stage. He said that only a wise-man would want the pearl. But Jinki couldn't tell why.

Jinki could see that Kibum was interested in weapons, especially guns, he says guns were the least expensive and could be smuggled abroad. But he was holding back himself if the item was not on the boss's list.

Then Mr. Chi's men brought out a crate containing a gun. It was the star of the auction -beside the knife of Jack the Ripper, which was unfortunately won by the eye-tattoed man-.

They said it was the only other twin of some old type of gun -which the criminal couple Bonnie & Clyde used back then- that was still exist now.

Jinki knew that Kibum was more than eager to win the gun -since it was the only gun the boss wanted on the list- but to their surprise, they were not the only one who's waiting for the item.

Jinki could hear the excited whispers around him. This won't be easy, he thought.

"I'm going to start with the price of $7,000." the host announced the opening price.

"$8,500." someone said, raising his number board.

"Number seventeen with $8,500 !" the host pointed.

"$9,000." a bald man that was standing not too far away from Jinki yelled out.

And shortly, there was simultaneous shouts of higher price from several different persons.

The bids continued to increase and for a while, it's stopping at $165,000.

"$200,000." Kibum finally raised his board, earning some anticipating murmurs around.

There's no another bid for a while and there's no respond after the host announced the last offer. He almost knock the hammer to the small table on the stage to mark Kibum as the gun winner but then the bald man yelled again, "$230,000."

Kibum only glanced at the man for a moment before raising his board again and finally shouted "$300,000."

With the "Fuck," the bald man hissed out after, the host counted down from five before knocking the hammer and announcing Kibum as the winner.

"Congratulations. This item is officially yours. You may come up to see." the host asked Kibum to come forward.

So Kibum stood out from the crowd, walking to the stage as he cooly received the loud applause from the other guests. And that was the Kibum Jinki knew, glowing with boldness and confidence.

But then the thing he and Jiyong  had worried the most happened in a blink of an eye. One second he was looking at Kibum that was still walking to the stage and the next second, after he heard another hiss came from beside him "Boss is going to kill me.." and a quick pull of a trigger, he realized that the bald man next to him was going to shoot Kibum.

He moved to his side to tackle the man down but it was too late. The gun was already firing and the bullet was already ripping the fabric and the flesh of Kibum's right leg.

Kibum screamed, holding his bloody leg as he fell down.

Jinki was trembling with anger as he looked back to the bald guy under him and punched the life out of the guy. His well-polished shoes kicking the gun out from the criminal's limp hand before he caught it with his own hand.

When the bald man's face had turned considerably purple and black enough for him, Jinki stood up and thought to shoot the man as a payback but finally he decided to step on the guy's right hand hardly, until he could heard a loud crack from his bones.

"That's for him, you bastard." Jinki spat down before he finally ran toward Kibum, didn't even notice when did all hell break loose and the guests which previously looked normal suddenly turned into wild animals.

Some of them were attacking each other, while some others took the opportunityof chaos to steal the auction items. It was all messed up. But Jinki didn't give a slightest damn, because the only thing he could think of now was Kibum.

When he approached Kibum, who was still crying in pain, gripping his bloody leg, Jinki felt his blood started to boil in anger again. He should just shoot the bald man right at his head or something, but he knew that saving Kibum was the most important now.

He slipped his hand under Kibum's knees and under his nape, carrying him up as he ran out from the bloody war.

"Hold on, Key. Please."


Kibum was as pale as sheet when Jinki finally put him down on the passenger seat of the Rolls Royce. Still opening the door, Jinki was kneeling on the ground and ripping the bottom of his button down shirt before he used the fabric to wrap and twist the wound, to stop the bleeding.

"Hurry.. and d-drive off." Kibum whispered, cold sweats running down his face like waterfalls.

Jinki nodded and got up to close Kibum's door as he hurriedly ran into his driver seat, starting the engine.

"S-should we go to the hospital ?" Jinki asked an idiot question out of anxiety.

"Headquarter.." Kibum said, shutting his eyes to reduce the pain.

Jinki just nodded and followed the younger's instruction.

"Hold on. Please." he said as he glanced to Kibum, whose eyes were already half-lidded.

Kibum smiled weakly to him and Jinki finally couldn't hold himself back to stretch his hand out and caress the younger's sweaty face. "Don't die."

"Not planning to.." Kibum mouthed without a sound and it made Jinki released a shaky laugh.

Then Jinki, out of instinct, slid his hand down to get a hold of Kibum's cold hands, intertwining their digits like he didn't want to let go. And he didn't even until they reached the headquarter.

It was dark, considering it was almost midnight and Jinki already got out from the car, preparing himself to carry Kibum out when the younger resisted.

"Get me Jjong.." Kibum said weakly, rejecting Jinki's hands.

Jinki frowned, frozen in place. "What ?"

"Get me Jjong. Please." he pleaded again.

"Okay." Jinki said, still confused "But.."

"What the fuck is happening with him ?!"

But Jonghyun was already waiting at the front door, Jinki thought as he turned around, seeing the musculat guy climbed down the front step and shoved him away harshly to the side.

"Jjong.." Kibum mouthed as he blinked, catching the blurry silhoutte of his bestfriend.

"What..." Jonghyun gaped, scrutinizing the weak guy on the car seat in front of him, then he closed his mouth as he stared at the red stained fabric wrapping the other's leg "You..."

It took him only a second to realize what just happened and the only thing he needed to do now was..

"You !" Jonghyun turned to grab Jinki at his collar and punched his cheek "What the fuck are you doing.."

"Jjong.. Please.." Kibum called out with all his might, tho it was still almost inaudible.

And Jonghyun finally pulled away, after landing another fist on Jinki's side and practically threw him to the ground. "I'll deal with you later !" he pointed at Jinki before he turned around to approach Kibum.

Jonghyun's punch hurted like hell, Jinki thought as he rubbed the side of his face. But then, as he saw Kibum willingly threw his arms around Jonghyun's nape when the guy carried him up, and as soon as Kibum buried his pretty face on Jonghyun's chest, it didn't even take the wounded younger a second to start crying out like a lost child.

It took everything on him to admit that he would take even a million punch like that again on his face if he could be Jonghyun at the time. To be something closest to home for Kibum to feel safe enough to cry on.

!fic, pairing; onkey

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