of flaws and lies [4.1/?]

Sep 26, 2013 17:15

onkey; pg; romance, angst


The Shadow Dragon Headquarter, third  week of March.


Jinki raised his eyebrows as he glanced to Chansung for the nth time that evening, had to leave the video game he was about to win because of the interruption, his facial expression must'd been showing the words 'What is it again ?' but Chansung seemingly didn't falter.

"I was in my math class and my teacher asked 'Chansung, what comes after 69 ?'" A raise of eyebrows "Do you know what I said ?"

Jinki shook his head, half-heartedly.

"I said 'I do'." Changsun exclaimed "Hahaha. Do you get it ? Do you get it ? I come after 69 ! HAHAHAHA !" He clapped his hand as he laughed out loud all by himself.

While Jinki remained speechless at the joke and the living room fell into silence. That was until finally a flat voice -most probably Changmin's- chimed in from behind them "Could anyone throw him a shoes ?"

And someone apparently did. It landed right on Chansung's temple.

"Shit !" Chansung yelped as he threw the boot aside "That's fuckin' hurts ! Don't act like you got a better joke, sonofabitch !"

"Thanks." the voice said again, emotionless and serious.

Jinki was almost rolling on the floor laughing while the rest of the gang members on the room were also barking out mockings for Chansung.

"Is this a  kkangpae headquarter or a mental ward ?"

Jinki looked up from the floor where he was sitting on as he tried to hold his back his laughter, just to see a pretty face  walked on them with a distasteful face from the door.

And somehow, Jinki couldn't help but to hide his smile.

"Hey, Key!" Chansung suddenly called out.

"What ?" Kibum turned his head to look at the bulky guy, still with a scrunching face.

"Do you know what to call a Kkangpae boss in a wheelchair ?" Chansung said.

In the middle of the other's 'Here we go again', Kibum just raised his eyebrows.

Chansung  smirked "A Quadfather."

"Huh." Kibum said.

Chansung raised his eyebrows too as he realized everyone was frowning at him.

"It's from the Godfather." Changsun explained "God-father. Quad-father. Duh."

There was a pause for a good an half minute before all hell broke loose and the members were errupted into laughter again, while Kibum simply said "Idiot." and he resumed his journey to the their dining table on the side.

"Anyone wants pasta ?"

"Si, Mama." someone answered in latin accent.

"Pasta ?" someone else said "What's the occasion ?"

Kibum shrugged as he glanced to the guy "It was in front of our door and written from the boss. A treat."

"Really ?" someone said in pure disbelief.

Kibum pursed his lips and shrugged again, turning his body to the table to face the paper bag before he thought of something and looked up again.

"Is there no one that want to help me ?" Kibum scolded.

"I'll help you dig in."

"Me too."

"Or where's that newbie ? Ya, you ! Go help him."

"Me ?" Jinki said, pointed himself as he looked to Chansung.

The tall guy just shrugged as he snatched the old joystick from Jinki "Go. I'll win this for you."

Jinki eyed Chansung doubtfully but he stood up anyway before he came to approach Kibum.

"Need a hand ?" Jinki asked.

Kibum already said "Y..." but as soon as he looked up to see it was Jinki he was making -a rather cute, on Jinki's opinion- contemplating face and quickly said "No. I'm fine."

Jinki raised his eyebrows at the rejection but in the end he still decided to go beside Kibum and helped the guy unloading the plastic boxes from the bag.

Of course the meal was not a fine dining. It was just a take out with not much pasta and small amount of bolognese sauce on top.

But there's plenty for everyone, nonetheless.

"Generous boss, huh." Jinki couldn't help but to make a comment, cause he was also curious about the boss.

"Hmm.." Kibum just responded with mumbling.

Jinki turned his head to stare at Kibum, while his hand was still fumbling with the plastic forks.

The latter seemed aware of Jinki's intense gaze but he tried to act like it was nothing.

But Jinki knew better, he thought as he smiled amusedly and went back to the pasta business. He had learned along the way that Kibum was usually uncomfortable with people staring at him for too long. And unfortunately, The Prince had already developed this new liking to tease him. Especially, after the match.

"I thought it has something to do with you, tho." Kibum suddenly said in small voice, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Huh ?" Jinki raised his eyebrows.

"The last work we've done." Kibum said, glancing for a while to Jinki "The one with your.... input.."

Ah. Jinki knew. Kibum was referring to the mass cocains smuggle the palace let slip for once so Jinki could be trusted at his first try. (The palace would still track down where the drugs were heading, tho.)

"Boss has been fussing for it for so long before.. uh.. you." Kibum continued.

Jinki just nodded as he finally emptied the huge paper bag.

"So, I thought this is his kind of reward.." Kibum shrugged before he took a deep breath and said with an even smaller voice "Maybe you're not that bad.."

Jinki raised his eyebrows and turned his head again, unable to hide his smile "What do you say ?" he asked with an obvious teasing tone.

Kibum frowned at Jinki as he also turned his face to stare back at the other, irritated "I don't say anything."

Jinki smiled so wide "Obviously.."

"Ugh." Kibum said before he decided to turned his head again and shouted "Pasta's on the table, guys. Serve yourself !"

Jinki felt his cheekbones were about to explode as he saw Kibum refused to look at him any longer.

"Hey," he called again "Do you know what people said when an Italian Chef died ?"

"What ?" Kibum said as he looked scornfully to Jinki, he scrunched his nose "Not you too.."

Jinki ignored the words and continued his joke "They said 'He pasta way' !"

"What the fuck is going on with anyone's brain ?!" Kibum cursed as he took his portion of pasta and headed to the living room's couch, leaving the amused Jinki behind.

"That was lamer than Chansung's." Changmin added as he came to take his pasta from the table then went away again.

"I got a better Italian joke, man." Changsun said as he came over too "What do you call an Italian hooker ? That's right, a pastatute."

"Sorry, Onew. Chansung is the lamest of the lamest." Changmin chimed in as he appeared out of nowhere, this time to get a plastic fork he seemed to forget before.

Jinki tried not to laugh again.

And as he started dug in the meal on the dining table, with Chansung -who was still trying to test his endless joke stocks- and some members who came on and off to offer one or two -mostly dirty- jokes, Jinki would've never thought that he'd be kind of enjoyed being a part of Kkangpae.

And seeing Kibum scoffed at their attempt to involve him on the joke, rolling his feline eyes and sneered with his pouty lips. He enjoyed that too.

"Wow. I smell a festive mood." someone smirked from the door.

"Hi Jiyong."

"Yeah, Kids. Daddy's back." Jiyong joked.

"Dig in, man." Chansung said when the leader approached the table "There's still plenty."

Jiyong nodded "Later. Still have something to do."

The others just nodded back at their leader's words.

A second after, Jiyong was already turning around to go to his room when he seemed to remember something and turned back again "Hey, Onew."

Jinki looked up, gulping down his pasta "Eo ?"

"I need the file of the company names that've been approved by the government to do any kind of import from China in about next month." Jiyong said "Can you hand it to me tomorrow morning ?"

Jinki nodded to Jiyong. "For another.. smuggle ?" he asked.

Jiyong also nodded in return "Just some stolen valuable goods and a small amount of some new-found kind of drugs. We'll see how to market it here." he explained "Mr. Chi will arrange how to slip them inside one of those imported boxes from China. He'd like to know all the company names to find the easiest one to infiltrate."

Jinki made an 'O' with his mouth, before noted down all of the information inside his head. Thinking that they also had to warn the China government about this Mr. Chi.

For be able to slip the package on an imported box, he -or maybe his men- must be working on the custom department in the airport or something.

"Which computer should I use?" Jinki asked as he stood up from the dining chair. "I just usually use the one in the recreational for playing games."

"Just use one in my office." Jiyong said "It has undetected IP. Do you want to start working now ?"

Jinki shrugged "If you want it ready by next morning.."

Jiyong nodded "But before that.. I just got your ink."

"My what? Ink?"

"Yeah." Jiyong said "For your tattoo. Let's just do it first."

Jinki frowned a bit but he just nodded in the end.


It was another staring match.

One with an obvious irritation while the other with a hint of mischief.

Then came a bark of laughter from behind the two players.

"I don't see the importance of your laugh here, leader-ssi." Kibum spat bitterly as he turned back on his seat.

Jiyong's eyes sparked naughtily, ignoring his golden boy's nagging before turning to the other one in the room.

"So, where do you want to get it?"

Jinki frowned "Where did the others get it? Where do you have it?"

"We usually carve it in a hidden place. I have it on my chest. Some have it on their upper arms and Kibum has it on his nape." Jiyong said.

"Yeah, I know that." Jinki said, a half flirty to Kibum, a half still confused of his own choice.

"So what is your decision?" Jiyong raised his eyebrows "Our tattoo artist is a bit impatient."

Jinki chuckled a bit before slowly taking a deep breath "I think I'll do on hipbone."

"Oh shit! Good choice!" Jiyong clapped as he stood up from his seat. “Then.. I’ll leave you for your intimate moment now. Key, make sure you're not staring too much, okay.” he winked, earning an alcohol bottle flying to his face -by the glaring Kibum- a second after but of course, it was easily caught by him.

"Yah! Don't throw away what you need !" he scolded.

Kibum hissed again when Jiyong was finally out of the room after throwing back the alcohol.

Jinki raised his eyebrows "Just don't do it if you're uncomfortable." he said.

"What?" Kibum frowned.

"Don't do it if you're uncomfortable." Jinki repeated louder. "Jiyong said it's not only you that could do this. There's this Taeyang but he hasn't got home."

Kibum still knitted his eyebrows.

"I'll just tell Jiyong to wait for Taeyang then I can get my tattoo." Jinki said.

Kibum thought that he'd just be kind of loser if Jinki found how nervous he was. Dammit, Kibum! You've done this million times. What's different about this man?

"I never said I want to back out." Kibum sneered "Don't concluding on your own."

"Alright." Jinki shrugged. Didn't understand why Kibum had to be that defensive but he moved his hand to take his shirt off, anyway.

It's not the first time Kibum saw a topless guy. And he had seen a more impressive bare muscles and abs of a man -take his bestfriend, Jonghyun for example- than this one right in front of him.

But he just couldn't put on word what did make him almost blush like a school girl at the sight of Jinki's body. Everything that sculpted on his skin was just right. And inviting to be touched, to be caressed, to be pressed, to be mapped on.

"Seeing you gulp like that makes me expecting when will you start drooling."

Kibum snapped back to reality, looked up to see Jinki's face that seemed so amused he wanted to punch it.

But Kibum just kept silent since he didn't know what to return. He must be looked so obvious. He took a breath to calm his heart rate, before taking the alcohol to apply it on his hand and a lotion after it.

"Why lotion?" Jinki asked, half really curious half implying something.

Kibum frowned, almost blushing again. Shit. "Because alcohol makes your skin dry and rough, it would be uncomfortable when it makes contact to skin."

"Why so serious... I'm only joking.." Jinki said, half grinning.

"Whatever." Kibum said, taking a deep breath and trying to get his concentration back.

Where did he say he want to get it? Hipbones?

Kibum frowned as he saw Jinki's waist and lower parts were still completely covered, he gulped. "You should lower your pants."


"Stop asking and just lower your pants, or i’ll carve it on your tummy instead.”

Jinki tried to muffle his laugh again after getting what Kibum said before he gripped the side of thighs area of his pants and wriggled on his seat to pull his sweatpants and his briefs a little until his hipbone showing.

Kibum sighed deeply as he took a cut of clean cloth with some drops of alcohol on, before bending down a little to rub the alcohol on the spot of Jinki's hipbone.

Surprisingly, Jinki was silent during the process. He was occasionally grimacing but mostly he's holding it.

The room was so quiet and Kibum felt the atmosphere turned somehow awkward when they both didn’t talk to each other. He realized he'd rather facing Onew trying to upset him instead of remained silent.

Somehow, it made him wonder who was exactly this stranger? What made him want to join this dark fucked up world while -a part of- himself wanted to live a normal life.

Kibum glanced up to Jinki who was also spacing out, staring blankly ahead. Wondering if only he could read minds, he would know what the guy was thinking right now. But on the other hand, he's glad he couldn't because it's not like he'd care about it.

“Where did you learn to make this?” Jinki suddenly asked.

Kibum raised his eyebrows as he realized that Jinki's tone sounded serious this time, so that he's willing to answer “I saw Taeyang did this once, then I tried it on Jonghyun. Surprisingly it turned out very satisfying, and since then I'm trusted to make the member's tattoo along with Taeyang.”
Jinki nodded slowly, digesting “So you also made it for Jonghyun.” It was a statement not a question.

Kibum only hummed softly, tho he's sure Jinki could hear it since there’s only two of them in the room.

Until one point, Kibum realized that he accidentally carved the needle too deep on the other's flesh and he quickly apologized, but Jinki brushed it off like he felt no pain.

Because honestly, Jinki was still too busy debating with himself, thinking that by doing the tattoo he had literally marked himself as a part of Kkangpae and he felt a little guilty. He knew it's just a part of the plan, but still..

"You-" Jinki suddenly said.

Kibum raised his eyebrows "What?"

"Can I ask you something?"

Kibum nodded almost too immediately, it was surprising himself.

"How long have you been here?" Jinki asked.

The other paused for a while before answering, "One third of my age.. Long enough ?"

Jinki raised an eyebrow, couldn't imagine how someone could survive that long staying as a part of this world. Not to mention that someone was Kibum.

Kibum was nice though a little difficult, but nice nonetheless. Jinki could tell Kibum wasn't the kind of strong type for living the life. Or maybe it's just Jinki who hadn't knew him too well yet.

"Did Jiyong take you here?" Jinki asked again.

"Someone took me here when another group of men trying to kidnap me. I don't really remember how or why, all I knew was when I opened my eyes there's Jiyong, he told me his men saved me from Seven Stars."

"Seven Stars?"

"Another mob of Kkangpae."

Jinki remained silent again. He knew Kkangpae had many groups -Minho had told him this before, most of them based on territory- but he didn't really know and think if any of them were not even acquaintances but rivals.

That fact made him think what made the difference in between one group to another. Did he enter the wrong one?

Well.... Jinki rationalized in the end, They are all equally criminals anyway.

"But why did Jiyong's men rescue you from Seven Stars?" Jinki raised his curiosity "I mean, you're not even one of them, at the time, so..."

Kibum just shrugged, "Jiyong said Seven Stars is worse, they sell people, drug them, rape them, even to the one that want to join them. They treat their people really badly." he sighed "So I thought I'd better stay here and agreed to pass the test to join when I reached the age. I believe the gang because so far Jiyong and the others are very good to me. And this mob raised me, literally."

"And you're happy with it?" Jinki raised his eyebrows.

"It's not like I can choose, Onew." Kibum looked up to him, "being someone who lived in the street along your lifetime didn't make you have the choice to pick your own happiness to be wrapped inside a colorful box and ribbon. I know things far worse than this." Kibum's voice became distant, he tried to keep his voice level but he failed. Miserably.

Jinki felt like slapping himself. Because he didn't even know there was anyone out there like Kibum until now. He never dreamed of anything but the good-mannered people around him.

When he himself only knew a good meal, a good house, a good education, and all of the nation's best facilities that were gifted freely for him.

Jinki didn't know how hard life was outside the palace walls. But instead of voicing them out he kept silent, he didn't want to press Kibum further with questions that might be a little too sensitive.

“Do you usually like this? Could become quiet all of a sudden?” Kibum asked without thinking, he just couldn't stand the silence.

“Not really," Jinki said "Why?”

Kibum shook his head as he continued the tattoo "Just.. wondering, since you usually talk a lot.”

"You don't know me." Jinki chuckled "Don't judge someone you don’t know, or... this might be your way to get to know more of me?” he raised his eyebrows.

Kibum snorted, now deliberately pressing the needle deeper on the other's hip but that only made Jinki laugh.

“Do you always behave like this in front of new people?" Jinki asked "Pretend to be annoying and sarcastic ?"

“I don't pretend about anything in any case.”

Jinki smiled widely, it looked like he couldn't help but to be amused with whatever Kibum did and said, that made Kibum more exasperated.

But instead of responding, Kibum preferred to stay focused on his job in order to get it done and over with.

Jinki laughed again after looking at the determined face Kibum was just sporting.

“Stop laughing or this will be finished tomorrow morning.” he threatened.

“I actually don't mind...”

Jinki raised an eyebrow before grinning at the blonde who was involuntarily blushing.


Jiyong decided that Jinki would come along with him for his first real fieldwork. Two weeks again. On that illegal goods from China.

Kkangpae also had someone from the Korean custom on their side. And after Mr. Chi informed them which box from which company he's going to use, Jiyong had to come to the lodge where the custom usually stored the unreleased things, to get the goods himself.

Because the custom person could only help them until that length. He'd just make sure he'd turn off all the CCTVs and Jiyong would be scheduled to come at the time when the daily guard was resting or something.

A week before the fixed operation date, Jinki also had informed it to the palace. By sneaking to the usual bar's -the one where he first met Kkangpae- bathroom he visited -also with some other Kkangpae members- and meeting with one of the palace's staff that was put to stand by on the bar everynight.

In case Jinki had something to be delivered to the palace, because The Prince completely didn't bring any communication equipment with him, in order to avoid unwanted suspicion.

On the other note, Jinki worked on his martial arts harder in the headquarter, just to gain more trust and respect from the Kkangpae. But sometimes he didn't know why he feel somewhat uneasy when they were sincerely praising and wishing him good luck to do his first real crime work. It felt like he had betrayed them.

Oh. He had since the beginning though.

Because even Kibum seemed concerned and suddenly had this new habit to send him a stare that was a mix of doubt and worry. Like one time when Jiyong assigned him to teach Jinki about the people-deceiving know-how -the slyness, the acting and else-.

When Jinki looked up after reciting the lines Kibum wrote for him, he caught the other's worry stare off guard, that Kibum quickly brushed it off when Jinki asked, saying he's just worried Jinki's brain was too small to digest his amazing tutoring skill.

After the lesson resumed, Jinki was just absentmindedly whispering to himself that he had already mastered the deceiving lesson far since the first time he stepped into this headquarter.


!fic, pairing; onkey

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