NEX-7, Nikkor 50mm f1.8 AI (longnose)
In the last couple of posts I didn't really discuss why I wanted something to work alongside my NEX system. This is due to some of the limitations I've run into with the NEX-7. Overall I remain extremely satisfied with the 7 but there are some things about it which frustrate me occasionally or regularly. Most of these are either issues of form factor or simple design choices.
Form Factor issues:
1. Gloved handling. The NEX-7 is small enough that it does not handle well with gloves. And it gets cold enough here in Toronto that I can't shoot ungloved in the winter. Only real solution is to use a larger body.
2. Tripod handling. The base of camera is not a secure mount for a tripod. This is partially a design choice, Sony could have significantly increased the effective base area but even then it would be limited. Easy solution in the JimBuchanan grip though (also coming for the NEX-6). This is an issue when using lenses which are mid-sized and native or on adapters without tripod feet. Not an issue with lenses large enough to have their own tripod mounts or if adapted using the Sony A mount adapters which have tripod feet or other adapters with feet, of which only my Contax adapter has. My most-used adapter, the Nikon G adapter, gives up a foot to have an aperture ring for G compatibility.
3. Handling with larger zooms. I don't mind the real long-lens handling as the NEX functions like a handle, but for shorter but still large lenses like the Sony DT 16-50/2.8 SSM, the handling is simply awkward. And there's no native equivalents for these lenses. The big deal here is the normal and wide fast zooms, I've few issues picking an 85/2.8 or 135/2.8 over the faster equivalents like the ZA135 and ZA85 that also fall into this handling gap, but I have no option to replace the 16-50 in particular. Hopefully resolved with either the G or Zeiss zooms due later this year.
Design Choice issues:
1. No remote release. Unforgivable on a $1000+ camera. I have to use either a self-time or an IR remote which can only be used from in front of the camera. Solved on the NEX-6 & 5R via the PlayMemories App which turns a smartphone into a wireless remote release amongst other things. Even better would be non-battery-draining support for the classic Alpha cable releases
2. Insufficient configurability of Focus Magnification. I have the option to turn it off or to have auto-magnification with native lenses. I love focus magnification and have it configured to work with a button-press right under my thumb (the AE Lock and AF/MF button in AF/MF mode). I however dislike having the camera magnify if I touch the focus ring on a native lens. I cannot disable the auto-magnification without disabling magnification entirely, which is utterly stupid. This is probably my biggest issue with the NEX-7, and a major reason why I only own one native lens.
3. Read dial too sensitive. The rear (ISO) dial is just too sensitive, which regularly results in my inadvertent changing of the ISO. Needs to be stiffer or I should be able to disable it entirely. In fact I'd like to see all three control dials be assignable a la Pentax or Oly.
I'd also like to have Weather Sealing available, bad weather makes for great photography and the NEX-7 is just not a snowstorm kind of camera. I'd love for Sony to bring out a baby A77 in E mount, weather sealed and SLR handling but allows me one set of lenses across both systems.
This brings me to my third system option, sell everything and simply buy fully into the Micro 4/3rds system. With the new 16MP bodies it's clear that Micro 4/3rds can deliver the IQ I need, the OM-D could potentially replace both my NEX-7, and when configured with a grip it could handle the large body needs or a GH3 could be used for that (the GH3 is sized comparable to a Pentax K-5). And of course one reason why I was considering Nikon as my companion system was because
torfindra shoots Nikon. She also shoots m4/3 with my old G1. The downsides would be giving up my beloved Zeiss 24/1.8 and and a system that is less suited to adaptation of manual focus lenses.
I've effectively eliminated the Nikon systems from competition, there's just too many compromises, leaving my options as follows:
1. FF system plus NEX
- Preferred to match with film bodies
- Most expensive
- Speedbooster allows matching of FoV's on NEX.
- Big & heavy
Option 1: Canon
- Widest range of lenses, including adapted options
- Used by most of my friends who shoot
- IQ limitations, trades great high ISO performance for limited colour and DR performance
- I have historical poor luck with the system
- Smart adapter gives IS options, aperture control for EF lenses on NEX
Option 2: Sony
- EVF, flip/twist LCD
- Limited lens selection (no native normal's I like, limited 35mm options)
- Already own two lenses I like(17-35) or love(85/2.8)
- I know I'd be satisfied with the IQ, superb colour
- No Speedbooster
- AF/Aperture coupled adapters
- preferred film option
2. APS-C SLR plus NEX
- lens selection can be matched with NEX
- No need for Speedbooster
- Much more reasonable cost
- compact options available
- can match with film bodies, but not as ideal as FF
Option 1: Pentax
- Compact bodies
- Weather sealed, including full range of weather sealed lenses
- OVF sucks for MF
- great IQ, but limited to 16MP currently
- limited selection of faster primes
- best selection of APS-C lenses
- limited choices for normal zoom, especially if sealed
- no fully-coupled NEX adapter
- LX only film option I'm satisfied with
Option 2: Sony
- big bodies
- EVF, flip-twist LCD
- weather sealed, but only one lens is sealed
- superb normal zoom options, even if only 2
- limited selection of APS-C lenses, especially at wide end
- Same adapter options as FF Sony
- 24MP sensor with identical performance to NEX
- poor selection of native telephoto lenses
3. Micro 4/3rds
- Compact bodies
- weather sealed
- fully-coupled 4/3rds adapter allows use of wide range of sealed 4/3rds zooms
- great lens lineup
- larger body available for handling advantages
- coherent lineup, lenses would be fully compatible with both bodies (assuming small/large body selection a la NEX+big body)
- can share lenses with