At Hill College I have joined a Literarcy Club simply
so I have a reason not bike an extra 8 miles home and
back rather then doing nothing. For the simple sake of
backing them up I plan to be placing them in here. I
will try to use the LJ Cut to make it easier to read.
Base that be erased
show as it grows.
Blows show fire rows,
Man ran towards van,
sight pain in light.
Blight towards others delight.
If eye is to die,
why not ask why?
Not blind left with a sigh
look how up and walk pass why.
Why be blind to what you see,
letting beauty die ignoring what be.
Grabbing whisps smoke, letting substance leave,
shifting earth pulling what you use to be.
Mind inspired by Ayn Rand the line being
"You are attacked, not for any errors or flaws,
but your virtures.
A drop of blood.
So much pain from something so small.
The blood stains all over my shirt,
wishing my hands weren't raw.
Struggling to move another hiss release.
How can so much pain come from something so insignificant.
Streching my body just to open the door.
Bleeding tears wishing I could of lost.
How can so much pain come from something so small?
I know not the best in the world but I like it simply
for the bleeding tears line.
I wonder some nights,
when the fight is over,
why do I choice this way of life.
Why is it when the fight is over and I've won the girl,
I feel so empty?
Why is it that the glory fills my glass like beer?
Then I look out the window as I ussually do, and wonder why
when I have all feels so hallow?
I have all my wishes, yet I still wonder.
Would I be happier if I lost?
Would I be better off if I had never had fame to draw a girl?
Would I be a hero if I won only against the little guys?
For the Crazy & Insane
Jack/y=J/y and j/k
scean 1
(opens w/ m on the couch sitting up snoring and w/ his eyes open for a few secs then starts creaming for no reason then sighs)
M:good thing that was only a dream
(enteers k stage right)
k (w/ a smile): Are You alright my dear?
m: yea I'm alright. I just had a nightmare.
k: was it the one w/ the u-know-what?
m: (confuse)what are you talking about.
k: the one w/ the smiley faces attacking you.
m: if you know then she knows.
k: what's wrong w/ that, she can keep a secret.
(j enters as if looking for a clue aimlessly and avoids k seeing him)(m smiles at j)(k stop smiling & m stop as if he was a deer caught in the head lights)
k: (yelling)what's that for?
m: but I was...
k: don't lie to me
m: but I...
k: if that was true, wouldn't I see the clueless blunder lurking around.
( j stands up and yells)
j: hey!
k: oh well dust to dust(smiles again then exits stage right)
m: I sware she's insane
j: this looks like a case for Jason Black.
m: no when I lost my ring was a case. this is nothing but a ins.., ins.., it's nothing.
j: (gets to the other side of the couch and sits next to m)Then tell me why?(j strokes his chin)
m: what is wrong with you?
J: I don't know.
m: don't you have someone else to bother?
j: if I did would I be here?
m: (stands up and shouts gibberish then calms down)Stay here. (then exits stage right)(j relaxes then jumps up when m renters w/ a bat. then j runs and m runs after him swinging his bat)
m: stop running, you're only making this worse(m&j run around the coach="")
m: it won't hurt.
(j/y enters)
(again m & j "" )
m: j/y can u help your old man out?
(j/y sticks out his foot and j trips over it)
j/y: now can you help me out?
m: how much and what for?(j stands up)
j/y: what's wrong with you?
Don't u think that I might need your help for once?
m: jason do you mind?(jwacks j/y over the head)
m: thanks. I'm not an idiot I notice stuff. ok, now what's it for?
j/y: it's for a date.(m smiles)not that type, a regular one.
m: well can you blame me?
I want you to have something like me & your mom have.
j/y: I hope to dear god that I don't have what you...
m: You better not say what I think your...
j/y: have(streches out the a)(runs out)
m: come here ass wipe!
j: what's that?
m: SHUT UP(runs after j/y)
j: hey katy, what happen.
k (off stage):go to work you idiot.(lights fade)
scean 2
a few weeks later
(lights come on w/ j/y and c coming in from stage left)
j/y: r u sure u want to meet them?
c: of course I do.
there your family & hopefully they'll be mine.(c kisses j/y on the cheek)
j/y: thanks babe, now cover your hears(c covers her ears j/y waits a few seconds then looks at his watch)
(k and m enter upstage from the stairway)
k: beep, beep, beep, beep
j/y: right on secedual
m: beep, beep, beep, beep
j/y: hey mom & dad(out stretches arms waiting for a hug)
k&m:(yelling)SHUT UP!
c: is this how you talk to your only son?
m: who's the hot girl?(k smacks m over the head)
m: what's that for? she looks like you.(j/y smacks m over the head)(j sneaks in from up stage and no one pays attention to him)
m: what is this open season?(j wacks m over the head then j runs off stage w/ m chasing after him. then w/ j&m off stage you hear a large whack sound)
k: what on earth did u do that for?
j/y: cause this is my girl friend.
k: so..?(m enters from upstage)
j/y: you wouldn't think the same if grandma said dad look like grandpa?
k: (after pausing)oh, oh I'm sorry hon. so who's this woman ?
j/y: charity, mom
c: nice to meet you miss.wills
k: you guys stepping in or passing by
c: (has a bewilder face of confusion)
j/y: passing by
c: I don't think we can get to know them in one meeting
j/y: char, uno mento.
m: (yelling) don't use language like that!
c: why not?!
m: we don't understand it(m&k smiles)
j/y: just the tip of the 'burg.
(j enters upstage)
j/y: hey black.
j: hey jacko. who's the hotie?(smiles)
j/y: char, jason. jason, charity. and don't even.
j: but I..
j/y: you're not going to steal her away like you did pinkey.
c: pinkey?
j/y: the human giuin pig.
c: ah yea(has a guilty smile face that looks like she found it funny and dirty)
j: don't laugh at me because she got me to eat the puerile meat.(sounds like he's about to cry, c laughs)
j/y: black, I told her that pinkey use to test stuff.
j: well then I.. uh.. hey look a cookie.
j/y: (looks around for the cookie that's not there and j runs off stage)
m: I bet he feels embarrassed now(k whacks m over the head)
k: You didn't have to voice to everyone what they could of figured out from his entrance. Now go to your corner.
m: I'll do that later (k pull m by the ear off stage)
j/y: You can laugh now. ( C falls down laughing) Hold it (C stands up and stops laughing. after 2 seconds C stops laughing M comes back on stage w/ K holding on to his ear )
m: I don't have a corner, now let go. (M & K exit same way they enter, after they exit c starts to laugh again.)
j/y: I bet now you'll either want to flee to the 4 winds or find a way to record this for your viewing pleasure.
C: (normal now, but with a smile on her face) Well I won't flee to the 4 winds, as you put it.
j/y: Thanks for taking me serious.
C: I'm sorry, but if I'm willing to be with you through all the stupid, moronic, dumb ass, (starts going off on a tangent with simallies with stupid)
j/y: (j/y interrupts c) I think I get your point.
c: things you've done. I'm not going to run away behind my knees just because your family is a little.. (pauses like she's looking a word to match the situation) unique (c kisses j/y on the cheek) I love you for being funny, creative, intelligent guy that you are. Knowing your family wont change that. It explains a lot, but nothing else.
j/y: so I'm not cute anymore?
c: no, sexy. (strokes j/y's nose. k enters)
j/y: Thanks babe. (j/y kisses c on the cheek)
c: (yelling)What do I have to do to get you to get you to kiss me!
j/y: But I just kissed you
(k comes in from off stage so that she is behind c)
c: but, only on the cheek. it's never on the lips!
j/y: But I don't want to make anyone sick
j/y: I meant anyone watching
c: There's no one here but here but us. SO KISS ME.
j/y: but..
j/y: Ok (c & j/y kiss)
k: Awww. excuse me (K runs out)j/y:As I was trying to inform you so..... politely. My mom was behind you. Let's just go to my apartment and I'll make sure that I'll please you to end this argument.
(c & j/y exits through up center stage where the staircase is. lights fade out while c & j/k exit)
scean 3 later that day
(lights come on a few seconds later(more if needed for c to get to stage right so that k and c can bring a tabel out) with c and k bring a table in that will be on right center or within that area were you can fit it based on your space)
c: So you have dinner for the entire building?
K:No, we just have dinner here so in case anyone wishes to join they can or walk by.
C:what was with you running out?
K:The therapist says it's because of me being sick with the point of someone taking(sounds like crying) my little baby away, Excuse me. (Runs off) (j/k enters)J/k:What's with her?
C:I don't know(looks around for K)(whispers)I think she's nuts.
j/k:And your point is?
C:You don't think that's a bit weird?
j/k:Yea, but you knew my family was "unique" Besides, my dad is still in denial.
C: Why?
j/k Because of Black being eccentric.
C: ok.., I can understand that. (kisses j/k on the cheek) I'll help your mom in the kitchen.
j/k:Just be in her way when she goes after my dad.
C:How come?
j/k:Because you be willing to catch the pan with your hands instead of your face
j/k:Never mind
C:Ok(C exits)
(M enters from stairs)
M:I know you hate this time of the month, but to avoid one death..
For the Crazy & Insane
Jack/y=J/y and j/k
scean 1
(opens w/ Mekalon the couch sitting up snoring and w/ his eyes open for a few secs then starts creaming for no reason then sighs)
Mekal:good thing that was only a dream
(enteers k stage right)
Katy (w/ a smile): Are You alright my dear?
Mekal: yea I'm alright. I just had a nightmare.
Katy: was it the one w/ the u-know-what?
Mekal: (confuse)what are you talking about.
Katy: the one w/ the smiley faces attacking you.
Mekal: if you know then she knows.
Katy: what's wrong w/ that, she can keep a secret.
(Jason enters as if looking for a clue aimlessly and avoids Katy seeing him)( Mekal smiles at Jason)( Katy stop smiling & Mekal stop as if he was a deer caught in the head lights)
Katy: (yelling)what's that for?
Mekal: but I was...
Katy: don't lie to me
Mekal: but I...
Katy: if that was true, wouldn't I see the clueless blunder lurking around.
(Jason stands up and yells)
Jason: hey!
Katy: oh well dust to dust(smiles again then exits stage right)
Mekal: I sware she's insane
Jason: this looks like a case for Jason Black.
Mekal: no when I lost my ring was a case. this is nothing but a ins.., ins.., it's nothing.
Jason: (gets to the other side of the couch and sits next to Mekal)Then tell me why?(j strokes his chin)
Mekal: what is wrong with you?
Jason: Society
Mekal: don't you have someone else to bother?
Jason: if I did would I be here?
Mekal: (stands up and shouts gibberish then calms down)Stay here. (then exits stage right)( Jason relaxes then jumps up when Mekal renters w/ a bat. then Jason runs and Mekal runs after him swinging his bat)
Mekal: stop running, you're only making this worse(Mekal & Jason run around the coach="")
Mekal: it won't hurt.
(Jack/y enters)
(again Mekal & Jason )
Mekal: Jack/y can u help your old man out?
(Jack/y sticks out his foot and Jason trips over it)
Jack/y: now can you help me out?
Mekal: how much and what for?( Jason stands up)
Jack/y: what's wrong with you?
Don't u think that I might need your help for once?
Mekal: jason do you mind?( Jason wacks Jack/y over the head)
Mekal: thanks. I'm not an idiot I notice stuff. ok, now what's it for?
Jack/y: it's for a date.(Mekal smiles)not that type, a regular one.
Mekal: well can you blame me? I want you to have something like me & your mom have.
Jack/y: I hope to dear god that I don't have what you...
Mekal: You better not say what I think your...
Jack/y: have(streches out the a)(runs off stage)
Mekal: come here ass wipe!(run off stage after Jack/y)
Jason: what's that?
Mekal: SHUT UP(runs after Jack/y)
Jason: hey katy, what happen.
Katy (off stage):go to work you idiot.(lights fade)
scean 2
a few weeks later
(lights come on w/ Jack/y and c coming in from stage left)
Jack/y: r u sure u want to meet them?
Charity: of course I do.
there your family & hopefully they'll be mine.( Charity kisses Jack/y on the cheek)
Jack/y: thanks babe, now cover your hears(Charity covers her ears Jack/y waits a few seconds then looks at his watch)
(Katy and Mekal enter upstage from the stairway)
Katy: beep, beep, beep, beep
Jack/y: right on secedual
Mekal: beep, beep, beep, beep
Jack/y: hey mom & dad(out stretches arms waiting for a hug)
Katy & Mekal:(yelling)SHUT UP!
Charity: is this how you talk to your only son?
Mekal: who's the hot girl?( Katy smacks Mekal over the head)
Mekal: what's that for? she looks like you.( Jack/y smacks m over the head)(Jason sneaks in from up stage and no one pays attention to him)
Mekal: what is this open season?(Jason wacks Mekal over the head then j runs off stage w/ Mekal chasing after him. then w/ Jason & Mekal off stage you hear a large whack sound)
Katy: what on earth did u do that for?
Jack/y: cause this is my girl friend.
Katy: so..?( Mekal enters from upstage)
Jack/y: you wouldn't think the same if grandma said dad look like grandpa?
Katy: (after pausing)oh, oh I'm sorry hon. so who's this woman ?
Jack/y: charity, mom
Charity nice to meet you miss.wills
Katy: you guys stepping in or passing by
Charity: (has a bewilder face of confusion)
Jack/y: passing by
Charity: I don't think we can get to know them in one meeting
Jack/y: char, uno mento.
Mekal: (yelling) don't use language like that!
Charity: why not?!
Mekal: we don't understand it(Mekal & Katy smiles)
Jack/y: just the tip of the 'burg.
(Jason enters upstage)
Jack/y: hey black.
Jason: hey jacko. who's the hotie?(smiles)
Jack/y: char, jason. jason, charity. and don't even.
Jason: but I..
Jack/y: you're not going to steal her away like you did pinkey.
Charity: pinkey?
Jack/y: the human giuin pig.
Charity: ah yea(has a guilty smile face that looks like she found it funny and dirty)
Jason: don't laugh at me because she got me to eat the puerile meat.(sounds like he's about to cry, Charity laughs)
Jack/y: black, I told her that pinkey use to test stuff.
Jason: well then I.. uh.. hey look a cookie.
Jack/y: (looks around for the cookie that's not there and Jason runs off stage)
Mekal: I bet he feels embarrassed now(Katy whacks Mekal over the head)
Katy: You didn't have to voice to everyone what they could of figured out from his entrance. Now go to your corner.
Mekal: I'll do that later (Katy pull m by the ear off stage)
Jack/y: You can laugh now. (Charity falls down laughing) Hold it (Charity stands up and stops laughing. after 2 seconds Charity stops laughing Mekal comes back on stage w/ Katy holding on to his ear )
Mekal: I don't have a corner, now let go. (Mekal & Katy exit same way they enter, after they exit c starts to laugh again.)
Jack/y: I bet now you'll either want to flee to the 4 winds or find a way to record this for your viewing pleasure.
Charity: (normal now, but with a smile on her face) Well I won't flee to the 4 winds, as you put it.
Jack/y: Thanks for taking me serious.
Charity: I'm sorry, but if I'm willing to be with you through all the stupid, moronic, dumb ass, (starts going off on a tangent with simallies with stupid)
Jack/y: (Jack/y interrupts Charity) I think I get your point.
Charity: things you've done. I'm not going to run away behind my knees just because your family is a little.. (pauses like she's looking a word to match the situation) unique (Charity kisses Jack/y on the cheek) I love you for being funny, creative, intelligent guy that you are. Knowing your family wont change that. It explains a lot, but nothing else.
Jack/y: so I'm not cute anymore?
Charity: no, sexy. (strokes Jack/y 's nose. Katy enters from stage up left)
Jack/y: Thanks babe. (Jack/y kisses Charity on the cheek)
Charity: (yelling)What do I have to do to get you to get you to kiss me!
Jack/y: But I just kissed you
(Katy comes in from off stage so that she is behind Charity)
Charity: but, only on the cheek. it's never on the lips!
Jack/y: But I don't want to make anyone sick
Jack/y: I meant anyone watching Charity: There's no one here but here but us. SO KISS ME.
Jack/y: but..
Charity: NOW!
Jack/y: Ok (Charity & Jack/y kiss)
Katy: Awww. excuse me (Katy runs out)
Jack/y:As I was trying to inform you so..... politely. My mom was behind you. Let's just go to my apartment and I'll make sure that I'll please you to end this argument.
(Charity & Jack/y exits through up center stage where the staircase is. lights fade out while Charity & Jack/y exit)
scean 3 later that day
(lights come on a few seconds later(more if needed for Charity to get to stage right so that Katy and Charity can bring a tabel out) with Charity and Katy bring a table in that will be on right center or within that area were you can fit it based on your space)
Charity: So you have dinner for the entire building?
Katy:No, we just have dinner here so in case anyone wishes to join they can or walk by.
Charity:what was with you running out?
Katy:The therapist says it's because of me being sick with the point of someone taking(sounds like crying) my little baby away, Excuse me. (Runs off) (Jack/y enters)
Jack/y:What's with her?
Charity:I don't know(looks around for Katy)(whispers)I think she's nuts.
Jack/y:And your point is?
Charity:You don't think that's a bit weird?
Jack/y:Yea, but you knew my family was "unique" Besides, my dad is still in denial.
Charity: Why?
Jack/y: Because of Black being eccentric.
Charity: ok.., I can understand that. (kisses Jack/y on the cheek) I'll help your mom in the kitchen.
Jack/y:Just be in her way when she goes after my dad.
Charity:How come?
Jack/y:Because you be willing to catch the pan with your hands instead of your face
Jack/y:Never mind
Charity:Ok(Charity exits)
(Mekal enters from stairs)
Mekal:I know you hate this time of the month, but to avoid one death..
Jack/y:The eyes of march must be paid.( Jack/y says with a groan)