Well I have been waiting till I could come up with a format that I like. Right now I found one that allows for two to be use. The idea is to have the one done on the PC that is four frames that will get translated into spanish. Now the pencil one is one that may be strips, or a drawing. That way there is a way to have a constant style without continuing style. With that in mind I will start posting them. The art is starting to improve on my end. Now the first one it will be posted on Sunday. Since that is when I do the uploading. You guys will get to see them and I will start posting and cleaning up the older ones for the LiveJournal part.
Now I owe a color to
Tanukitsune which I plan to stop everything and just color on Friday since that is the last day of February. I have sent him a copy just not colored. I would prefer to have it colored when he gets it. Still I have till Saturday to get him the color which gives me a little more time since Sunday morning is Saturday in England.