Title: Missing You
Pairing: Kyumi
Lenght: one-shot
Raiting: pg
Genre: lettle angst, romance
Disclaimer: They aren't mine :(
Summary: Kyuhyun sees Zhou Mi every where
A/N: Birthday fic for my lovely
Aikyun . Sorry it's late TT ^ TT/. And for everybody: I'M FINALLY BACK, and wil post next part from I'm slave for you and the last part for Why can't you see soon.
When you feel lost you scare things. When you are alone you scare even a little thing. That's why I will be always there beside you.
It was raining. Kyuhyun watched raindrops which rammed to the window. He was sad and felt lost. Every little thing reminded him for Zhou mi. Sun was his smile, wind was his laugh and raindrops were his tears. Tears which Kyuhyun hated the most in the world. When he saw those tears he felt crying.
"Zhou Mi.." Kyuhyun said and touched the window. It was cold and Kyuhyun blew for it hoping that the coldness would fade away. but it didn't work and Kyuhyun walked away from the window. And the rain didn't stopped that night.
The next day was windy. It made Kyuhyun feel little better. Hearing wind blowing sounded Zhou Mi's laugh. The laugh which made Kyuhyun always smile and laugh. It was the most beautiful melody he had ever heard. Kyuhyun didn't like melodies played whit piano or violin because every one could play those. But Zhou Mi's laugh was something what only Zhou Mi could make. And that's why Kyuhyun loved it so much.
At evening Kyuhyun was in the roof watching the sundown. It was breath taking: sky was purple and red. Colors mixed beautifully to the sun which was landing behind the houses. And once again Kyuhyun thought Zhou Mi. In his mind he saw Zhou Mi watching this view together with him and smiling. He thought Zhou Mi singing his angelic voice only to Kyuhyun. He imagined his warmth next to him. The warmth which made him always feel safe.
But Zhou Mi was in China and he couldn't see this, Kyuhyun took a picture to him. When he show that picture to Zhou Mi he would see his smile and hear his voice next to him.
Kyuhyun was missing Zhou Mi but he knew that they would see soon. He knew it because he loved Zhou Mi and nothing could come between their love.