i can predict the future.

Dec 09, 2009 17:35

Okay, so I watched the Super Generation Seoul MV. OH. MY. GOD.

First of all, I love it.

Second of all, it proves that I have some sort of psychic power.

Alrighty, so most of my friends should know that I have a thing for maknaes of kpop groups. I just do. They're not always my favorite members, but I have a strong bias for them anyway. And I like pairing them. For instance: Seohyun & Kyuhyun.

SeoKyu, or 2Hyun, or whatever you want to call them as a pairing.

So guess what?

They got paired in the Seoul MV. I died. Not because I was jealous, but because holy cactus I pair those two all the time and I didn't think that it'd actually happen (even if it was just an MV and it wasn't real life). I also died because it was so adorable that I literally burst out into "AWWWWW" which doesn't happen outwardly very often. Artist!Kyu is sexier than before, because I have a thing for men who can draw, even if he wasn't the one who was drawing, haha. Just the idea of it is omgyay for me.

And the other pairings were sweet as well. I enjoyed the WonTaeTeuk, although it was more WonTae. I always like pairing leaders, so I was hoping that it would be Taeyeon/Teukie, but WonTae or TaeWon was so cute as well. And then there was HaeSoo, which I do like. SungSica was different but wow, I like them together a lot. Aw, and then Sunny & Shindong? Me like. It was a really great video, and I wish I could go to Seoul-more so than I did before XD

I'm gonna go off to study for my APUSH test tomorrow and then write some Super Generation. OH LORD, I HAVE TO FINISH MINHO'S BIRTHDAY STORY. MUST DO THAT NOW.

*runs off*

seohyun, siwon, teukie

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