OK, so you can read up on all the latest at wingsoveriraq.blogspot.com, but just some highlights. I've been getting lots of care packages from the US, thanks to organizations like Adopt a US Soldier. In order to thank these groups, we've been flying with little American flags in the cockpit and getting pictures of them (typically while on the ground instead of in the air, because it takes a lot of talent for one pilot to take the picture and the other guy to hold up the flag while you fly behind another aircraft. Not that it couldn't be done).
They get a little flag in a wooden shadow box, a certificate, a picture, and a thank-you letter.
On another front, you won't hear much from me for one plain and simple reason: I just got a Nintendo Wii, and I'm playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. I am now a Jedi--I push stormtroopers around with my Wii nunchuck, and chop them up with my Wii lightsaber. The acting in the game sucks, which means it's just like being in the prequels! I also question the logic of characters being repeatedly thrown out of airlocks (presumably to die) and then showing back up, stating that they somehow survived -273C temperatures and no air. WTF.