
Mar 29, 2007 09:29

For those of you that don't know, I've gone back to school to finish my degree this semester. With the classes I've taken this semester, I could graduate this spring (this May) if a take a couple classes in the summer. This is what I had been planning on doing until this morning. This morning I spoke with the professor that teaches the Web Design class. I was hoping to set up an Independant Study over the summenr, because Web Design is what I'm in the Telecommunication college for. I want to be well versed in Web Design, as that's what I'll be using my degree for.

He said that the Web Design class is offered in the fall semester every year, and as it's a class that is offered yearly, the university will not allow an independant study in the subject.

Now this is the rub. I would like to graduate. I can graduate. I can be done. But I've taken very little in mt desired field. As some of you may know Telecommunications is a huge area of study, and it spans from the telephone to video design to the internet and into the realm of the lawyers(that's telecom policy, where the evil Intellilectual Property fairy lives in your computer, getting you in trouble for pirating videos and music)

As it's such a huge field, there are lots of required courses in parts of telecom that I simply don't care about, and that has been most of what I've taken. If I stay alittle longer, i should be able to focus my classes on the area I want to study. If I rush it just to finish, I will be taking some dumb stuff that, while interesting, will be wholely unsatisifing.

So what do you think? I seem to have talked myself into another semester at MSU. Am I making a mistake? I need to get a job and possibly get out of Lansing, if not the state. I can do that, if I choose. I can also find a way to live here a bit longer and get what I've spent nearly ten years in Lansing to do.

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