May 14, 2004 01:16
I'm sorry. Tha's a good way to start this out. I dunno what exactly to write, but I'l try. I'm sorry for what I may have said in the past. I'm sorry for what I may of done in the past. I forgive you for what you have done and/or said, and I wish this had never happened. I'll just try to list some funny stuff that has happened to us over the years...
1. "My mommy's the mail lady."
2. "Hey wasn't that your bus that just left"
First Grade:
1. Your father coming to pick you up afetr school from my house.
2. Me almost crying casue you had to go home.
3. Meeting robbie, and lots of wheel chair pushing.
Second Grade:
1. Wearing Funny Hats and throwing balls at eachothers heads.
2. Shooting at eachother with a nerf bow.
3. Finding lots of change in your basement and stealing it.
4. X-Mas concert
Third Grade:
1. Nickelodeon Birthday party.
2. TMNT II for Nintendo
3. Sitting on the swings at recess playing RC Racing for the gameboy.
4. Awsome red game boy of yours.
Fourth Grade:
1. Paper airplane
2. Playing I dream Of Genie with Sarah and Jenna
Fifth Grade:
1. I don't remember fifth grade toooo much....
2. OH! Sitting and playing Double Dragons til 1 AM and getting yelled at by your dad.
Six Grade:
1. First year of middle school.
2. Activity nights...
3. My first gf...*shudders*
Seventh Grade:
1. So who's gong out with Ally now?
2. Meeting of Marcus!
3. And Jason!
4. Getting stuck on the ride at Lakemont.
Eight Grade:
1. "Uh oh, how'd those 22 shells get in my gym bag"
2. Shotgun Shell Shotgun Shell!!!!
3. 2000 pages under the computer lab...
Ninth Grade:
1. High School...
2. Study Hall, what's that good for...
3. Me not wanting to be in marching band
Tenth Grade:
1. Oh, so this is a vibraphone...
2. Ha, got you into indoor!
3. French II
4. Moving
Eleventh Grade:
1. The Triumphverant!
2. MOO!!!!
3. Gold Medal !!!
Twelth Grade:
1. So wtf is our lil' sign that says, welcome to Huntingdon, home of the 2002 TIA S.A. Champs!
2. F***ing judges
3. Physics
4. Phun of Phlagpole Hill
5. Graduation
Thirteenth Grade:
1. Wow, that's our drum line...small...
2. What School you going to ?
3. Frozen Tundra Nipple of Hell!
4. Ruby Tuesdays
I'm sorry Caleb. I hope this helps some... You are practically my brother. And if your happy with Branda, I should be happy foryou too. I just wish that I could remember more things we've done...It's almost 2 am. I have work tomorrow. If you're not too busy, gimmie a buzz.