
Oct 03, 2006 12:15

I've joined the cult of live journal... everyone has been at me for years about this and it took being in the office and trying to find something to do but still looking busy that lead me to reading live journal vicariously through CK's friends list. So since then I've been wondering what to write about that anyone would find in the least bit interesting.....


CK and I have been having alot of family stuff cropping up of late. Got me thinking about my family and how we interact, which lead me to other families I've seen and how they interact. I always figured I was one of the lucky ones, my parents never divorced and as a result I was an oddity in school. I pretty much was an only child even though I had 5 other siblings. They were all much older than myself so I grew up alone. When I was growing up books were my family. I read continually and was a regular face at the public library. My physical family was usually only present at holidays. CK grew up pretty much the same with the exception that he was a heck of alot more outgoing than I was. I pretty much didn't come out of my shell until I moved to Calgary.

That's where my other family began. My sister offered to take me with her to Calgary... I didn't hesitate and I've never had any regrets. I love this town. I've met the best people ever here, my husband, friends that have stuck with me when others wouldn't... I've loved here, hated here, felt the worst sorrow ever here, and the most joy. I've grown up here and it really feels like I didn't start living until I moved here.

My friends are my family, more of a family then my own blood. My friends understand me, accept me, like me and love me... and this is where things get strange for me. CK said something to me during our conversations about family that really hit a nerve. He said that he loves his family because they are blood, but he doesn't like some of his family. I never looked at it that way... I always through that where family is concerned love and like are the same. My friends I love and like and enjoy being with. Some of my family I realized I love but don't like and really don't want to spend time with them. Actually thinking back on growing up I don't think any of us liked each other much. To me that's a sad thing.

So now I'm rambling, not sure I'm making any sort of sense out of this entry but it's what's been on my mind alot these days. I seem to share alot more memories with those friends and lovers that are rich with emotion than I do with my own flesh and blood family. I guess your family is where your heart is, not with genes.
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