
Feb 10, 2004 09:52

Allways more expensive then you think. Ta to nalsa and Sawa for the lift there and back.

The main ticket items, the bookcases, were as expensive, as nice and not as ikea like, as I remember. However once you add in all the other stuff I did go over budget a touch. Although a good chunk of that was the delivery charge. Thinking back I really should ahve just brought these damn things when I did my last Ikea shop. Would have meant I'd had the bookcases for the last seven months and saved my £30 quid.

The other stuff I brought was.....

One small picture frame for a present from my parents from India, a hand painted picture of an elephant with gold leaf around it.
One large picture frame (finally) for my Luther Arkwirght picture "the battle of london" which I must have owned for five years and have finally got round to framing. So Princess Anne's naked bobbies now look down on you when your eating (there is a good reason for this). CC allways hated that picture.
Two small black cauldran like candle holders for my fireplace.
One very large church candle again for the fireplace.
Another 12 glass giving me a matched set of 23 (although putting the new one's up against the old ones makes the old ones' looka lot tattier).
Six long life light bulbs of the very cheap kind.
And weirdest of all.... a large dark blue wollen blanket, that looks so so much like my incredibally disreputable jumper that I had to get it.

Once I'd waved goodbye to nalsa and wife, I sorted some things out, moved my chairs back out of there 'pod' configeration (it would make sense if you've seen it), put my piccies up, light the candles on firepalce, and snuggled under my new jumper like blanket and read a load of comics. Man that was comfy. And of coruse remembered the thign I'd forgotten to get - hook for back of bedroom door and worked out that I need some sort of light in the corner where I sit and read. Not that I can affford it frankly. As having the main lights on ruins the effect of the candles (oh and need a few candles and this damn hopolite helmet and then it will look good!). All very cossy and comfy. My home.

Oh and in related news. Well at Ikea I discovered they've brought out a CD rack thing in the same style as the bookcases I've just brought and CC has. So if CC needs more CD storage space that might be worth looking into. Although there £35 quid and not that wide and the proper bookcases are only £50 and you'll have the same delivery problems as there as tall.
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