Sep 07, 2009 01:56
On Facebook, a friend posted this suggestion: think about and list a few things you have to grateful for from the last month. My list came to me quickly, and was extensive. Wanna see?
A visit with my sister and her wife
My mother's bravery and love during that visit
Several occasions of hosting wonderful houseguests
My children growing and learning and becoming exquisitely beautiful people right before my eyes
A cordial, heading back toward friendly relationship with my future ex-husband
My Irishman, of course, and all the wonderfulness he embodies
Buying a house, and moving into it with few headaches
Having the opportunity every day to show myself my own strength
Daily demonstrations of how fantastic my friends are
August has been generous with me.
Today I took the kids to their dad's at 9 AM, and set about working on the house. I will take a cue from my sister and make a list of what I accomplished today:
Finished three loads of laundry - including hanging some on the line to dry! >swoon<
Jerry-rigged a better way to keep the washing machine drain hose in the utility sink
Trimmed back a couple of trees so there's more yard in my yard now
Pulled the indoor/outdoor grass carpet off the back porch, swept and rearranged what was out there
Swept and rearranged the basement, moved a lot of stuff off the front porch into better homes in said basement
Did dishes
Made lunch
Made dinner
Made plans to visit my mom with the kids tomorrow - made her day I think
Moved things from my room to better homes in the basement
Cleaned tub, toilet and bathroom sink
The fact that today was picture perfect, with puffy clouds in blue skies, a fresh breeze and temps in the upper seventies just iced the cake. Now I am looking forward to hanging with the Dean and Brian, the guys I went on vacation with, and Dean's awesome girlfriend, later this evening.
Life is pretty damn sweet right now.