Today has been a very sad day. Seems like every song I hear and every picture I see reminds me of it.
See, today, my kids said good bye to K and G. They're off to TX to visit K's family for the next month and when they get home, the kids will be gone.
I'll have M and X for another week and a half and then they're off to Florida with their mom. The kids are staying with their aunt for pretty much the rest of this week so she can spend some time with them before they go too. They'll be visiting their cousins on Friday and we'll do something for the 24th of July, Utah's statehood holiday, with my whole family. Sometime in there they'll be over at their grandmother's too, since she needs time with them and I have to have someone watch them while I'm at work.
They leave the 28th. That's going to be another sad day.
We had a good year this year, despite the normal ups and downs and missteps.
A quick recap.
We were living with my friend M in a three bedroom apt and his 4 kids to start out the year. I managed to total my dad's car and got talked into pay waaaaay too much for the Nissan. I started working for the hospital.
We moved to a two bedroom place across the street when while my older boys were visiting for the summer. I convinced K to marry me there, and we ran off to Provo on Sept 24th to get it done while the kids were in school.
Then K left back to TX for a month while we moved again, into the trailer that will be mine in another 19.3 years.
K came back and we've been muddling through ever since. K totaled her car on Thanksgiving, with the kids. That turned out to be rather expensive.
G was born on Feb 8th, after putting her mother in the hospital a couple of times and leaving her on bedrest for months.
School ended, my folks came home from their mission, my older boys moved back to Utah, and here we are.
Anyway, that's what's up.
Take care all, and be well.