me vs. spider

Aug 09, 2007 13:27

This morning when I hopped into the shower, I got a lovely surprise guest:
A spider as big as my hand (I'm NOT exaggerating) on the shower wall, waiting for me. Naturally, my sleepy state quickly turned into adrenaline and I aimed the hot water spray at him. Of course, in a shower, this is not the best idea as the spider washes down the wall and toward my feet. Without even realizing it, I jump on the edge of the tub, and the tub then tips over and I fall back into it--OUCH. I let out a scream, or shriek, if you will, get up, look around, and...NO dead spider! I run out of the bathroom half-wet (though I do remember to close the door behind me) and launch into a hysterics. I pace around a bit, then I finally decide to go back once more and check...I open the door, nothing. I step inside and look around, nothing. I close the door behind me and I'll be damned if that fucker isn't on the wall behind the door! I get behind the door (and out of the shower stall) and try a roundabout spray, finally get him, and he does a graceful fall, rolls into a ball, and then disappears! I start spraying like mad, but I see no dead spider floating.

Panic increases, and being the silly little girl I am, I call mom and weep to her. She comforts and builds up my strength to go back in and face the dreadful thing (this takes about 10-15 min, meanwhile my bathroom is steaming up because the shower is still running) I open the door and LUCKY! or unlucky, the little bastard is in plain view, resting on my shampoo bottle. I smash him with a mop, and breathe in a sigh or relief. I finish taking my shower, the whole time staring at his crumpled corpse.

I hope he doesn't have family.

My tub is still turned over and bruises are starting to pop up everywhere. It's amazing how when you have that rush of adrenaline you barely feel any pain but after you calm down it's hell. Argh.


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