This should not really be a surprise, I guess? I dunno. I read a lot. Obviously some of it is gonna be weird shit. And not fantasy/sci-fi weird, that's normal for me. Sometimes I just need to kick back and read a weird period piece or a book about the girls from Little Women as vampires or a teen melodrama novel. A couple of my favourite books are stuff like that.
And anyway, they're especially cheap in the bargain bin of the bookstore your fiancé works at, if you happen to be me. Dollar fifty cheap.
Anyway this is my latest acquisition. (The books are starting to take over again, actually. Hmm. This happens a lot with...pretty much all of us? Apartment is book central. I think they may breed or something, like Tribbles.)
It was...weird. I'm sort of drawn to unusual writing styles sometimes, and this fell into that. Shifting through minds of various characters. No actual villain. No oddly perfect endings. No unrealistic resolutions. The characters all made odd decisions at points, but I can't say they weren't teenage ones, or in keeping with the characters. Not much foreshadowing for one of them, but it still seemed to fit. Wasn't jarring anyway.
Googling it instead gave me a TvTropes entry for a BL novel series (?) by the same name. I skimmed it and it only struck me as funny because a couple of the names were ah, a little close to home. It was a little funny. Not actually a couple in it, but. Both characters. It was...weird.
Just less than a week after the Fandom Secrets thread on 'how do you react to characters named the same as you in media?' Fuckin' weird, apparently. And weirder when my fiancé's name is in there too! (It's why I can't read Animorphs actually.)
P.S. Every character in media I find with my name is also gay. What the hell? Getting a little unnerving there. I would ask if people think of my name as like, a common gay name or something. Or if it's just a go-to one. But even in the 'LGBT Kitchen Sink BL' there's a gay character named Kevin. So again, what the hell?