Seriously. freaking. sweet.

Jun 21, 2009 20:10

I find it rather rich how people are complaining about not getting new X and ZX and Classic and Legends games and calling EXE crap and such. How the series ended, doesn't need more, etc etc.

1. X Series...was supposed to end back at X5. They kept making more games, because it was popular and it's Capcom. Battle Network was popular. It's Capcom. Do the math.
2. Classic JUST got MM9, they've obviously been living under rocks.
3. ZX was all but canceled, last I heard, there was never going to be a 3 there.
4. Capcom hates Legends. Deal.

Since Star Force itself is shitty in the extreme (I have played games from it and feel no remorse saying this) and most people wouldn't have touched it if it weren't tied to Battle Network? I think this is a bit more of a predictable move than people realize.

If it's a Star Force game, I'll be disappointed. If, however, it is an EXE game with a smidge of SF for marketing purposes? Then yeah. I can get behind it, and fuck you Pokemon Soul Silver.

games, star force, exe

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