OMG what is there to say? I am suspended... Most of you people know the story and most of you do not. Either way its not a story with a happy endinq and it SUCKS. Why? Because I'm payinq for somethinq that I had a little part in and there is FALSE information there also. Fuckinq principals act like they want to qet all the riqht infomation and they don't. I'm feelinq some discrimination here... Why am I the one in deep shit and I'm the ONLY ASiAN/WHiTE chick in the whole fuckinq middle school. Explain this to me. Please. It's probally just because the principal and her are from the same country... but that's just my opinion. Free country riqht? I'm so pissed off that I'm actually writinq in perfect fuckinq enqlish. Don't they think I suffered enouqh for this shit? Yeah I admit it I cryed a few times too. Wtf now I miqht qet my cellie taken away, I had to erace my MiGente paqe, and I have to qo straiqht home after school AND to top everythinq off Erica and Manuel can't come to my school anymore either. I hate this. One more month and I still can't stand this shit. Yeah now I know why we call our school the McGAY. Jeez. Seriously, I CAN be a straiqht A student if it wasn't for all these staff members and principals fuckinq everythinq up. I respect most of them but damn, my favorite fuckinq teacher is puttinq me down now and she doesn't even know the whole story. I have to remind myself that I have one more month of school and I will qet a NEW, CLEAN record next year. Damn, it's even stupider how they have my Father believinq in this shit too and all I want to do is make him proud =(.
Okay, I know that was a whole essay and if you read that, thank you. Usually people [expecially me] just don't read it and skip to the juicy parts. So if you're still readinq okay. Incase you're wonderinq why I'm suspended, it's because of the whole Stephanie Torres thinq. Whatever HOPEFULLY she qets what's cominq to her because you have no idea how depressed I am qoinq to be if I AM the only one introuble. Anyways, quess what? Today is Manuel and I's SiXTH M0NTH ANNERVERSARY. This is bull shit. I can't even spend time with him because this shit. (siqh) What did I do to deserve this? At least my Mother is pretty much on my side. She's in a qood mood, she believes me... it's not like I'm even lieinq. I miss Manuel so much and I can't come over or anythinq because of this bull. =( I love the kid so much... I know I'm too younq to be stressinq the word "LOVE" but I'm for real. I miss him. The fuckinq staff was all sayinq how I was qettinq Oh So Kissy kissy with him after school. Riiiiqht. A tap fuckinq kiss is too close and intimate. Ahh hahaha riqht. People these days. Tsk tsk tsk. Hopefully I qet to see THE L0NGEST YARD with him on the 28th.
I quess that's it people try to [( C 0 M M E N T )] if you can and ummm I'll comment back or whatever. I KNOW you stalkers are readinq this... Hehehe
O0OX *