May 04, 2005 00:22

Well uhh... people are actually checkinq my journal and savinq me. =) Thanks people but at least try to comment if you're readinq this. Anyways, I'm just qoinq to qet to the main parts that I missed in this livejournal...
  • My braces are off _ I qet my retainer on May 11th
  • Tomorrow is my Doctor's appointment (Wish me luck on my back , damn Scoliosis)
  • I went to Umana last Wed. and watched Ms.Avant beat up Manuel lol
  • School still sucks but I'm doinq qood on my work (Ask Brenda lol)
  • Pink is my new ink color
  • I have to qo to Karen's Sweet 15 thinqy every Thursday... (I'm still white and I still can't even dance a damn waltz)
  • My celly bill was $1Oo.97 Daddie was proud 'cos that's the price it should be
  • Brenda Lopez was scared shitless by Erica even thouqh Erica is half her fuckinq size.

Okay enouqh about that I'm qoinq to take a quiz // survey thinq. Enjoy.


TEN _ Of Your CURRENT Favorite Songs:

0o1. tHe sEt Up _ oObiiE tRiCe

0o2. tHat sOnq FrOm cHiiNoO'Sz CD [i 4qot the name]

0o3. hOllabaCk qiiRL _ GwEn SteFaNii

0o4. hAtE iiT oOr lOv3 iiT _ tHe GaMe + 5O CeNt

0o5. iiM a hUstLa _ CaSsiDy

0o6. wAiiT _ YiiNq yAnG tWiiNSz

0o7. NaGqiiN' [tHe aNsw3r]

0o8. NaNN Nii69a _ tRiiCk DadDy nD' tRiiNa

0o9. sO mUCh mOr3 _ FaT jOe

o10. dOnT cOm3 dOwNn _ oObiiE tRiiCe

NiiNE _ Of Your Artists/Bands You're Into:

o01. EmiiNeM

o02. LiNKiN PaRK

o03. oObiiE tRiiCe

o04. tRiiNa

o05. lUdACRiiSz

o06. Da BaNd

o07. B5

o08. lLoyD BaNKSz

o09. tHe DiipLoMaTSz [DiiPSeT]

EiiGHT _ Stores You Shop In:

0o1. hOt tOpiiC

0o2. tEllOoSz [yEaHh iM gHettOo]

0o3. cLaRii3s

0o4. HiiPp ZePii

0o5. DV8

0o6. FiiLeNeSz

0o7. sTrAwb3RRiiEz

0o8. MaCySz

SEVEN _ Of Your Favorite Movies:

o01. HaRlOd nD' KuMaR gOo tO wHiiTe CaStLe

o02. cHeAt3rSz

o03. m3aN GiRLs

o04. tHe hOt cHiiCk

o05. a WaLk tO ReMeMb3r

o06. t3xAz cHaiiNsAw MaSsiKar

o07. sCaRy mOvii3 1 2 + 3

SiiX _ Of Your Closest Friends:

0o1. eRiiCa

0o2. BrEnDa

0o3. MiiRaNda

0o4. LuiiSz

0o5. JeSsiiE

0o6. KaReNn

FiiVE _ Of Your Favorite Candies:

o01. BuBBle qUm

o02. cHeWiiE LiiFeSav3Rs

o03. sOuR PaTCheSz

o04. PiiXii3 sTiiX

o05. NeRdSz

F0UR _ Of Your Favorite Tv Shows:

0o1. DeGraSsii

0o2. SpOnGebOb

0o3. MaD TV

0o4. O'GrAdY

THREE _ Things You're Afraid Of:

o01. dEaTH

o02. aBaNdOniiNq mEe

o03. iiLL bEe a BaD GF

TW0 _ Of Your Favorite Colors:

0o1. bLaCk

0o2. wHiiTe

0ONE _ Wish:

o01. UNLiiMiiTED WiiSHES !

I hope that was enouqh for your lil brain...

b L a N K i i T a * x O 0 O o . . . . "nOo bRa , nOo PaNtii3Sz"
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