AhHh sOmEe RaNdOm sUrV3y . . .

Mar 14, 2005 20:25

R i G H t    N 0 W
What color pants are you wearinq? :: Khakiis and my white T.
What song are you listeninq to? :: Toma _ Pitbull
What taste is in your mouth? :: Cookiies =)
What’s the weather like? :: Dark?
How are you? :: Aiight
Get motion sickness? :: Why? I'm not in a car now am I?
Have a bad habit? :: Whining (he-he)
Get along with your parents? :: Yeah like 20% of the time
Like to drive? :: Depends lol

H A V E    Y O U
Broken the law? :: Yeah. Laws are meant to be broken
Ran away from home? :: For a lil while
Snuck out of the house? :: Yup.
Made a prank phone call? :: Who doesnt?
Ever tipped over a port-a-potty? :: No? wtf
Used your parents' credit card before? :: (sigh) Nope.
Skipped school before? :: lol Yeah
Fell asleep in the shower/bath? :: Yup.
Been in a school play? :: Last week. lol Well, class play.

l O V E
Girlfriend/boyfriend? :: Yeah. =) 143 * Manuel
Sexuality? :: Bi-Sexual (he-he)
Children? :: At 14? Stfu.
Current crush? :: My Boyfriend who else?
Been in love? :: Yup.
Had a hard time qettinq over someone? :: Yep.
Been hurt? :: Yeahhh
Your qreatest reqret? :: I don't regret cos things happen for a reason.
Gone out with someone you only knew for three days? :: Lol... no but for 3 weeks ya.

R A N D 0 M
Do you have a job? :: I need one
Your cd player has in it right now? :: A burned CD?
If you were a crayon what color would you be? :: Aqua Blue !!!
What makes you happy? :: Candy , Food , and my friends.

W H E N   /   W H A t   W A S   t H E    l A S t
Time you cried? :: A few days ago.
You qot a real letter? :: A month ago.
You qot e-mail? :: Yesterday
Thinq you purchased? :: Candy.
TV proqram you watched? :: Something about puberty on the Science channel. lol
Movie you saw in the theater? :: Hitch

Y O U R    t H O U G H t S   oN  . . .
Abortion :: Good =)
Teenage smokinq :: Eh, it happens
Spice qirls :: Sure.
Dreams :: Are thinqs you need to get off ur back.
Current Mood :: Hunqry
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