Well, aiiqht I didn`t update here in a while because I didn`t really have the chance to . Anyways, school is out ! =) It`s about time . I didn`t qo to qraduation , but I heard it was aiiqht , many people went . That same day I qot the yearbook and it SUCKED . Why ? Because that was one of the uqliest thinqs I have ever seen . I quess it was better than last year`s yearbook . ( Sigh ) Some teachers just don`t like our ideas . . . Oh well it`s US buyinq it not them . Well , yeah . I wasted $23.OO on it and it looks like it is probably worth $6.OO , even less . It`s all qood . I went to school that next day around 11 to pick up my diploma . =) It`s soo pretty even thouqh it had two scratches on it from God knows where . I chilled with Manuel that whole day and tryed playinq one of his Midniqht Club qames . I`m a sore looser . Lol . I try . I need the " Dance Dance Revolution Game " [click
here for people who need to qet an idea] . I don`t care about with one , I just neeeeed it . Stupid addictive qame with it`s stupid arrows .
I forqot what day but I went to City Yards too . It`s fuckinq borinq ( no offence to those people who constantly chill there ) . It`s too quiet , I miss down at Maverick when EVERYONE used to be there . . . But oh well that was the past , lonq qone . There`s nothinq really to do here either , except qo to the beach soo I quess I miqht qet the tan I wanted so bad this summer . =) Ohh yeahh ! The ITALiAN VESTiVAL is cominq the 15th, 16th, and 17th I think . Yay ! Me and my 1/6 of Italian-ness . Hmm Erica is qoinq to her camp thinqy on the 3rd . =( [ siqh ] But I hope she has fun !!! She`ll be back on the weekends anyways . I still need to think of a date so I could chill with her before that . Umm and Manuel still needs to talk to my parents soon also . His Mommie and him are invitinq me to qo to SiXFLAGS with them . Hurray ! I hope I hope I hope my parents say yes ! I just found out Manuel doesn't like the elevator ride that qoes up and down so I`m qoinq to force him to qo on that one . =) Awwwww boo . . . I just remembered I have to qo chill with some people too . I feel bad I never chilled with Miranda for a month now and I never chilled with Brenda since school let out . I`ll chill with them soon hopefully , better late than never .
My Mommie and Daddie took me out for a qraduation present . Mom bouqht me some hoochie shirts but they`re hott . I love oranqe now . =) Oranqe is the shit . Isn`t it ? Comment me on that one . Yeahh , this summer I`m all about briqht colors with black/white . Hehe . I`m addicted to ViCTORiA'S SECRET shit now too , them and their perfumes and eyeliner . Yeahh , the eyeliner works there people . Well, today Daddie took my sister and I out to KELLY`S . I love seafood and if you don`t like it fuck you . Thanks to the food I feel so fat riqht now but it`s okay . I quess that`s it . . . Other than I fixxed my AiM profile and stuff I have nothinq to say . I'm tryinq to enjoy summer now . I`m qoinq to qo wrap this up and update in another 3 or 4 days . Buh bye people !
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8:1O * I chanqed the layout to some pink bird dude . I know the type of bird but I`m not qoinq to spell it because I'm qoinq to feel stupid because I can`t spell and I'm not qoinq to spell that stupid "P" word . =) Yeah it`s pinkish and briqht . Hehe . If you have the time check out Brenda's entry =( soo true . PENGUiN !!! That's it !