Happy happy times people. =) There isn't really anythinq new but thinqs been qoinq qood for me lately. Mom's beinq REAL nice and we been shoppinq like crazy. [Heh] It's 'cos we're asian. Lol. I haven't really been stressinq that I'm not qoinq to qraduation, but it's kind of qettinq to me. Who doesn't want to qo on staqe infront of your school?
Lets beqin where I left off. School is stupid like usual. Uqh, I don't even know why I qo. However I DiD qet my report card . . . Even thouqh it's kind of late. Ok not "kind of" it iS late. It was for 3rd term that ended April 15th.
Phys Ed = A+ [i went up by a plus =)]
Study/Library = B+ [Same as last time I went up by a plus]
Enqlish Lanquaqe Arts = C+ [Uqh, Went down a qrade]
Civics/Social Studies = B+ [Went up a qrade]
Mathematics = A [i went up a qrade]
Science = A- [=) i went up 2 qrades]
Technoloqy/Computers = A [computer qeek]
What did you quys qet? Comment me on this one.
I quess you could tell riqht now that I missed the honor roll by a C+. It was because of this project I had with Oscar and we didn't bother to finish it. It's not our fault wtf is the teacher thinkinq qivinq me AND oscar the larqe project with 3 parts instead of 2 due in a week. Come on now people Amber + Oscar = No work done. Hopefully this term I qet WAYYY better qrades. The hiqh school pays close attention to the last term's qrades.
Anyways, I'm here in the livinq room writinq this while watchinq, believe it or not, "The Three Stooqes" with my Mommie and my little sister Allyson. Daddie's fixinq the truck. =) These shows are pretty funny for somethinq so old. Durinq the weekend I qot a new CD player [as a qift], clothes, and my Mom went crazy with the Chinese Slippers. Lol. She has A LOT of them, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. I slept over Erica's house on Friday =( I didn't qet to try out the trampoline because Mom picked me up early, I'll try it out next time. Tomorrow I'm qoinq to qo to the mall with Mommie straiqht after school. I'm spendinq so much time with her now, but it's better than her beatinq my brains out [close friends know what I mean]. Hmm what else? I'm qoinq to the East Boston Hiqh Orientation on the 9th @ 8:3O am with her too. The 16th is me and Manuel's 7 months beinq toqether. The 18th I can't qo to Karen's Sweet 15 party 'cos I'm qoinq to qo to a Air Show in Rhode Island with the fam. The 23rd is qraduation [I'm qoinq to try to qo] and the 3Oth is OFFiCiALLY when school is out. I'm qoinq to be a Freshie next year. =) This is soundinq borinq, I quess I'm qoinq to qo wrap this up. I'm out.
BLANKiiTA * xO0o
Ohh yeah I fixxed up my paqe a little [click where it says "Blankiita"]. Any advice people?
New pic a took a few days aqo. I didn't put the other one 'cos my head looked funny.
Don't lie people who said you liked it. Lol.