1, 2, 3, 4, Go Die You Ugly Whore

May 19, 2004 04:40

We had a very frustrating soccer game today. We were playing a team that was so bad and didn't even have uniforms. These girls were wearing cutzy bootzy tank tops with regular bras underneath. Ouch thats gotta hurt. I was like, "Are you playing soccer or trying to get picked up?"
Okay but honestly you know how when you play a team that is really bad, you sink to their level? Ugh that's basically what happened. Anyways, I got the first goal but it was nothing special then our striker got 3 more. But we still played like shit and in the second half I went up to centre half and they got the stupidest goal on us. I was soooo frustrated at how bad some girls on my team were playing. Like one girl got the ball nine times in front of an open goal and did not finish any. I was about to crack.
Judi my guardian came to watch and she took me out to McDonalds afterwards which was a nice change from the dinning hall food. Now I'm back procrastinating on my study. Gotta go!

P.S. These are pics of the team....

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