LJ Stats to Date

Jan 11, 2014 15:56

Journal entries: Last Year: 807 This Year: 861 (54 since last year)
- Posted: Last Year: 6,275 This Year: 6,492 (217 since last year)
- Received: Last Year: 2,044 This Year: 2,367 (223 since last year)
Friends: Last Year: 188 This Year: 188
Mutual Friends: Last Year: 154 This Year: 154
Communities: Last Year: 26 This Year: 25

I'm sure it will not shock anyone that I have been doing less on LJ. The surprising thing to me is how much I did use it. On average I posted nearly weekly. Also interesting is that while I posted less often, I got nearly the same number of responses as last year.


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