oopps. forgot i even had a Lj.

Oct 24, 2005 03:20

so yeah lots has happend since the last time i wrote in this thing. for starters. i came home for like 2 weeks ago for a weekend. it was nice. i missed it. we went to the DV homecomming game. saw a lot of people i havent seen in years. was nice. i hung with my family the whole day on saturday. then hung with the crew saturday night. lots of drinking and having a good time. it was good seeing my friends again. they're awesome.

quit my job. i fucking hated it.

homecomming is this weekend. sooooo many people are comming over for it. i cant wait. :)

jungle juice ruined my life.

Saw Armor for sleep at the HUB on saturday. they played an awesome set. they are so tight. i love it. i cant wait to see As I lay Dying here. its gonna be nuts.

still dont know what im gonna be for halloween. its gonna be awesome tho.

starting to get cold out there. :(

ok im done.
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