Just got home a bit ago from an amazing show by the
Civil Wars who are a duo out of Nashville made up of Joy Williams and John Paul White. They are simply, brilliantly, good. It's just the two of them -- JP on guitar with Joy accompanying sometimes on keyboard or accordian, and their voices. Their glorious glorious voices. Their vocals are nothing short of amazing. I have never heard two voices that meshed so well together. If you click on the link above you can download some free music from their website. I came home and just bought everything they have available on iTunes.
I've put up two YouTube vids that kind of give you an idea of what they sound like and how they interact on stage. I have to say I have a bit of a crush on Ms. Joy Williams who is perfectly named Joy because she clearly enjoys what's she's doing. She's a hoot and JP is no slouch either. They did a version of the Billy Jean song here in Memphis as well and I think the one we got was even better. They also did the most beautiful version of Smashing Pumpkins, "Disarm". Seriously, so fucking beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes.
So yeah, Civil Wars. Awesome, amazing. See them if they come your way. You won't be disappointed.
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