A survey of things about me because I know how much you all care

May 25, 2012 00:37

This is one of those things I used to do like all the time and I haven't in forever. Thought, hey maybe I will again! So I stole this unashamedly from fuzzybrownears and am doing it myself. :D

Do you know a guy named David?
Hm, not really. Last guy I knew named David was when I was like 14.

What about Francis?
lulz, no.

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
My dad over some comment he made about how bad GPS navigators are.

Who was the last person you hung out with?
Erg. I hang out with people at work during the day and I hang out with people online. If its strictly friends outside work and in real life than that would be Amber.

Have you kissed someone in the past week?
Not really no. I've blown air kisses at my mother and I've given my dog kisses on her ears and nose but I don't think thats what this person meant by the question.

Who was the last person you talked to in person?
My dad. See conversation re: GPS navigators.

In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?
I'd RATHER wear a hoodie but its so damned cold that I'd rather be warm, so, jacket.

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Mmm, yes. D*C <3

Have you ever kissed someone with braces?
Nope, can't say that I have.

Do you have a best friend?

What are you drinking right now?

Missing someone?
Yeah, I am.

Where's your best friend?
Mississppi D:

How long does it take for you to get ready?
Uh, am I doing my hair or not? That adds some time. Ignore however much time dizzydame says it takes. She lies.

Has someone disappointed you recently?
Yeah I guess so. One of the new hires disappointed me with some stuff I heard he did. I THOUGHT BETTER OF HIM *shakes fist*


It's Friday at noon, where are you usually?
Running around work trying to get my orders done on time.

What are you listening to right now?
Water coming down. <3

How do you feel about your hair?
I like it for the most part. It's straight usually but it holds a curl pretty well when I want it to. And while I do wish I was a natural redhead, what I have is not bad.

What time do you get up for work/school in the morning?
Uh, 8:30. Though apparently I've been trying to make 9 work (spoilers, it doesn't).

What side do you sleep on in your bed?
The middle usually. Or whichever side Zoe pushes me over to.

Do you like roller coasters?
I do yes! Just not straight up and down ones like the Tower of Terror. I don't like that one at all and I have the photographic evidence to prove it.

Do you have to sleep with something?
Sorta. I like to have the TV on when I fall asleep, I find it soothing (until it gives me creepy dreams). I like to have Johnny!Bear with me and Zoe as well though sometimes one of those gets up and leaves in the middle of the night.

What are you doing?
taking a survey, talking to dizzydame, contemplating stuffs. Watching things. Of a dubious nature...

What's the best thing about winter?
Um. Spring is next.

Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
yes I would love to see Ben Browder right now. Or Freema Ageyman! Or Claudia Black! ... but failing that Mandeh will do. :P

What makes you mad?
Um. I have quite a long list... but intolerance makes me mad and ignorance, especially when its WILLFUL ignorance.

If you could go back 3 months and change something, would you?
Yeah, the past couple months have been kinda rocky here so being able to change some things would be nice.

Do you miss anyone?
of course.

Do you think that you're a good person?
most of the time yes.

Do you have a brother?

Do you trust your best friends?
of course.

What's bothering you right now?
my back actually. it's killing me.

Do you drink bottled water?

How many people do you have a thing for right now?
Uh, does Ben and Freema and Claudia count?

Could you go a day without eating?
lol, no? why would I want to?

Who was the last person in your bedroom?
My brother came in to tell me he was home.

Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?
If its my bathroom? Open. Everyone else is closed.

What is the last thing you bought?
I bought? Ice cream and a pillow. I am a rocking' girl what can I say?

Who was the last person of the opposite sex that you hugged?
Patrick or my brother.


Look at your nails, do they need to be cut?
LOL oh no. Opposite really.

Have you been on any type of online messengers today?
IM and Yahoo and GChat.

Who was the last person you called?
Inside work, probably one of the other locations. Outside work, Mandeh.

What are you wearing on your feet?
Barefoot right now.

About how many hours of sleep did you get last night?

Can you crack your toes?

Do you have any bruises on you where you don’t know how they got there?
Ahahaha. No. I have bruises and I know how I got them.

What was the most stressful project you had so far/while in school?
In school? My thesis project. Glad that's done.

What was the last thing you watched on the T.V?

What was the last thing you looked up on Google?
Erg, I don't even know.

When did you cry last? Why?

What is your state’s minimum wage?
Um...? I don't know...?

Are you listening to any music right now? If so, what are you listening to?
Didn't we have this question like earlier?

Is your hair naturally straight?
For the most part. It does have some wave to it though.

What is your opinion on Obama?
He does well but I wish he'd take a more strong stance on some things.

Is there anyone that you’re mad at right now?
Not really, no

Who was the last person to make you genuinely smile?
Fictional or Real? Fictional: Blaine, Real: Mandeh

Who was the last person to comment you?
On here, uh.. I don't remember.

Have you ever stepped in dog poop?
LOL oh yes.

What kind of cologne/perfume do you like the opposite sex to wear?
I don't really have a preference? I just don't like overly strong perfumes on anyone.

Where did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Are we talking kissed or kissed here?

Was anyone there to see you kiss them?
Well if its the former then the dogs.

When was the last time you went on a cleaning spree?
Last weekend.

What would be your favorite store to shop at?
Oh dear god. Do you have ten hours? I can't name just one.

Did you have a valentine for valentines day?
Uh, YES! I had FBJ! <3

Where are you planning to go on your next vacation?
Fucking New York City baby.

Ever ditched out on plans to do something better with someone else?
yes I have.

What was the last thing you spent money on?
Didn't we just ask this?

Is there something you want to say to someone but can’t/won’t?
I think we can all say yes to this.


How do you pronounce your name?
Mav. One syllable, kinda easy.

Start off with the typical, are you 100% single?

What are your plans for your next birthday?
I think I'm going to a strip club. I don't know, I'm not planning it. :D

Does anyone disgust you?
Lots of people

Do you say sorry first?
Depends if it was my fault.

Can you honestly say you’re okay right now?
I think okay is a very vague sentiment...

Will you be sleeping on the floor tonight?
No, wtf kinda question is this? Do people normally...?

Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms?
In a manner of speaking yes. I've fallen asleep on people before but I wouldn't say in their arms in the romantic sense.

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
To some degree yes. Even Darth Vader got a second chance. He then died but you know, thems the breaks.

What are you excited for?
Watching more Glee with Mandeh (omg everyone shut up now) and D*C coming up and going to New York and my birthday! WHEE! And dance class this weekend... I get excited about a lot of things quite easily.

Where is the person you miss the MOST right now?
Aw, hm. Mississppi. *nod*

Was last night enjoyable for you?
Was it for you? ;)

How late did you stay up last night?
Too late.

Are you still friends with the last person who broke your trust?

Do you feel like anyone is playing mind games with you right now?

Have you ever had a best friend?
We had this question!

Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else?
lol no.

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?

What have you eaten today?
pb&j and some spag. oh AND ICE CREAM.

What are you doing tomorrow?
Working. Gleeing. My life is so exciting.

Will this weekend be a good one?
I think so. Its a holiday weekend and I get an extra day off! Whee!

Are you a fan of iced coffee?
Not really. I don't like coffee, except as an ice cream flavour.

How do you like your milk?
Cold? From a cow?

Do you like pancakes?
No. Waffles are better.

Who is in your house right now?
My brother and mother and father and dogs and hopefully no one else.

Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
Yeah, I used to just wear contacts but then I ran out so I wore my glasses for a long time and then I got a new eye exam and they gave me shitty contact lenses that hurt my eyes to wear them so I've been in glasses for awhile now. it sucks to have rly bad vision.

How many windows are open on your computer?
UM... Windows or tabs...? Or programs...?

What are you doing after this?
Doing more things online when I should be sleeping.

Do you like to cuddle?
Love cuddling! I make my dog cuddle a lot and she gives me this huff like I DON'T WANT TO BUT FINE but then she sleeps right next to me and I'm all HAH I KNEW YOU LOVED IT.

How tall are you?
9 foot 10 inches

Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes?
Yes the smell of smoke gives me a headache. I don't mind my friends doing it but not a significant other (and this coming from someone who did smoke soo...)

Would you ever dye your hair blonde?

Is there one song that reminds you of the whole summer?
Quite a few do, yup.

Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?
Erg. I don't know who I last held hands with so I don't want to answer this without knowing that...

Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
Yes. My mother does mean a lot to me.

What did you do today?
Worked. Bought new bed. Ate ice cream. Watched Glee. I know you are all jeluz of my life. I would be too.

Do you want to be single?
Yes. Being in a relationship is not what I want or need right now. I love my friends and I love my me time and I prefer being with them and me. Plus, I have shit in my own life I need to work out right now just for me and I need to focus on that. Like, you know, getting a job, do I go to school etc. etc.

When’s the last time you were kissed on the cheek/lips?
On the cheek? This morning.

Have you pretended to like somebody to ‘keep the peace’ before?
LOL oh yes. I do it allll the time at work.

Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
BWAHAHA. Yes. I tend to run around the house in my underwear more frequently than I should because I leave my laundry in the laundry room and then go SHIT WHERE ARE MY PANTS and have to run and find them. You'd think doing this ONCE would be enough but no. I do it weekly.

Do you consider yourself lucky?
I do. While there are many things about myself I feel like I wish I could change, for the most part I have been very, very lucky with my family, my situation and my friends and I wouldn't change any of that.

Who was your last text from?
Um. Alex I think, saying he could work for me in Chantilly.

Do you ever think about stuff and start crying?
Less now that my meds are evening out. Ask me that a month ago and yeah, oh yeah.

Would you run around a neighborhood at night without a shirt for 500 dollars?
LOL sounds great. I need the money for D*C, let's go.

Have you ever drank alcohol?
Ha ha ha yeaaahh. There is a bottle of rum on my nightstand...

Does anyone completely understand you?
Yes, dizzydame does or at least is nice enough to nod and agree and pat me on the head. ;)

Is this summer gonna be a good one?

What is something you currently want right now?
omg chinese food. failing that: a job in Austin, a vala costume and a frenchie puppy.

Have you ever passed out from drinking?
No, I don't like getting drunk.

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?

Does any part of your body hurt right now?
Ugh my back.


Has anyone called you baby, with meaning today?
No and considering who I spoke with today I would be concerned if they had.

Do you think you can love someone without trusting them?
I think you need to yes.

What is something that you’re looking forward to?

Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
I do. Its the same thing we do every day Pinky, try and take over the world.

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yeah I do. Hot-lanta would be nice if it was Labor Day weekend. Other than that, I'd like to move to Austin.

What's to the right of you?
My dog.

Are you in a good mood?
Mmhm :D

What will you do after this?
Okay you definitely asked this.

Is there someone who likes you?
I hope a lot of people like me. I like to consider myself a fairly likeable person all around. I know my boss likes me and my friends like me and okay my dog kinda ignores me if someone else is holding a tennis ball but that doesn't really count.

What were you doing at 4 AM?
Sleeping...? What are you supposed to do at 4 AM?


Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?
God yes. I hate TV shows where people act all embarrassing and awkward and I feel all awkward just watching them and I have to look away or mute the tv or something to make it go away.

Is it easy for people to make you smile?
For the most part yes. I try to be an upbeat person.

How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
A lot. This is my mother so I've kissed her a lot in my life.

Are you easily confused?
Bwahaha. Yes I can be.

Do you think you would make a good parent?
Um, I don't know. I don't think so for the most part, I think I'm too self centered to be a good mother. That sounds mean but I think realizing that is a good thing. I can do dogs and probably cats, horses maybe but we get much more higher functioning than that and I don't think I'd be very good.

Are you taller than 5 foot 4 inches?
Yesss 9 feet baby, remember?

Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
Of course, I think that is called high school.

Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Yep it is. I've never dyed my hair.

Do you fall for people easily?
Eh, no I don't think so.

True or False: Everything happens for a reason?
False. The world is a conglomeration of random happenstance that has no rhyme or reason to why it occurs. There is nothing controlling anything so nothing has reason.

Who have you texted today?
My parents, Alex, my brother.

Do you find members of the opposite sex confusing?
LOL all the time. 19 years I've known my brother and I still can't figure out how he thinks plaid and horizontal stripes belong together.
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