You Are Asia
You are driven, brilliant and resourceful. You tend to be thought of as a brain.
You embrace ideas and technology quickly. You like to be on the cutting edge, but you don't forget about the past or tradition.
You are cultured, cosmopolitan, and eclectic. You draw inspiration from many sources.
You are unselfish and motivated by a sense of duty. You work hard because it's the right thing to do, not because you hope to strike it rich.
What Continent Are You? Blogthings: Free Quizzes for Everyone You Are Pumpkin Bread
You are considerate and generous. Your heart warms when you're able to do something unexpectedly nice for someone else.
You know it can be a cold world out there, and you have plenty of happiness to spread around.
You try to give as much as possible every day, and you know that small acts of kindness can often mean the much.
Whether you're being a good listener or sharing a slice of your pumpkin bread, people feel lucky to be able to count on you.
What Pumpkin Treat Are You? The First Rule of Blogthings Is: You Don't Talk About Blogthings I LOVE PUMPKIN BREAD!
Deep Down You Are Sensitive
You're the type of person who notices everything and forgets nothing. You are very in tune with the world.
You feel deeply, and sometimes the silliest things can effect you. You are easily brought to laughter or tears.
You don't show the world how fragile you are. You instead show people how insightful you can be.
You are good at anticipating what's going to happen in your life. You are often the first one to see what's coming.
The Eye Test Blogthings: Quizzes and Tests and Memes, Oh My! Your Heart is Blue and Orange
Your heart is bright and brilliant.
You are knowledgeable, wise, and confident.
You bring dynamism and sparkle to relationships.
You know how to keep your partner hanging on your every word.
What Are the Colors of Your Heart? Blogthings: If Quizzes Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Take Quizzes lol, maybe because i'm in love with a Gator?