So, I'm posting After Elton's Snick's Blog from today because his comments brought a much needed smile to my face, and they might do the same to you. If nothing else, the pictures are lovely...
Liveblogging "As The World Turns" : Heartless, Part Two
Posted by snicks on September 7, 2010
Thank you, Eric Sheffer Stevens for giving us an unforgettable character.
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2:05PM EST: We begin with Reid's deathbringer Chris who whines about not having a new heart. Oh ... shut the hell up.
John tells them that Chris will die in 24 hours if he doesn't get a new heart. Kim says "maybe a miracle will happen." Oh ... shut the hell up.
Alison convinces Luke to tell Bob and Kim that Reid left for Bay City. He does, and says "I wouldn't be surprised if Reid was back here tonight with a new heart for Chris." Oh Luke.
Margo arrives at the scene of the accident. Or was it an accident? Has anyone seen Noah lately?
2:15PM EST: Katie, Chris, Kim and John are reminiscing about what a terrible driver Reid was ... I mean "is", and how he's crusty and a pistol, but they all inexplicably now love. Oh ... shut the hell up.
Bob is telling Luke how he wants Chris and Reid to share COS duties, and they have a good laugh at Reid sharing anything! Meanwhile Margo approaches from the wings, wondering how she's going to tell them the bad news.
Margo starts crying as she tells Bob that they're going to bring Reid in to the E.R. Bob tries to get Luke out of there, but it's too late. They wheel Reid in as Luke looks on, astonished.
2:25PM EST: Luke starts screaming for Reid, but Bob explains that it's too late. Reid is dying. Luke refuses to accept it, and rushes in to see the love of his life ... who looks like a bruised and bloodied Thundercat.
In one of the most powerful soap scenes ever, Reid insists that Luke get his wallet. Inside is his license, which has his donor card. Reid wants his heart to go to Chris. I can't properly describe the acting of Van and Eric in these scenes. They both hit new heights..
Reid wants to see Tom, and tells him that he wants Luke to have power-of-attorney.
Reid passes away.
Luke insists that Reid is still alive, but Bob and John tell him that he's brain dead. Tom tells them that Reid wants Chris to have the heart, but John says "we can't just take it out and transplant it," and there are all sorts of rings that must be just jumped through. As Tom, Bob, and John rush out to do their ring jumping, Luke says his last goodbye to Reid.
2:35PM EST: Luke leaves the room as Tom hands him the power-of-attorney. Luke is hesitant but Tom says "I know you're hurting but CHOP-CHOP!" Through his tears, Luke signs the document.
John tells Katie that they have a heart for Chris. Katie is ecstatic and goes outside and sits next to Luke and goes on and on about how wonderful Reid is, and that it's a "fairytale ending" for everyone. Oh Katie. Meanwhile Kim helpfully tells us everything that just happened in the first half of the show ... in case we missed it.
2:45PM EST: Van and Terri have another powerhouse acting scene, as Luke tells her that she and Jacob were Reid's family, and he begs her to make sure Chris will be okay, because he's going to have Reid's heart.
Before they take Reid's body, Luke wants to say goodbye. Again! I don't know if I can take this. As he kisses him one last time, everyone gathers around.
As they wheel Chris's body into surgery, Luke tells John "just make sure it's worth the sacrifice."
2:55PM EST: Now Tom has helpfully described for us all of the plot points for today.
Luke goes into Reid's empty hospital room one last time, and is joined by Katie, and they both lean on each other for comfort.
John is about to operate on Chris and says "we have a life to save." Oh ... shut the hell up.
Preview Time: Luke's family come together to support him, and Noah is back.