I guess, most people already knew about the existence of confessions tumblr. Don't ask me how much confessions tumblr existed because I don't know. And I mainly visit confessions tumblr those are related with J&A and family48. Others....I don't really care....
Some confessions posted were stupid and only adding fuel to the fire of fanwar. Imagine how confessions gave nothing but fierce arguments amongst fans.
Those were the confessions posted without thinking about the feeling of fans who have their idols/artists bashed harshly by some haters or fellow fans who actually came from the same fandom.
I remember how I was hurt when I read the confessions in a certain J&A related confessions. JUMP related confessions were not the only ones those broke my heart, because other confessions those bashing the certain Johnny's broke my heart too. The hatred and nonsense reasons are what I found to be pathetic. Hate is the seed of war and I pity people who hate and only find reasons to hate.
Confessions meant to let people confess about the certain things they feel but unfortunately, confessions often become a place of bashing and hurting other people. And in the end the confessions ended up as a war zone.
There's only a few confessions served their purpose very well thanks to the admins.
I want to second the confessions above and I want to add
JUMP confessions because it also used the same format as
AKB48 confessions. Not particularly similar but I noticed that the admin in both confessions filtered the confessions will be posted. This might be a small step but it's important in order not to hurt the feeling of other fans/people who might disagree about the confessions.
But of course, there is always a dark side occur and there is always butthurt fans who will always exaggerate over some confessions. And I was not surprised to see the confession below.
During my walk into the confessions, found some interesting things like Sato Amina apparently is a JUMper!?? And Dai-chan is her ichiban!?? I don't know much about this because Amina never captured my attention but if it is true, then this is one interesting fact that would keep my support for her as fellow JUMPer.