Silly title

Dec 29, 2006 06:18

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Baroness Karen the Abstemious of Similar Ealand
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title
Abstemious.  Interesting. If you're talking about drinking and certain other things.  it fits.  But in the bigger picture, temperance and moderation in all things, so not.

Via Aurora Walking Vacation.

And to those who wonder: not a peep from Tor. Ten months now.

Happy New Year!  The Baroness and I promise to do better in 2007.


P.S. Great gag from an episode of Top Cat (we finally have Boomerang): one of T.C.'s gang is reading a book with a plot that wanders all over the place.  Let's see iif I can remember the title correctly: Under A Bridge with Dick and Harry. I would amend it to Under a Bridge: Dick 'n' Harry.  What was T.C.'s friend really reading?  Hint: it begins with an aardvark.

writing, puns, submissions, memes

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