Aug 24, 2005 22:56
Heh. Well I have a test tommorow in
Alg II. I've only been awake in that class for 2 lessons....out of 2
weeks. I get most of it but it's just bullshit in my opinion. I swear
i'm the only one who kicks ass at DDR in my entire town. I only know 2
other guys who kick ass who I met at school when the Anime Club played
DDR. I played on hard pads so I wasn't used to it and my feet hurt like
hell....I remember that screw. Anyways that was last year. My brother
is saying something about a War History Club that they plan on just
taking laptops for most every meeting and playing Command And Conquer
and Starcraft, hence the "war strategy" in the game. I would just
go to play Starcraft LAN games, though my laptop blows slug ass. Paco
(sister's boyfriend, his real name is Jessie) got pissed at some beaner
in chemistry for saying he was making out in the hall and he yelled out
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!"...I got scrared, heh. Anyways I feel like going out
and buying DDR on PS2 just to get a new one to play since I've
basically mastered Ultramix 1 and 2.
Call me strange but i'm watching this thing of a
fursuiter play's on light and he looses. I could pwn still in
a fursuit. That sounds fun, I'm going to try that one day. Anyway I
looted an UBER CA in SWG today. +3 melee def, +13 double-bladed saber
accuracy, +4 two-handed saber accuracy. I sold it in an hour for 10.5
mil. Now i'm the richest i've ever been. I got 1 more box in
investigation to go to get MBH and then i'll be full temp. Got my 5th
box in FS too. By the way Joe, I made a dude on Bloodfin named Seyda.
If you see me on send me a tell.
I got a real bad urge to play DDR so badly!!! ARH! I
want to go find an arcade and go there with like 100 bucks to blow on
it. Oh yea! My orchestra is doing a trip down to Disney World this year
I think during spring break. It's like $550 dollars though. I plan on
going real bad but if we don't have enough people going we can't go.
This is mainly to compete in Festival Disney. It's a competition where
3 judges will grade us on our preformance, 4 to 1, 1 being best. In
middle school we got 1s both time and last year we got a 2 because we
played music higher than our level and if we played music 1 level lower
we would have gotten a 1. But basically I really want to go to get out
of the house atleast 1 time every 10 years, heh. I can't remember the
last big trip we had... Anyways I also wanted to say this so incase you
get a chance TJ to go off work and come by and see me i'll be there.
I'll try to get specific information on it though.
Oh well. I think i'm going to skip next week just to
catch up on sleep. I have HUGE marks under my eyes. I get more sleep
during class than at home. I would sleep when I get home but I am
addicted to grinding BH kinda so I do that instead of napping. I just
about literally FELL out of my chair in french. I was just sitting
there listening and repeating after some nasaly lady with the class and
all of the sudden.....i'm holding myself up from the floor about a foot
off it.
I'm so confused about fucking school right now. I
can't focus on anything at all. I want to drop out of math and take
another orchestra class because thats the only thing I love about
school. Just going in the morning and heading in that room and just
playing my heart out...I love it. I'm not even good though...I hate
going in there and being the worst in my section...I know befor I said
I was one of the top cellists in my class...I lied. I suck, everyone
else rather has a cello or has private lessons or something else that
makes them so much better than me. I love playing I just hate playing
bad. I feel like i'm out of my league in that class. I want to drop
down to Concert Orchestra but then i'd be surrounded by freshmen who
are probably better too. I just hate all of this shit. I hate to show
this side of me but I just feel inadequte in EVERYTHING I do! I don't
even know why I try at these things.
I'm too damn stressed out right now...bye.