Eh up! Been to see Watchmen again today. I do love it so. I went with my Dad this time so the patented Zack Snyder sex scene was rather uncomfortable to watch. However much I love to watch Patrick Wilson's cute little bum ocsilating in cinema-scope, it feels a tad wrong while sitting next to my da'.
So on to other things. I've not posted any links in a while.
David Mitchell's latest column - He mentions googling himself and finding some pretty loathsome comments. Poor bairn! Just in case he ever stumbles upon this journal whilst partaking in drunken googling (as I am bound to mention the marvellous Mister Mitchell frequently) I would just like to say that I adore David Mitchell. I think I own more or less everything he's ever done (including around 70% of my sky+ filled with panel shows on which he has appeared). Although I would like to say that I am not entirely without bias; I do own a little heard of sketch show called 'Blunder' which, all I can say, was aptly named (sorry David!). I have often found myself describing him as my ideal man; he's intelligent, cute and pant-wettingly funny. So David Mitchell, I salute you! *salutes* And, can I just add, I'm not as scary as I sound. Hehe.[/gush over]
Also courtesy of Mr Mitchell:
If You Like It So Much Why Don't You Go Live There dotcom - a blog filled with hilarious comments by stupid people. Go laugh at their ignorance and idiocy!
That's all I got for now. I will be posting my Watchmen icons forthwith. I've ran out of inspiration from the limited screencaps I have. I think I'll be making some Hard Candy icons next (yes, Patrick Wilson again. But also the immensely fantabulousness this is Ellen Page).
Mayhem out!