Dec 30, 2008 01:15
Just in case any of my relatives find this, I'll start this post by saying that I love you all very much and I'm sure you all know the aunt I'm talking about and I'm sure it's not you. (Note to non-relatives: My mom has five sisters, spread across the country. I have a lot of aunts.)
I got a phone call from my aunt, which is in itself a miracle. She NEVER talks to me or my sister because she has an ancient grudge against my mom, or maybe it's just because my sister and I aren't cute enough to warrant any attention. Our family thought it was a miracle when she sent my sister a Best Buy gift card this year (although granted, she didn't even wrap it in anything other than the little box it came in).
So she calls me up and asks me how my Christmas went, and I say that I had to work. She says "Oh." Then she goes on to say, and I quote:
"Well thanks for the pajamas and slippers, but I don't like pajamas."
"Oh," I say, wondering why she's telling me this. "Um... I'm sorry. But I got them from JC Penney's, so they shouldn't be hard to return--"
"I'm going to return them, but you didn't give me a gift receipt and now I won't get the full cash value for them."
Oh-kaaaaayyyy.... So now I'm a bit offended. If you don't like a gift, you don't specifically call the giver up and tell them that you're angry because you won't get a lot of money for them. If you want to return the gift, go ahead and return it-- I honestly won't mind. It was the thought that counts. But I expect you to at least be polite! Don't freakin' call me about it!!
"I didn't keep the receipt, sorry," I say, trying to hide my annoyance.
"Oh, fine," she replies. "It's just, there's sales going on right now and I'll be stuck getting the sale price for them. It's really annoying. Next year, I want whoever gets my name in the family Christmas Grab Bag to donate money to a charity. Will you tell them that?"
So now I'm a messenger girl, too.
"Oh, sure." Because since they're YOUR sisters, it clearly makes sense for RANDOM NIECE to relay this information.
So she asks me if my dad liked the gift my uncle gave him, and I said politely said yes despite the fact that I honestly don't know. She was pleased. Then she hung up.