Aug 11, 2007 20:05
I'm going on a mini-hiatus. I say 'mini' because I'm not sure for how long it will be; it might only last a couple of days depending on my mood or it might last longer. It's not for any wanky or emo reason or anything, I'm just feeling very weighed down by all this LJ drama and rather despondent that my f-list is slowly breaking itself apart into various new homes one person at a time. And that's a really big downer. And I don't come on the internet to be bummed out. I'm still not willing to relocate to the other journals for various reasons, but I'm becoming increasingly ticked off with LJ and don't know that I want them having my business in the future either. Basically I'm not loving teh intarwebs so much right now, so I'm just going to step back for a little bit.
I'll still be checking e-mail (my account is listed in my profile) and maintaining my community responsibilities, but that's it for right now.
lj you suck